I was very tense for the next few days. I knew that I had killed dozens of people the night Stain was apprehended and the feeling of guilt, the feeling of being weak never went away.

I was weak as I couldn't control my powers. I was weak as I couldn't control my emotions. I vowed to never let my emotions get the better of me. Heroes were not the law enforcement. Heroes weren't supposed to kill. The whole incident with Stain overshadowed the murders of those gang members and it was just considered to be an massacre between two gangs.

Stain, there was a presence around him that scared all the heroes who were present that night. The overwhelming pressure of his fierce ideals, the sense of duty... like All Might. Stain was charismatic. But what made the situation worse was that a video of him facing us was released, a video of him standing up to the heroes, it spread like wildfire. On the internet, on news and on magazines, his words reached out to the world.

The media was already making the connection between Stain and the League of Villains. The league soon began attracting villains to it. From a gang that attacked U.A., it was becoming an organization with something to say.

From the looks of it, Shigaraki wasn't of sound mind. Thus, there was someone else pulling the strings, someone whom Shigaraki answered to. With the League becoming popular, it acted like a magnet and attracted thugs from all over the country.

If that was their plan from the beginning, something far more sinister was rising from the shadows. I was hit with a sudden sense of urgency to gain total control over my quirk, to master it. Soon, I forgot about the killings, but I remembered the lesson I learnt.

Fortunately, Gran Torino's teaching license was not revoked and he continued to help me with 'One for All' and its inclusive use with 'Willpower'. Along with that, I also learnt to project 'Will of Armament' into objects that were in direct contact with my body. So, I picked up weapon training alongside training with my quirk. Since I couldn't use lethal force against villains, I began training in using a variety of blunt weapons. Although the time I had was too less to get any form of mastery in them.

As my time training with Gran Torino came to an end, I departed from his house and went back to U.A., Musutafu.

But before I could leave, he made sure to reprimand me for going after Stain all on my own.

"... That's all I have to say. Now get out of here!"

As I was leaving, he called, "Kid!"

I turned around as he continued, "Who are you again?!"

The f.u.c.k?!

"I don't think I need to tell you what my name is!"

"That's not what I asked."

Oh... Oh!!

"It's 'Armoured Hero: Emerald Knight'!"

"Too long!!"


"I think just 'EM Knight' is also fine..."


Classes resumed two days after I returned from my internship. Everyone was excited to share their experiences.

Strangely enough, Itsuka had chosen Uwabami for her internship, along with Yaoyorozu. Well, I enjoyed teasing her about it and asked for some pictures of her modelling and posing in front of the camera. Suffice to say she was both angry and embarrassed. Ken-chan was so easy to rile up, even during our childhood. Although she was all fierce when kids made fun of her and called her too boyish. Beating them black and blue used to be her favourite pass time.

But even better than teasing Itsuka was... Katsuki's hair! Before he ruffled his hair back to their usual state, I made sure to click a picture of him. We still make fun of him from time to time when his ego starts acting up. It's very humbling for him.

Uraraka had chosen Gunhead and learnt close combat at his agency.

When I asked her about the internship, she replied while performing katas, "Midoriya-kun, it was very... instructive."

"Ochako's had some kind of awakening, kero."

"Such a transformation in one week..."

Mineta replied to Kaminari while looking paranoid, "Transformation is wrong Kaminari... All women hide their demonic m.a.t.u.r.e deep within them."

'What the f.u.c.k happened to him with Mt. Lady?'

But soon, everyone's attention turned to us as Kaminari said, "Now if you wanna talk about the most transformative experience..."

He looked at me, Todoroki and Iida and continued, "... That'd be the one you three had!"

"Yeah! The one with the Hero Killer!!"

"I was so worried."

"I'm just glad you're all still alive."

"But Endeavour came and saved you right? That's our number two hero for you!!"

Yeah... the number two hero saved us. I was kinda surprised he didn't use the chance to ruin my career. But I guessed since his son was involved...

Ojiro began, "So I saw on the news that they think Hero Killer's connected to the League of Villains? I hate to think how things could have turned out if a scary guy like him had shown up during USJ attack."

'That's the problem... he's not affiliated with those sc.u.mbags. The police knows that. F.u.c.k.i.n.g media is doing free advertis.e.m.e.nt for the League.'

Kaminari continued after him, "Hold on, sure, he's scary. But did you watch that video, Ojiro? You can see his tenacity, his one-track mind. Kinda cool, don't you think?"

Before anyone could say anything, the classroom was flooded by my will.

"Cool?! Do you think that murdering psychopath is cool? He killed seventeen heroes, Kaminari! There's nothing cool about it. And before you say things like this, learn to look around and see who all can hear you," I said as I nodded towards Iida.

Suffice to say Kaminari was sufficiently cowed.

But Iida was not at all deterred.

"It's fine, Midoriya. Stain is a man of conviction. So if some people think he's cool, I get that. But his convictions have led him to conclude that society needs a purge. And no matter what one's motives are, that's just wrong..."

With a sharp and comical action of moving his forearm like a robot, he continued, "So that no one else emerges and suffer my fate, I will correct my way and forge a path to become a true hero!! Class is about to start. Get to your seats!!"

"Midoriya! he's taking over your job of class rep.!"

I just smiled as I sat into my seat.

'Seems like I wasn't the only one who learnt something from that night.'

"I am here! And the reason for that is... your 'Basic Hero Training'! It's been a while young boys and girls! How's everyone?!"

We were certainly not impressed...

"Not much of an entrance."

"I'd expect more after a break."

"Maybe he ran out of shticks?"

I had a hard time controlling my laughter when I looked at All Might's face that clearly was saying, 'Run out? Never! My supply of shticks is inexhaustible!'

Clearing his throat, All Might said, "As an immediate follow-up to your internsh.i.p.s, today's activity is a playful one. A rescue-training race!!"

After he explained the rules, I was chosen to go first along with Sero, Ashido, Ojiro and Iida.

"Alright group one, on your marks! START!!!"

All Might laughed and said, "While Midoriya has taken the first place, you've all figured out new and better ways to use your quirk since starting school!! Keep up the good work as you prepare for your final exams!!"

As he walked by me, he whispered, "Incredible, young Midoriya. Come see me after class. The time has come for an important discussion. About me and about 'One for All'."


A/N: Slow updates for the whole month. I've got tests and then I have to help in preparations for my sister's marriage. Ah, they grow up so quickly... I still remember when I was a snot-nosed midget and she used to fight me for the TV remote. Those were good times...

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