The next day at school was very... normal. We had normal classes such as english and mathematics. Just as were waiting for the next class, I felt All Might rushing towards our classroom.

Ah, so it was time for his first class. I was excited to say the least.

As he burst into the classroom, everyone began talking excitedly among each other. I mean, who wouldn't? It was All Might!

As he stood in front of the class, while making an exaggerated pose, All Might began, "Foundational Hero Studies! For this class, we'll be building up your hero foundation through various trials! You'll get tons of credit for it! Let's jump right in with this!! The Battle Trial!!"

What? a battle? Right off the bat? I could see Katsuki shaking in front of me. Was he having a mini o.r.g.a.s.m?

"And to go with your first battle!" All Might continued, "We've prepared the gear we had you send in requests for to match your quirks!"

The class was excited as they were getting to wear their hero gear so early in the session.

Even I was excited. Why wouldn't I be? My costume was personally designed by I and my mother. It held sentimental value to it. I hugged the costume tightly, close to my c.h.e.s.t.

"Get changed and we'll be ready to go! Everyone gather at Ground - Beta! The garb you bring into the battlefied is vitally important, boys and girls! And remember, from here on out, your all officially, heroes."

Hero, I had oficially entered the world I always wanted to be a part of. In the past ten years, I had developed a personal hate for those who did evil. It all stemmed from that one incident. That incident which I could never forget.

I was nine when it happened. I had a very close friend who also wanted to be a hero, just like I. He had a powerful quirk too and his future was bright. I considered him to be my best friend after my falling out with Katsuki.

We had a quarrel with Katsuki the previous day and my friend was in a really bad mood. So we went to our separate ways quite early. Even though I wanted to go with him to his home, he denied it, saying he wanted to be alone for some time.

I should have gone with him. Because when I sensed his presence fading away not too far away from my location, it was too late for him. I found him in the alley, his body half gone with his other half partially decayed. When I looked into his eye, I could see what his last thoughts could have been. A plea for help, fear, shock and resignation.

I still see him lying dead in that alley in my nightmares.

That incident pushed me to get stronger. I realised that even if I was there with him, I couldn't have done anything to prevent his death. Moreover, I could have died along with him. I was weak. I vowed that day to never let such a thing happen to anyone else if I could prevent it.

I read many such incidents on the internet. The villains killed as they pleased for their own wicked schemes. Some got caught while some roamed free, spreading terror among those who couldn't defend themselves.

Everytime my mother went out to buy groceries, I used to get scared, thinking if she'd come back alive or not. My thinking may be flawed, but I wanted to create a society free of such twisted beings. They were animals who deserved to be caged in prison.

I swore that day, the day I lost my friend,

"I'll be the bane of the wicked."

I'll become the hero who would make those villains tremble in fear. Every murderer or thief whould think twice before committing a crime. Their only safe haven would be the prison.

I got up from my seat and followed my classmates to the changing room.

My hero gear incuded a black spandex with white strips running down the sides of it's arms and legs and a stylish and flexible grey colored kevlar vest worn over it. I had two white colored gauntlets that covered my forearms and elbows. On my legs, I had shin guards and knee pads and red combat boots. I had a gas mask made of a special alloy that covered the lower part of my face. It had a grin etched over it that made me look a little intimidating.

As I entered Ground - Beta, I could see the variety of costumes my fellow students wore. From a full body armor as that of a knight to a very revealing costume that left little to the imagination. Seriously, how was the girl able to keep a straight face among all those stairs? Even Katsuki was taking glances at her. Huh, and here I used to think he was as.e.x.u.a.l. Well, I silently applauded her for her fortitude and nodded towards her which she saw, and by seeing her expression, I could guess she got what I was trying to convey.

It was, what was the word for it? Nice, yeah, it was nice to see her bubbly self around. Her personality was quite refreshing. So was her costume. I was not a pervert but that didn't mean I didn't appreciate the beauty of the fairer s.e.x.

Uraraka's costume was skin tight and it highlighted her curves in a very good way.

I looked at her and said while smiling, not at all in a creepy way, "Thanks, I came up with the design with my mom's help. Your costume is good too, and by the looks of it, you tried to emulate another hero's costume right?"

Her blush intensified and she replied while rubbing the back of her head. Seemed like she did that a lot when she was being complimented or felt embarrassed.

"I wish I'd drawn my request sketch a little better. It came out to be a little puffy. Hehe, it's embarrassing. And yeah! I wanted to look like Thirteen's costume. He's my favorite hero!"

I just nodded my head and kept my encouraging smile, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable.

A little midget wearing a diaper with balls growing on his head said something about heroics being the greatest but I ignored him. He was a damn pervert. There was no need to indulge him.

An overly formal voice came from a student wearing a full body armor, "Sensei, regarding the performance ground we'll be using, is it the mock city from the entrance exam?!"

That was Iida Tenya. His costume looked like that of Ingenium. Perhaps he was related to the hero. Their quirks are almost similar too.

A two-on-two battle, so we'll be paired with each other, randomly?

Oh, sombody asked the same question. Well All Might answered it and it made sense. Pairing up with someone random in hero business was quite common. He explained to us the rules from a small piece of paper and then we were asked to draw lots. I ultimately got paired up with Uraraka in team A.

"Wow! We must be linked or something! Pleased to have you!"

I just decided to go with the flow. "Yeah! it must be fated."

"And the first two pairs to do combat will be--

Team A will be the heroes! Team D will be the villains!"

It was I and Uraraka versus Katsuki and Iida. I glanced at Katsuki and found him glaring towards us with anticipation. I couldn't really put the fault with him. He had never won against me before whenever we got into squabble or even a fight. Katsuki was a very competitive person and he loathed even the thought of losing.

As we went to the building, I looked at Uraraka and asked, "Ok, I want to know what your quirk does and we'll plan accordingly."

Uraraka perked up and replied, "Well my quirk is called Zero Gravity. Whenever I touch something with all my fingers I can remove the effect of gravity on them."

"Wow, your quirk is really awsome! You could use it to save people during disasters like earthquakes or landslides. Is there any weight limit beyond which your quirk doesn't take effect?"

A little fl.u.s.tered at being complemented, she replied, "N-No! I haven't found a limit yet. But I haven't tested it on things heavier than a truck! Although, for a heavier object the time I can keep the effect of gravity away decreases."

I looked at the building in front of me and immediately formulated a plan to win. It would be easy if Katsuki came after me but, if he went after Uraraka, I'd have to incercept him. Uraraka was not ready to face that explosive shit-brain.

As I finished explaining my plan, we heard All Might's voice in our ears, "Trial of indoor battle, start!"

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