In the afternoon, the students of Year 1 Class A sat in the classroom with a look of anticipation, waiting for the arrival of the teacher, and they all heard some rumors that the man would be their teacher in Xiongying, and the most likely was undoubtedly this hero foundation course.

"I, very ordinary, came in through the door" A blonde muscular man in an American comic-style costume suddenly pushed open the classroom door, with a trademark smile and two golden hairs raised high like rabbit ears, holding the door frame with both hands, and the cloak was swept by the wind driven by the opening of the door on the big man's well-defined muscles, posing in an exaggerated pose.

"Wow, it's Olmet, it's really Olmet."

"It's amazing, he's really come to be a teacher."

"He was dressed in the clothes of the Silver Age".

"It's a completely different style of painting, and it gives me goosebumps."

Without exception, almost all the students in the classroom showed expressions of surprise, even the faces of the hot-tempered Bang Hao Shengji and the unapproachable Bang Jiao Liang began to slow down, obviously all the staff of the European chef.

I have to say that even Xia Ye was a little excited in his heart, that is, the man in front of him, with his unyielding will and strong strength, made the enemies who endangered social stability fearful, suppressed an era, and vividly reduced the crime rate from 20 percent to 5 percent, becoming a symbol of peace.

Maybe Summer Night doesn't worship Ormet as obsessively as others, but Summer Night, who knows the real situation of Ormet better than most people, truly admires this Ormet who has to carry the burden of social peace even if he has serious injuries.

Of course, respecting and admiring Olmet does not mean that Summer Night wants to be a person like him, Summer Night is not a person who likes to take any responsibility and burden of society and country to himself, Summer Night wants to be a hero just because he wants to be, if you insist on saying why, it is just because of interest.

"The subject I'm in charge of is Basic Herology, which is a subject that shapes the foundation of heroes through various heroes," Ormet walked to the podium and stood still, with his hands on his waist and making a superhuman standard pose.

In order to allow Ormet to watch the growth of his disciple Midoriya Izuhisa, he deliberately took care of Olmet, a student with no teaching experience, to teach the basic heroology of this class, which is the subject that tests the students' combat effectiveness and judgment of combat situations and other abilities, and for Olmet, who has experienced various enemies, his experience in a hundred battles is what these flowers in the greenhouse lack the most.

"Without further ado, today's lesson is him, combat training" Olmet, who still hadn't forgotten to show off his muscles on the podium, said something that made the class uproar again. At the moment when Olmet's words fell, everyone looked at Summer Night and Burst Hero, obviously remembering the battle between them.

"Combat training..."Bao Hao Shengji looked at Xia Ye with an arrogant and provocative face, wanting to avenge yesterday's shame, but he didn't think about spending the summer night without fighting today.

"And with this ....." Ormet waved his hand and pointed to the wall on the left side of the classroom, only to see that the wall began to slowly pop up one by one, and on the mezzanine were placed numbered boxes.

"A battle suit based on the personality profile and future expectations you handed in before entering the school," Ormet said aloud what the students were looking forward to, causing a cheer in the class.

Before students enter the school, they need to submit specific requirements such as personality introduction, body information, and design drawings, and the company sponsored by Xiongying School will equip students with the most advanced combat uniforms, which is very user-friendly.

"However, Midoriya Boy, Summer Night Boy, and Kaguya Girl didn't submit a request for a battle suit for some reason, so they don't have a battle suit for the two of you," Ormet said apologetically, as if suddenly remembering something.

"Ah, my mom made me a battle suit, and I want to wear it to become a hero," Izuku Midoriya explained in a panic.

"Report to the teacher, I already have my own combat suit, and there is more than one set, I will equip the required combat weapons according to the combat environment and situation, so there is no need to redesign and manufacture, I only brought a simple and portable combat suit to school today" Thousand Emperor Kaguya took out a metal suitcase from under the table and opened it, revealing a variety of weapons and a set of combat clothes inside.

"Summer Night, have you forgotten to hand in the requirements for combat uniforms, what if you don't have combat uniforms, do you want me to ask the company at home to help you make a set, I just don't know if the time will come up" Eight million hundred looked at Xia Ye anxiously and said with concern.

"It's okay, because of my transformation personality, the combat uniform is dispensable to me, and if it's just the appearance, I can wear whatever kind of combat uniform I want" Summer Night's clothes changed repeatedly, and all kinds of handsome and stylish combat clothes flashed on Summer Night's body, causing the envy and amazement of the classmates.

There are a lot of combat uniforms drawn by Xia Ye, but there are not many that can really get combat power bonuses, and Xia Ye is not very dependent on combat uniforms, so he only glanced at the combat uniform design table that he sent together, and he didn't know which corner to throw it in.

"Then let's change our clothes and go to the training ground, let's take the first step to become heroes," Ormet said with a wave of his hand.

(Newcomers on the road, please support a lot, ask for flowers, ask for collections,....... )

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