We were wakened up at 5:30 in the morning to begin our training. Well, I was a morning person so I didn't have any problem with it. But, most of my classmates, their stupid faces with half-asleep eyes was a funny sight to see.

"Morning kids." Aizawa-sensei began. "Today, the real training camp begins. Ideally, you all will emerge stronger, strong enough to get your provisional licenses. More specifically, there's a growing hostile force out there. Through this, you'll be prepared to face it. So stay sharp and work ward."

He tossed a ball at me and said, "To start with, Midoriya, throw this. Last time, right after school started, your record was 5396 meters. How much have you grown since then?"

I raised an eyebrow and looked at him questioningly. Seeing him nod, I just shrugged and covered my entire body with armament along with activating 70% of One for All. I had improved a lot since the day I started studying in the hero course. My armament was strong enough to work with 70% power of One for All. But if I pushed it to the absolute limits, I was sure that I could manage around 77%.

Going into the clearing, I looked at everyone and spoke, "Get far away from here. I don't want to hurt anyone..."

Looking at Aizawa-sensei, I continued, "... You too, sensei."

As they immediately complied sensing the tone of my voice, I raised my left leg and stomped it hard against the ground. The wind was sent outward like a shockwave as I decimated the ground under my feet. Winding my arm back, I swung it in an arc and threw the ball with all of my strength, not holding back at all.

The shockwaves released were strong enough to change the very landscape. The trees swayed violently due to the high-speed winds, even managing to uproot some nearby trees.

My classmates struggled very hard to not be blown away.

The ball easily broke the sound barrier, travelling at more than six times the speed of sound and disappeared at the horizon with no signs of decrease in its ascent.

The device in Aizawa-sensei's hand beeped rapidly while my classmates looked at me with awe.

With eyes wide and eyebrows raised in no less amount of amazement, Aizawa-sensei said, "Well, you have grown way too much. 40648 meters."

Class 1-A, "!!!"

I simply walked back to them and my eyes accidentally moved towards Uraraka. When she noticed I was looking at her, her entire face turned bright red and, was that steam coming out from the top of her head? Was the even possible?

Anyway, I was partially at blame for that. As it was her that I had laid my eyes on when I was catching Kota the other night. I could feel my face heat up when that heavenly scene replayed in my mind.

I walked closer to her and coughed before whispering, "I'm extremely sorry for what happened last night. It was totally unintentional. But..."

I smirked with a sudden bout of mischievousness and continued, "... I did like what I saw. You're beautiful, O-C-H-A-K-O C-H-A-N~"

If it was possible, her face got even redder and she began lightly swaying on her feet, dizzy from what I had just said. I coughed again and looked around. Good, no one had heard what I said to Uraraka as they were too dazed by my display of strength.

Aizawa-sensei didn't seem to notice what happened and continued after he gathered himself, "Uhm, Bakugo, you throw another ball. You record was 705.2 meters. How much have you improved?"

I looked at Katsuki curiously. He was acting very mellow and so out of character.

Once again, Aizawa-sensei and the rest of my classmates were surprised. Looking at the device in his hand, sensei said, "730.7 meters. There is an improvement but not by much."

He smirked menacingly and said, "Yes, you have been through a lot in these past three months. Undoubtedly, you've all grown. But it's only your techniques and minds that have m.a.t.u.r.ed. Well, and your bodies, a bit. But as you've seen, other than Midoriya, your quirks haven't kept up with the pace. Starting today, you'll improve on your quirks. This will be so harsh you'll wish you were dead. So do your best to stay alive."


And thus began the hellish training session. Unlike my classmates who were using their quirks continuously to improve them, I was doing my own training after the teachers and P.u.s.s.y cats came to the conclusion that my quirk was at a good enough level.

I already had an arsenal of moves and my strength was nothing to scoff at. What I needed was training without the use of my quirk.

Continuous usage of 'Willpower' and 'One for All' had done something amazing to my body. My natural strength had reached beyond what a human without strength-enhancing quirk could ever achieve.

I was doing my katas, mainly using my legs while fighting an imaginary opponent. So focused in my training I barely noticed class 1-B joining us for training.

