As I made my way to the ring, a certain douchebag decided to grace his presence and try to ruin my mood.

Endeavour walk towards me in an imposing way and said, "Hey, there you are."

I tried, trust me, I really tried but I couldn't hide my disgust from the jerk, "What'd you want?"

His eye twitched at my sudden hostility but he didn't let it affect him, "I saw what you did out there. You have an amazing quirk. Defeating all thirty-nine of your opponents with a mental attack and creating enough force to shatter the concrete just by releasing force from your body. In terms of strength, yours is comparable to All Might."

I forcefully exhaled and asked, "What are you getting at?"

"My boy Shoto, he has a duty to surpass All Might. His match against will prove a valuable test. So give it your all. Put up a good fight against him. That's all I have to say. Sorry for my bluntness."

I stood there with my feet frozen in place. Just as Endeavour was about to turn away in the corridor, I asked, my voice frigid from restrained anger, "What did you do to your son for him to deny half of his quirk? What did you do to him for him to be so messed up that he despises the fact that he inherited your fire quirk?"

Endeavour looked back at me as a drop of sweat rolled down his cheek. I had released a small amount of Conqueror's will, subconsciously, but it was enough to make an impact.

He cleared his throat and replied, "He's just in a rebellious phase."

I immediately said, "I'm not All Might, Endeavour, and Todoroki Shoto isn't you. Do you know why you could never surpass All Might? Let me tell you why. You're an a.s.s of a man with a very toxic personality. I don't know what you did to your son, but you better correct it before it's too late for him. With the way he's denying his quirk, he'll get himself and some innocent civilian killed by a villain."

I walked away without giving the asshole a chance to say anything.

I entered the ring as Present Mic began, "Both of these competitors have performed incredibly in the sports festival so far!! But there's only room for one of these greats in the ring!! It's... Midoriya vs Todoroki!!!"


As expected, Todoroki used his ice quirk to do a ranged attack and try to freeze me. I quickly dodged sideways and ran towards him.

"Are you still not gonna use your fire quirk?!"

I got annoyed when I didn't get an answer. He was so stubborn! Dodging another ranged attack, I closed in towards his side in a burst of speed. Knowing he wasn't gonna use fire, I c.o.c.ked my fist back and swung it to the left side of his face.

He created ice to freeze my arm but it wasn't firable enough to stop my fist from connecting his jaw in such a way that it rattled his brain. I did not hold back when I punched him, thus sending him spinning in the air and to the other side of the ring.

I didn't give him a chance to recover and showered him with punches and kicks so quick, that he couldn't even react. Every hit was targetted to his left side, the side from which he could produce fire.

After a few seconds of beatdown, I moved away just in time to evade a fierce attack by Todoroki's ice. He was panting heavily, his face was bloody and riddled with cuts and bruises. His left arm and leg were trembling from being constantly hit by my elbows and knees and I could heavy bruising all along his forearm.

He was in a pretty bad state.

I smirked mockingly and said, "What's the matter, Todoroki? Weren't you gonna defeat me? You haven't been able to put a scratch on me while your own condition right is pretty terrible. All that when I wasn't even using my quirk. Why don't you try using the other half of your quirk? Because right now, I'm pretty bored."

His voice trembled as he winced in pain, "I will never use his quirk. I'll become the top hero only with my mother's quirk. That way I would have denied him completely. He married my mother because wanted a tool who could surpass All Might. He drove my mother to madness..."

He touched the scar on his left eye as he continued, "... My mother spilt boiling hot water on my face, saying she couldn't bear to look at my left side. No, I refuse to use his quirk. I will deny him of everything."

I glared at him and began, "I can understand the reasoning for you to despise him. But, what would you do when you're stuck in a situation in which you just have to use your fire quirk? Are you willing to let someone die because of it?"

Todoroki yelled, "I will not use his quirk, ever!!"

I yelled back, "Your power is your own!! Don't you want to be a hero? If you don't give your all in becoming number one, then I don't think you are serious enough to deny him everything! Use both of your quirks to become a better hero than your shitty father could ever be! Become the kind of hero your mother would have wanted you to be and could be proud of!"

Something flickered in his eyes when I mentioned his mother. I patiently waited for him the decide the outcome of his internal battle with his emotions.

Finally, I saw a sliver of a smile appear on his face as his left side lit up, fire blazing from his face and arm.

He finally used it. He finally accepted his quirk. I smiled back as I could finally use my quirk and beat him while he was doing his best.

"I thought you wanted to win? So why are you trying to inspire me? Which one of us isn't taking this seriously now? I want to be a hero too!" Todoroki said with a wide grin.

All of a sudden, Endeavour yelled from the stands, "SHOTO!!! So you finally accepted it! Yes! Excellent!! It all starts now for you! With my blood pumping through your veins, you will surpass me! You will fulfil my ambitions!!"

Stupid assface ruined the moment. I yelled for everyone in the stadium to hear, "Stop shouting you idiot!! And stop having an o.r.g.a.s.m from your son you sick freak!!!"

I ignored his 'What did you say?!' and turned to Todoroki who was looking a little pale.

"Don't ever say that again..."

I stifled a laugh as he went paler by the second.

Annoyed at what I said, Todoroki shook his head and began, "I'm too wounded to fight you for a longer time. Let's end this with our strongest moves."

He only recieved a wolfish grin from me as armament rippled around my body. My legs and fists got engulfed with bright green coloured aura as I planted my left foot on the ground and prepared to him Todoroki with the strongest attack I could perform.

Todoroki froze the entire ring as ice rushed towards me at blinding speed. With a burst of power, I jumped over the ice and towards Todoroki while pulling my fist back to prepare my attack.

Todoroki immediately brought his left hand up and melted the ice within seconds.

I could faintly hear the heroes yelling.


"Cementoss!! They'll destroy the entire stadium!! Do something!!"

"... On it!"

Large walls of concrete erupted from the ring between us while the entire ring was being enclosed in thick walls to prevent our attacks from reaching the spectators.

The sudden heating up of cold air and water vapour created a massive explosion from Todoroki's side as I punched forward to send a concentrated beam of pure force of my willpower at him.

(A/N: For a better picture, imagine Jiren's beam attack he does with his fist in the tournament of power, but instead or red, it is green in colour and much, much less devastating and lethal.)

The concrete walls were utterly decimated and my attack pierced through them to hit Todoroki directly in the abdomen, flinging him out of the ring and embedded him into the walls enclosing us.

When the dust settled, I stood victorious in the ring as I saw the then fainted Todoroki fall from the indentation in the wall.

"Todoroki is out of bounds. Midoriya moves to the third round!!"


A/N: The battle in the anime was so damn epic. I just hope this was even 1/8th as exciting at the canon battle. I blame my poor writing skills and little knowledge of literary devices that could make it much more exciting to read.

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