A/N: Here ya go lovely people! I'm back in the... writing thing... Not that enthusiastic was it?


The day of the Sports Festival, U.A. gates were being flooded by media personnel and heroes from all over Japan.

In our preparation room, I was taking deep breaths while the rest of my classmates were chatting with each other. I could feel it. Some were excited, some were nervous and some were able to maintain their calm.

Todoroki suddenly got up from his seat and approached me. I was curious as to what he wanted to say.

"Midoriya, objectively speaking, I am better than you and my quirk is more versatile..."

I raised an eyebrow, thinking where he was going with it.

"... But somehow, I've seen All Might taking interest in you. I've seen him paying more attention to you. I won't pry upon it but, I will beat you."

I stared at him, trying to process what he meant by All Might paying more attention to me. Did he remember me from when I stopped that sludge villain? I decided to think about it later.

"You'll beat me? All Might pays more attention to me? I don't know what you're trying to achieve with this, declaration of sorts, but I don't care about this competition. To me, this is just a show for people to see the up and coming heroes and know that they will be safe in the future. This whole competition thing? It's a distraction. Why does it even matter if you're the top hero? Being a hero, you have to save people, your rank or fame doesn't affect that does it? And about beating me? Dream on! I won't lose to someone who won't use half of his quirk. You never used your fire even during the villain attack. You think too highly of yourself if that's how you plan to win this stupid competition."

I was really pissed at that half-and-half idiot. Yeah, I may sound like Katsuki but Todoroki really pissed me off with his attitude. What if because of him not using his fire quirk, someone had died during the attack? Moreover, how could he even be so arrogant to think that he could win just by using 50% of his powers? Did he really think that everyone was so weak he won't have to put any effort into winning?

As everyone stared at us in awe and not a little amount of shock, Present Mic made an announcement for the first-year students to come out into the stadium.

"It's U.A. Sports Festival!! The time of each year when our fledgeling heroes compete in a ruthless grand battle!! First up... You know who I'm talking about!! The miraculous rising stars who brushed off a villain attack with their steely willpower!! The first year's of the hero course!!"

The R-rated hero, Midnight, was our organizer. As we were being addressed, my eyes wandered around and found themselves glued to her body and her costume. Some really nice thoughts made their presence known in my mind. I shook my head and concentrated on what was being said.

"... And now, for the student's oath! You're representative is, from class 1-A, Midoriya Izuku!!"

I ignored whatever my fellow batchmates we're saying as I made my way to the stage. Standing in front of the mike, I simply said, "The oath? Let's show the world what we U.A. students are capable of. Let's go Plus Ultra!!"

I admit it was simple but it got the job done. Everyone was pumped up to do their best as the spectators cheered for us.

The first qualifier was an obstacle course race. Every year it was something new. But I didn't care. Whatever the challenge U.A. would throw at me, I was ready to plough through them.

As Present Mic announced the start of the race, I activated armament and jumped over the crowd of students in front of me as they tried to exit the narrow passage.

Todoroki was using his ice to slide ahead of others. I dashed ahead in a sprint.

The first obstacle was the faux villains from the entrance test. Even the zero pointer robots we're part of the obstacle.

I heard Present Mic giving commentary, "Every obstacle course needs obstacles!! The first obstacle is, Robot Inferno!!"

Jumping straight to the zero pointer's head, I roared and punched it. My new ability granted an exponential increase in speed and strength. Needless to say, the zero pointer was lifted off the ground as the force behind my punch obliterated its head.

Present Mic squawked at my display of strength as the students on the ground gaped with their mouths wide open. I could feel the cold behind my back, so I didn't need to look back to see Todoroki taking care of rest of the faux villains.

I dashed forward without hesitation just as I heard Katsuki using his quirk to manoeuvre himself in the air, throwing profanities from his shit of a mouth. Really, could he not act unhinged all the time?

The next obstacle was a canyon with two ends connected by numerous ropes. I increased my speed as I approached it and jumped, crossing the entire canyon in one single leap.

Present Mic yelled into the microphone, "Midoriya Izuku is the first one to cross the second obstacle!!

Aizawa, what do you teach your students?! They are ploughing through this race!!"

Aizawa-sensei replied, "Midoriya is one of the most hard-working students in my class. The results of his hard work are evident in this race."

I smirked as I heard sensei compliment me.

The next obstacle was a mine zone. I could easily see where the mines were if I looked carefully. I activated barriers around my feet. For an obstacle course race, it was surprisingly very easy to cross each and every obstacle. I just made a dash to the mine zone's exit. I even tripped some mines but I was just too fast for them to affect me. The training at the beach really did wonders to my abilities.

"Midoriya Izuku is the first one to cross the third obstacle!! The rest of the students are still crossing the second!! It seems we'll have our winner very soon!!"

'Huh, the others are surprisingly very slow...' I thought as I jogged towards the finish line. Even being far away from the rest, I could still hear Katsuki's swearing as he madly used his quirk to reach the finish line.

Seconds later, I was back in the stadium as the spectators cheered loudly for me.

"YEAH!!! We have a winner!! Midoriya Izuku, of class 1-A, has managed to finish the race in record time!!"

"Too loud..." Aizawa-sensei mumbled.

I smiled as I was being cheered for. It felt nice. Though the moment was ruined when Todoroki entered the stadium, closely followed by Katsuki and his unhinged swearing.

Standing idly, I wondered what his hero moniker would be. The swearing hero: Short fuse? Perhaps... I could suggest that to him... Nah, I didn't want to listen to his migraine-inducing voice any more than I already had to.

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