A/N: Sorry about that Stmbol of Peace thing. My fingers are too big for my phone's keypad and so I make such errors while typing. I'm not fat, my hands are naturally big and heavy. Though I guess some of you had a good laugh at my misery when you encountered that little mistake in the previous chapter.


The next day when I arrived at the school, the gates were crowded by the media personnel.

I could see they were stopping every student and asking them about All Might. Well I had nothing to say about him so I just walked through the crowd without giving any comment.

The day started with Aizawa-sensei addressing us about the battle trial. His review was positive though he did reprimand Katsuki for trying to attack me from behind.

"Now onto the Homeroom business. Sorry for the sudden announcement but today..."

Oh I could feel the tension among the students when Aizawa-sensei deliberately took that pause. I bet he was having fun looking at our panic striken faces, the dry-eyed bastard.

"...You pick a class president."

Such a normal school like thing!!

Well, what could one expect. In a class full of hero aspirants, everyone would want a leadership role.

"I wanna be the president!! Lemme do it!!"

"The position was made for me~"

"In my administration, girls will have to show thirty centimeters of t.h.i.g.h!!"

"F.u.c.k.i.n.g pick me!!"



"Leading the many is a task of heavy responsibility...!"

Oh, who wouldn't recognise that usual uptight and formal tone.

Iida conrinued, "But ambition does not equate to ability!! This sacred office demands the trust of it's constituents! If this is to be a democracy, the I put forward this motion that our true leader must be chosen by election!!"

Class 1-A shouted in unison, "This is just a classroom!! Not the congress!!"

Tsuyu Asui objected to Iida, "But Iida, we haven't known each other long enough to build any trust."

"And everyone'll just vote for themselves!!"

Iida cleared his throat and replied, "That precisely why anyone who manages to get multiple votes will be the best suited individual for the job!! Will you allow this, Sensei?!"

Aizawa-sensei squirmed in his sleeping bag and replied, "However you do it, just make it quick."

And so we casted the votes to choose our class president. I had a person in mind who I though was a perfect blend of being responsible, cool and intelligent, fit for the job.

Katsuki looked back at me and glared. I just raised an eyebrow and he turned away, grumbling under his breath.

I was chosen as the vice-president of the class.

Later that day in the cafeteria, I and some of my classmates were having our lunch as Iida explained to us avout his family history. Suddenly, the warning alarm sounded and an announcement was made, "Security level 3 has been broken. All students, please evacuate in an orderly fashion."

Everyone immediately started evacuating, only not in an orderly fashion. It was a chaos and I feared the students might even start a stampede.

Inside the corridor, I was trying not to get crushed between the students. I suddenly had an idea in my mind and looked around to find someone. I immediately spotted Yaoyorozu and yelled to her, "Can you make a megaphone for me?!"

She nodded and created one for me. I released a blast of Conqueror's will, enough to pacify the panicked horde of students. When everyone was quiet, I yelled into the megaphone, "Calm the f.u.c.k down!! Look outside the window, it's just the media!! This is U.A. not a bloody fish market so behave like a proper U.A. student should. Get all the injured to Recovery Girl and start moving in an orderly fashion as was announced."

Suffice to say they listened. I could hear some embarrassed whispers among the upper-classmen. Iida was trying to reprimand me for my language but, what could I say, you learn a thing or two when you're around Katsuki so I chose to ignore him.

Instead, my focus was diverted towards the gate that was destroyed, no, more like crumbled by some quirk user. It was highly suspicious as even the media wasn't crazy enough to go to such lengths just to get an interview. Was that some kind of attack? Was a villain trying to infiltrate to harm someone? I could only make assumptions.


"Now for the basic hero training. This time, All Might, myself and one another hero will supervise. Preparing you for disaster relief, from fire to floods, it's rescue training."

The class was excited.

"Rescue huh... it'll be another rough day!"

"Come on! This is what a hero's all about! I'm pumped!!"

"I'll be right at home in a flood. Ribbit."

Annoyed at being ignored Aizawa-sensei glared at us and said, "I wasn't done yet! It's upto you whether or not you wear your hero costumes. As some of them are ill-suited for this sort of activity. The training site is a bit remote so we'll be taking a bus. That's all. Get ready."

A few minutes later, we boarded the bus and began talking among each other.

"I generally say what's on my mind, Midoriya."

I looked at the person sitting beside me and asked, "Oh? What is it, Asui?"

That got the attention of all my classmates.

Shrugging helplessly, I said, "My quirk is a little strange. Basically I can use it to create an armor around my body and increase my strength along with being able to sense my surroundings. There's another aspect of it which is kinda hard to explain."

Kirishima joined in the conversation, "Hey that's kind of awsome! It's like a strength enhancement quirk! You can do a lot of cool stuff with it! My quirk is hardening. Even though I'm good in a fight, it's a pretty lame quirk."

That was not a nice attitude to have about his quirk. Every quirk was awsome in it's own way. So I smiled and said, "I think it's pretty neat though. Your quirk is more than enough if you wanna go pro."

After a small light minded discussion about cool quirks and mocking Katsuki for his temper, we reached our destination.

I marvelled at the huge facility as we entered it. The size of it was enormous.

Standing at the gate, we were greeted by the third hero who was supposed to supervise us.

"There's the flood zone, landslide zone, conflagration zone, etcetera. Every disaster and accident you can imagine. I built this facilitt myself. I call it, The 'Unforseen Simulation Joint.'"

It was the space hero, Thirteen. Uraraka was especially excited to see her idol hero. It was kinda cute to see her jumping on her feet as she fan-girled at the hero.

"About that, senpai...," Thirteen whispered the rest to Aizawa-sensei. It was such a low whisper that I couldn't discern what he was saying.

"So be it. Let's get started."

After Thirteen explained how his quirk was very dangerous but he used it to save lives, I was filled with a new sense of admiration for him.

Suddenly, I felt a terrible presence in the middle of the facility. A black misty vortex appeared in the centre of USJ and a large group of men and women walked out of it, lead by a man covered all over by hands. Their aura was very sinister and bloodthirsty and I was pretty sure they weren't a part of our rescue training.

I immediately turned to Aizawa-sensei and said, "Sensei, villains."

Aizawa-sensei nodded back.

I continued, "Could this be related to that security breach made by the media a few days ago?"

"That is most probable, Midoriya."

They breached U.A.'s gates and now they had appeared right in front of us in a secluded area, away from the main campus. As I spread my senses to the entire dome of USJ, I sensed villains present in each and every zone, perfectly comfortable in their environments.

His eyes hardened, Aizawa-sensei yelled to the class, "Huddle up and don't move! It's the villains!!"

The man with hands covering his body spoke in a tone filled with controlled madness, "Where is he...? We've come all this way and with so many playmates. All Might... the Symbol of Peace... is he here...? I wonder if some dead kids will bring him here?"

What we faced in the field was evil unleashed.

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