My Healing Game

Chapter 891: Hidden professional criminal

"What kind of monster is that? How can there be such an ugly and terrifying thing in the world?"

Da Nie is the incarnation of disaster, with an aura of misfortune lingering around him, as if it is a ghost running from the deepest part of Area A.

The Bureau of Investigation had never seen this kind of "creature" before, and they looked at each other suspiciously, waiting for instructions from high-level officials.

"It doesn't seem to have the intention of hurting Teacher Gao. It looks more like it is protecting Gao Cheng." Fu Lie came from Eternal Life Pharmaceuticals. He has seen countless monsters in the laboratory, but he is the first deformed species like Da Nie Encountered once.

"Why do I feel that this new monster is a bit like a domesticated pet of Teacher Gao?" The deputy captain of the logistics squadron asked everyone to stop attacking. She moved forward slowly and stopped at a distance of more than 20 meters from Da Nie.

With the help of his grateful personality, the vice-captain conveyed his kindness to Da Nie. After communicating for a long time, the vice-captain tried to move in the direction of the investigation bureau. To everyone's surprise, Da Nie also started to move with the vice-captain.

They kept a distance of thirty meters, leaving a dark path of disaster in the middle of the road.

"The investigation team and the logistics team cleaned up the deep sea aquarium! The inspection team opened the way! The rest of the team guarded the surrounding area and must bring Gao Cheng back to the investigation bureau safely!"

The voice of the captain of the investigation squadron came from the black ring. This time it was all thanks to Han Fei's help to hunt down the top hatred. If he hadn't used Gao Cheng to occupy one of the eyes of the god, even if the four eight-time personality awakeners shot together. It's hard to hunt down the opponent.

The other members of the investigation bureau were also extremely nervous. Han Fei had seven awakened greedy personalities in the past. He was the most potential person in the investigation bureau. The strongest combat power!

Destroying a large stronghold by one person was no joke, so they wanted to keep Han Fei no matter what.

The members of the investigation bureau who thought Han Fei was too extreme in the past are now guarding Han Fei with all their strength. His importance to the investigation bureau has surpassed the other eight personality owners.

The evil that carried Han Fei didn't understand this. It only knew that these people had no ill intentions towards its master, so it followed them. Once someone plotted against Han Fei, it would immediately kill them.

From the Abyss Aquarium to the Disaster Investigation Bureau, there is a cursed and desperate road left on the deserted road. It is almost like telling all the ghosts nakedly that the top hatred of the Abyss Aquarium is the disaster investigation bureau. Yes, all ghosts come if they can.

This hunt made a lot of noise. After all, killing the top hatred and breaking through the tricky building is a big event for the survivors of the entire city.

The large strongholds in other areas will receive news one after another. The existence of Han Fei and Da Nie will definitely not be concealed, but I hope that even if Xincheng knows that Han Fei has taken Da Nie away, they probably don't have the guts to target Han Fei now.

From noon to evening, the investigation bureau's convoy crossed the city aggressively, and returned to the investigation bureau under the guidance of strong lights.

They designated a special area for Han Fei and Da Nie, and then gathered all the auxiliary personality owners and doctors together to prepare for the treatment of Han Fei.

Swallowing top-level hatred alive, this kind of thing that only happened in legends really happened, and countless residents came to watch from afar.

In the past, there were only ghosts eating people, but now there is an investigator who specializes in eating ghosts in the investigation bureau, and everyone wants to see him.

They approached with curiosity, but soon they were overwhelmed by the astonishing aura of disaster and despair on Han Fei's body, and they trembled in fright.

They couldn't figure out why the aura emanating from a living person was more terrifying than any ghost.

In order not to waste this rare opportunity, the teachers in the investigation bureau school also organized a group of students with the most potential to visit and experience the power of disaster up close.

The students in Class 7 also received the news, but this time they did not help Han Fei. No. 2 seemed to have other plans. They had figured out the investigation bureau's cards, and they were leaving the investigation bureau secretly more and more , no one knew exactly what they were trying to do.

In the past, Han Fei was in charge of them, but now they are even more lawless. They even tried to hypnotize the teacher and wash them in reverse.

brain and so on.

From day to night, the crowd of onlookers gradually dispersed, and only Da Nie was left with Han Fei in the restricted area.

It was lying on the ground, its body coiled in a circle, and from time to time, it would lightly arch Han Fei with its head, and blew twice at Han Fei in a low voice.

Ignoring the appearance, Da Xie behaved like a loyal dog guarding the body of its master and unwilling to leave.

At this time, Han Fei didn't know what was going on outside, and his mental will was at the most dangerous moment.

Healing the personality drives all the personalities that Han Fei obtained from the mental hospital, and the galaxy shines, constantly purifying the spiritual pollution.