While they were being overwhelmed by the bizarre member of P.u.s.s.y cats, Tiger, who was the only man in the group of female heroes, I was trying to improve my kicks.

My attacks were powerful, no doubt about it. But, there was something lacking. As I continued kicking, I felt my legs burn from fatigue. But I persevered and forced myself to continue.


I picked up the pace of my kicking. From a second person's perspective, all anyone could see were blurs of my legs.


The air around me began moving with the flow of my kicks.

'Harder... Faster... Sharper...'

With fatigue and breathlessness clouding me, I could barely feel the air being whipped away by my kicks. Right when I was about to stop, I saw that on a tree in front of me, numerous but small gashes had appeared from the sharp air currents generated by my kicks.

Panting heavily as my legs gave away from fatigue, I looked the gashes and thought, '... Well, I can work with this.'


Dinner time at night was amazing. We had to prepare our own food and we all worked together for it.

The food wasn't all that great. But given the situation, it was like some 5-star gourmet grub.

"Yao-momo, you're relentless!"

Quite elegantly, she spoke while blowing at her spoon filled with curry rice, "My quirk allows me to break fat at an atomic level and create many kinds of things. The more I eat, the more I create."

Then, like a kid, Sero bluntly said, "Kinda like poop."

Well, that ruined the girl's dinner. Jiro made sure thrash Sero for it.

In the boisterous atmosphere, I heard a faint voice saying, "Quirks, what a waste of time!!"

My head snapped towards the source. It was Kota. He immediately left the scene. Knowing he hadn't had dinner, I grabbed a plate of curry rice and followed him.

Soon, I walked up a cliff and found him sitting at its edge, brooding.

"I brought food for you. Feel free to dig in."

Kota shot up on his feet and shouted menacingly, "You!! How did you know I was here?!"

I spoke with a neutral tone, "I followed you here. You just didn't notice. I figured you would be starving since you didn't have dinner."

He calmed down a bit but the hostility remained in his voice, "I'm fine. I don't need any. What part of 'I'm not f.u.c.k.i.n.g around with you scrubs' did you not understand? This is my secret base. You're not welcome here."

I raised an eyebrow at his language, "Quite a dirty mouth you've got there, kid."

Kota continued, "Getting all excided over improving your quirks. It's pathetic really. You really want to go that far to show off your corny a.s.s powers?!"

I narrowed my eyes at him and tilted my head while asking, "Your parents, they were the water-type quirk users, 'Water-heroes', right?"

As if getting ready to attack, Kota took a stance and shouted, "Mandalay opened her big mouth, huh?!"

I scratched my cheek and replied, "Uh, no. I'm a bit of a nerd. So I know a lot about heroes. I know the story about how your parents saved so many civilians from that villain."

With utter hate, Kota said, "Screw you. Calling yourselves heroes and villains, killing each other, like idiots. Bragging about your quirks, that's why you end up like that, f.u.c.k.i.n.g idiots."

My heart went cold. How could the kid dis on his parents' sacrifice like that?! They died doing what they had wanted to do. No one forced them to be heroes. It was their choice to go down fighting. A noble way to go. But the kid, he was spitting on it.

"I had a friend who wanted to be a hero. But he was killed by someone when I was nine years old. I vowed that day to bring every sc.u.mbag villain to justice. When quirks appeared, people resorted to crime and violence. With the police vowing against using quirks in their line of work, how do you expect anyone to keep people safe? Heroes are necessary for our society. With you rejecting quirks so harshly, you're not only hurting yourself, but are also spitting on your parents' sacrifice and their legacy."

It seemed like the kid couldn't handle the truth and lashed out, "F.u.c.k off!! Get your a.s.s outta here before I make you!"

I sighed and said before walking away, "I'll leave the curry here. Next time you swear, I'll punt you hard, not caring at all that you are Mandalay's nephew. Stupid kid."

Far away on an abandoned cliff...

"I can't take this anymore, let's hurry up and go!"

"It's not the time yet. Also, didn't I tell you? We don't have to overdo it."

"Yeah. Quit tryna act like the boss! We're only here to send a warning. These heroes, riddled with holes, will fall to the earth. All for the sake of a better future."

... evil was making its way towards us.

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