My Hero Academia: Killer Quirk!!

Chapter 49 - Hosu city disaster

Another day had passed in Hosu city and life went on as normal. No sightings of the hero killer had been reported nor had their been any heroes in life threatening conditions. All seemed well with the world and it was only a matter of time until Aiden's internship with Rumi ended.

The woman in question left early in the morning leaving Aiden to his own devices. Besides ordering himself some breakfast he didn't really do much. He occasionally glanced at his ŀȧptop as it was busy cutting down the most likely locations Stain would show up at.

Just like that the day passed with nothing of notice happening. It was only when evening came that a loud ding caught his attention. Looking in the direction that the noise came from, he realized that the ŀȧptop had finished making a list of Stain's most likely locations.

Walking over to the machine he sent a copy of the list to his phone and put his jacket on. Just as he was about to step out, he looked back at the briefcase with his hero costume.

'Fuck it, Rumi said it'd be fine if I wanted to wear it.'

Deciding that it would be okay, he picked the outfit up and threw it into the air. Using a little trick he learnt, he astral shifted out of his clothes and into the hero costume.

'Wow, I have an ability every man would want their wife/girlfriend to have.'

Smirking at the comment he attached the astral blade hilt to his belt and shifted out of the window.


On a bullet train heading towards Shibuya, the green haired Deku sat next to his workplace trainer Gran Torino. Both were dressed in their hero costumes and were leisurely enjoying the journey through Hosu city.

"We're going to arrive by nightfall at the rate we're going, is that okay?" Deku asked after calculating the distance and speed of the train.

"Pff, of course its all right! Perfect even, villains tend to come out more during the nightly hours, it'll be fun."

"*Sigh* It won't be fun, but I understand where you're coming from." Pulling out his phone he looked to see if Iida had respond to any of his messages.

Seeing this, Gran Torino scoffed. "You kids and your technology, can't you just enjoy looking out the window?"

[A/n: The future is now old man!]

Just as he was about to go into a rant, the sound of the intercom rang out informing them that a situation had occurred.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please hold onto your seats as we are undergoing an emergency stop-


Before the message could even finish, a loud explosion rang out as an injured hero came crashing through the side of the train.

"What the hell!!"

"Who's that!"

"A hero!"

"What the fuċk is going on!!"

Seeing the passengers gathering around him, the injured hero coughed up a mouthful of blood before shouting. "GET BACK!!"

"KYAAHHH!!!" A woman screamed.

From the place where the hero entered through, a four armed figure appeared through the smoke.

"Nomu..." Deku whispered after seeing the figure's appearance.

"Stay back kid!" Gran Torino yelled before tackling the Nomu.


'Okay what the fuċk!'

Standing atop a tall building, Aiden in his hero costume watched as multiple explosion echoed out. In the distance, columns of spoke could be seen rising as the city entered a state of pandemonium. In the sky a winged creature with a visible brain was screeching while attacking people.


*Ring* *Ring*


"Aiden where are you!" Rumi yelled from the other end.

"You know me." He joked. "Just chilling as the city burns."

"Stay in the hotel, don't leave!" She commanded.

"Y'know, if I ever become your boytoy, I might actually start listening to you."


"Sorry not sorry, bye."


"Now, should I go help the citizens or go after the only lead I have on Stain? Decisions, decisions... Well there'll be plenty of heroes trying to defuse the situation with the Nomu so... it'd probably be best if I go after Stain."

With his mind made up, he looked down at the earth from his high vantage point.

"Better get to it." Letting gravity take over, he let his body drop.


In a dark alley away from the commotion, a man wearing a blood red scarf carrying various blades across his body stood pointing his sword at a kneeling Iida.

"Heed these words child, if the situation demands it, even children are fair targets."

Gritting his teeth, Iida looked at the hero killer with hate.

"Are you saying... That I'm not even a threat to you!"


"In that case listen up criminal! I am the brother of a hero you cut down...!! The brother of an incredible hero!! And I have come to put a stop to you in his place! SO DON'T YOU EVER FORGET THE NAME OF THE HERO WHO DEFEATED YOU: INGENIUM!!"

"Oho!" Stain grinned.

Dodging Iida's sudden ȧssault, the hero killer easily jumped above him before piercing his shoulder with his spiked boot.


"Ingenium's brother huh... Y'know I let him live in order feed the rumors..."

"Y'know..." Lifting his other leg up above Iida's head he continued. "You're pretty weak."


Stomping down on his head, Stain drove his head down into the ground as he held his katana in a reverse grip before stabbing through his other shoulder.


"You and your brother are both weak. Its because your both fakes."

"SHUT UP!!" Iida screamed in defiance. "Tensei is an excellent hero who saved many lives and guided them towards a better future. There was no reason for you to crush him! *Brother flashbacks* He was an excellent hero who gave me a dream!! I won't forgive you... I'LL KILL YOU!!!"

Stain looked down at the vengeful child in disgust.

"Kill me? As a hero your first priority should be saving others." He pulled the blade out and pointed it at the injured pro hero. "Don't brandish your power for your own sake. Being taken in by the hatred before you and giving into your own dėsɨrės... That is an act furthest from what a Hero should be."

Lifting the blood soaked blade to his mouth he said. "And that's while you'll die." Before ŀɨċkɨnġ it.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

"Hmm?" Stain turned his head to the side.

"Well said, well said. You truly are the will of Dark Star."

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