The two huge eyeballs inside the Abyss of Greed crazily collided with each other. Every time they collided, countless memory fragments would fall off, and the Abyss of Greed was covered with cracks.

Han Fei used his last will to order all the ghosts to help Gao Cheng together, but even if the time, place and people were in harmony, Gao Cheng and Gao Xing still couldn't help each other.

Not knowing what to do, Han Fei can only do everything possible to strengthen the abyss of greed and reorganize the broken place.

The ghosts that were previously imprisoned in the abyss became materials for reshaping the abyss, such as the flower of resentment that was born in the catastrophe. Han Fei used the healing starlight to make it grow rapidly, let it root its roots into the abyss cliff, and hold it firmly. Those broken ambitions.

In addition to the imprisoned ghosts, the Abyss of Greed had also swallowed countless ghosts before. Their ghost bodies formed part of the abyss, and their special abilities were also banned in it.

At the beginning, Gao Cheng and Han Fei only pursued efficiency and speed, eating and eating constantly, without considering the ability to refine and utilize these "ingredients".

Now that the abyss collapsed, Han Fei began to try to bring out all the characteristics of ghosts in order to maintain the abyss.

In the process of destroying and rebuilding again and again, Kong Tiancheng helped Han Fei a lot.

This special ghost from Area A keeps the secrets of the two major companies, Deep Space Technology and Eternal Life Pharmaceuticals, and knows most of the ghosts in the catastrophe. He is like an encyclopedia of souls, designed for Han Fei. the optimal solution.

In fact, Kong Tiancheng didn't want to help Han Fei with all his strength, but he had no other choice at all. He was still in Han Fei's brain. If Han Fei's personality really collapsed, he would suffer too.

The Abyss of Greed has become the stage for top-level hate fights. During the high-intensity and continuous restoration, Han Fei's greedy personality has undergone a qualitative change.

The former Abyss of Greed was like a place of exile shrouded in death and despair, but now the Abyss of Greed has become a sinful world made up of remnants of ghosts and ghosts, collecting all kinds of negative emotions in the world.

Eternal starlight, flowers and plants that can grow by themselves, all kinds of fish and monsters swimming in the black deep sea.

The eyes of the gods are composed of memories in reality, and the countless crimes he has collected are hidden in the eyes. As the two eyeballs continue to collide, those worst crimes in the world also fall into the abyss, turning into crying souls one by one, tortured and punished.

The Abyss of Greed turned into an extremely evil world. After experiencing all this, Han Fei seemed to have had a very long dream, and his consciousness was completely reborn, following a transformation of his personality.

This kind of change is not only a change in the memory world of the shrine, but his own brain and spirit have also been affected, and even he in reality has begun to become different.

"Resentment ignites the black fire and turns into hatred. Only when the ghost moth of hatred grows into the world can it become unspeakable!"

The experience of hatred transforming into the unspeakable is very rare, but Han Fei experienced it completely and personally.

The abyss of greed became more and more stable, and the fight between the eyes of the two gods became more and more fierce. Both sides wanted to put each other to death, and the blood of sins splattered, and the sins that were hidden deep in the happy memory were all exposed.

Only after really touching the happy real memory can we know what a terrifying person he is.

Countless people died because of him, and he recast an area of ​​the deep world by virtue of his sins, so that he became unspeakable.

He needs a constant stream of sin, and all that is negative can be his strength.

but now

Han Fei took the opposite path to him. In the abyss of greed, Han Fei wanted to punish all crimes and eliminate all crimes.

All the evils that were happily collected in the eyes were now pulled into the abyss by Han Fei to be tortured and killed.

During this constant see-saw process, when Han Fei was almost numb, he suddenly heard a system Player number 0000, please pay attention, you have punished more than 100 criminals! Successfully collected 100 crimes and obtained the qualification to change jobs as a hidden professional crime detective!

"Player number 0000, please pay attention! You have killed more than a hundred villains with the cruelest means, and you have obtained the qualification to change your job as a hidden professional criminal!"

"Attention! The number of criminals you have tortured and killed has exceeded one hundred and twenty! Please stay awake! Don't be dominated by killing!"

"Attention! You have killed more than one hundred and fifty criminals! Excessive killing will cause you to fall into darkness!"

"Attention! The number of criminals you have tortured and killed has exceeded 200! Killing without reason and humanity will cause you to lose the qualification to change your job as a criminal detective!"

"Attention! The number of criminals you tortured and killed exceeds 300! You lose the qualification to change the job of the criminal detective, and the qualification to change the job of the prisoner's hidden job enters the second stage!"

"Kill as much as you want! Go to extremes! Go to madness! Go to destruction!"

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