Watching Kendo's and Katsuki's battle was making me anxious. Katsuki was doing everything he could to blast Kendo away as she desperately evaded his attacks.

The battle was intense. Kendo was a trained fighter while Katsuki mostly relied on his masterful control over his quirk and his battle instinct.

Using her big fist quirk, Kendo swung her palm towards Katsuki's side and managed to hit him. But Katsuki managed to soften the blow by creating an explosion against her palm.

Kendo stumbled away as she winced in pain. Meanwhile, Katsuki managed to prevent himself from being eliminated by a ring out as he used his quirk to stop himself from going over the boundary.

In a desperate attempt to win, Kendo ran towards Katsuki and attempted to hit him with a powerful palm strike. But Katsuki's instincts took over and he jumped over her head.

Kendo immediately realized that she made a grave error in her judgement. She tried to turn around but was sent flying outside the ring by an explosion against her back.

"Kendo has been eliminated by ring out!! Bakugo advances to the finals!!!"

The spectators cheered for both of them.

After an enthusiastic 'YEAHHH!!' Present Mic rallied the spectators, "Looks like the final is set. It's Midoriya Izuku versus Bakugo Katsuki!!!"

There was a fifteen-minute break before the final round began.

I met Kendo as she was making her way to Recovery Girl. Her eyes were a little puffy and watery, means she had been crying, of course she was crying. She had lost in semi-finals just a few minutes ago.

I exhaled and said, "Come on."

Kendo was sitting on the bed and I was standing right in front of her.

"Wanna talk about it?"

Kendo looked up at me and took a deep breath before replying, "I really wanted to win and face you in the finals. I don't think you remember me, but we used to go to the same dojo in our childhood."

I smiled and replied while ruffling her messy hair, "How could I ever forget my tomboyish sparring partner? You were the only one who could give me a challenge. Training at the dojo was really boring after you and your family moved away."

Itsuka pouted and looked away as a blush crept on her cheeks, "I resent that! I could never defeat you. And stop ruffling my hair! They are already very messy, stupid Zuzu! I was so formal with you because I thought you forgot about me. I bet you were having a lot of fun seeing me act like that."

I smirked as she grew indignant and huffed, "It was funny seeing you struggle so much while talking to me. You were so uptight I had to try my best not to start laughing."

Itsuka growled as the blush on her cheeks grew brighter.

I placed my hand on her head and gently rested my forehead against hers. Smiling and ignoring the steam coming off her face, I said, "I missed you, Ken-chan. You fought brilliantly today. No matter what anyone says, I'm proud of you. From that tomboy who I believed was literally a boy for many weeks, you've grown up to be a very responsible and a wonderful girl."

As I moved away, I heard her mummer meekly, "I missed you too, Zuzu."

Being a more simple-minded person, Tetsutetsu walked out of the crowd and jabbed his finger towards me, "You! What are you doing here?!"

I simply shrugged and replied, "She was in my team for cavalry battle. I just came here to ask if she was alright as I was on my way to preparation room."

Turning towards Itsuka, I smirked mischievously and said, "Well, I'll be on my way, 'Kendo-san'. Won't you wish me luck?"

Her eye twitched a few times as she struggled to not punch me with her quirk, "Best of luck, 'Midoriya-san'."

With my shoulders trembling as I struggled to control my laughter and quickly left for the preparation room.

I sat down on a chair and began concentrating on the match. It would be the first time Katsuki and I would be going all out against each other. For the past ten years, we had been at each other's necks. That final battle was the deciding fight to see who was better among us. I know, it wasn't very 'heroic', but settling a ten-year-old rivalry, I was really looking forward to the fight.

I walked out of the room and made my way to the ring. On the other side, I could see Katsuki already standing in the ring with an ugly smirk on his face. It made him look downright hideous! Seriously dude, at least try to look a little less like a villain!

"YEAHHHH..." I think there's no need to tell who that was...

"At last, we've arrived!! The best of the best among U.A. will be decided! It's the final match, Midoriya versus Bakugo!!!"

"Now, START!!!"

None of us waited for the other to make the first move. Katsuki propelled himself in my direction with his explosions as I covered my entire body with Armament.

As always, Katsuki began with the right swing. Stepping sideways, I effortlessly dodged it and spun around and delivered a spinning kick on his face.

Even though my kick had hurt him, Katsuki Immediately got up and rained explosions at me. Again, I dodged them all as I knew exactly where he was going to attack, thanks to my 'Will of Observation'.

Frustrated that he couldn't land any hits on me, Katsuki jumped back and brought his palms together to create an area-wide explosion, similar to the one he used to destroy Uraraka's final attack.

It was too close for me to dodge and the attack threw me several feet away. Despite the smoke coming off my body, I wasn't hurt very bad. The heat was more annoying than painful.

Letting go of the thought of prolonging the battle and tiring Katsuki, I decided to duke it out with him.

With my fists and feet covered with bright green barriers, I countered every explosion from his palms with punches and kicks.

No matter how much Katsuki tried couldn't surpass my speed. I was able to hit him quite a few times despite Katsuki trying his best to stop the blows with explosions. With a roar, I kicked him under his jaw and sent him flying in the air. Without wasting any time, I jumped after him and kicked him in the abdomen to send him crashing down on the ring.

Katsuki was hurt, very badly. it took him a few seconds to get back on his feet as he coughed blood.

There wasn't much left he could try to defeat me. He created some distance between us and propelled himself up in the air. Using his quirk, he began spinning himself rapidly as he descended towards me like a blazing tornado.

Not phased by what looked like an ultimate move, I ran towards him, fully intending to end the battle.

With his palm a few inches away from my face, he yelled, "HOWITZER IMPACT!!"

It really was a devastating attack. But I had already anticipated it. Right when he was about to create an explosion from his palm, I spun around my body axis in the direction of the blow and watched as his attack missed my nose by a hair's breadth.

It felt like time itself had slowed down as my intensely glowing fist was about to connect with his abdomen. I could see Katsuki's eyes growing impossibly wide when I said, "It's over."

A beam of piercing green aura struck Katsuki's abdomen that sent him tumbling and skidding all across the ring. Only when his body collided with the barricade outside the ring did it come to a stop.

There was a moment of silence in the stadium. I stomped my foot on the ground and roared on the top of my lungs as the crowd showered me with thunderous applauds and cheers.

"Bakugo is out of bounds, Midoriya is the winner!!"

"And that concludes our contest! The first-year winner of U.A.'s Sports Festival is... Midoriya Izuku of class 1-A!!!"


"Owari da..."

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