(2 years later)

After recruiting the three villains Nine recommended, the newly formed group of mercenaries started looking for work. They took jobs off the dark web that worked best for their abilities like Yahiko suggested. It started off slow, they accepted almost any job they could find. Eventually when the Akatsuki started making a name for themselves on the dark web, they received multiple jobs from powerful and influential people. Politicians, government officials, heros and villains, these are some examples of clients that have bought our services. We made money incredibly fast after they saw how efficient we were, as a result we made several connections to these people and gained their favor. It isn't enough money to buy a better base but it's better than nothing. They would make requests frequently, the jobs given were mostly ȧssassinations which Himiko handled surprisingly well.I was worried about her getting caught but it seems I was worried for nothing.

Over the years everyone in our group got tremendously strong. Chimera increased his strength by a large margin. Mummy increased the durability of his bandages so they don't break as easily. Slice increased the speed of her needles and the sharpness of her hair. Twice also increased the durability of his clones so they don't deform as easily. Nine tried to improve his laser bullet and air wall, which resulted in bullet laser having a large increase in range and air wall becoming incredibly hard.

Himiko found out that when she ingests blood she gets a very small permanent increase in strength and speed, so she decided to drink blood every day. This would've been fine if she just drank the blood of her ȧssassination targets but she came to me everyday. I let her drink my blood since it helps her in the long run but there's only so much blood I can give, I ended up having to get a blood transfusion due to blood loss. Since she drank blood almost everyday for the past two years, Himiko is almost on the level of someone with a weak strength enhancement quirk.

I focused on restraining my abilities so I don't accidentally go overboard and destroy everything. My swordsmanship increased as well, sensei Shimura was both happy and sad to see me leave the dojo. He really wanted me to become a trainer there, but when I told him I was planning on going to U.A he gave up easily.

"Hey Yahiko, why do you want to go to U.A anyway? It's not like you need it unless you're planning something again."

"All For One will get involved with U.A in the future, I simply want to see how strong he is."

"All For One!? Do you think he can beat you?"

"I'll find out soon."

'He can't steal my quirk so that gives me a huge advantage, but he isn't someone to look down on.'

Besides the training I also improved my relationship with Himiko, we became a couple last year. When I confessed to her I didn't expect her to agree before I got my sentence out, it was like she saw into the future. She became a happy little ball of murderous sunshine after I confessed, always sticking to my side and glaring at any woman that looked at me. The others were happy for us, especially Jin who was so happy he threw us a party. Himiko also stopped using honorifics and demanded that she should sleep in my room which I was fine with. I'm pretty sure she molested me in my sleep though. She got pretty bold and touchy, openly kissing me in public and groping me whenever we were alone.

Besides this they were offered multiple job requests from the yakuza, refusing each time. The leader of their group got angry pretty quickly and started demanding a meet up. They wanted to know why they were refusing their offers, so they set up a specific location for their meeting. Yahiko, Nine and Chimera would meet up with him while the rest of the group will raid the yakuza hideout while they were vulnerable. The ones that arrived were Kai Chisaki, Yu Hojo and Rappa Kendo.

"Greetings Overhaul, I bet you're wondering why we keep refusing your offers right?"

"Of course you're right bastard, is it because your little group afraid of getting involved with this drug or is it simply because there isn't enough money for you?"

"I can ȧssure you it has nothing to do with money or drugs, its just that I don't think you want to work with the people that killed one of your members."

Kai looked confused at first, he was wondering when did the mercenaries in front of him kill a member of the yakuza. A few seconds later a look of realization dawned on his face, that look quickly turned into anger.

"YOU! Were you the one that killed Tengai and destroyed one of my drug rings all those years ago?"

"Correct, it was quite disappointing to find out a member of the Eight Bullets was so weak. I stopped taking the yakuza seriously after that, your organization seems like a joke to me now."

After Yahiko said these words, Kai was seething with rage. He tried to contain himself, but after the young boy in front of him said the yakuza was nothing but a joke he made his decision. He was going to crush the mercenary group known as the Akatsuki and kill their leader.

"Rappa, Yu, kill them and look for the rest of their little group. I don't want to hear anything about the Akatsuki after this. Make their deaths as as painful as possible."

"Yes boss!" they said simultaneously.

"Nine, you take care of the bald one. Chimera, take on the big one but don't kill him. I'll deal with the leader."

They gave a simple nod and followed their leaders will, they want to prove their loyalty by dealing with them as fast as possible.

Charging unto battle head on, Rappa quickly punched Chimera multiple times. He was expecting him to take some damage or at least bleed a little, but he was surprised to see his opponent simply brush his attacks off. Now he was starting to get excited knowing his opponent wasn't a weakling. This time Chimera was the one that charged forward, he swung his fist with the least lethality he could muster. He aimed for Rappa's gut in hopes of incapacitating him quickly. As his fist connected with his target, Rappa was sent flying with a single punch. The punch created small gusts of wind, which told everyone watching how hard he punched.

"Shit! I didn't kill him did I?"

He heard Rappa coughing up blood, he was glad he was able to keep him alive like his leader ordered. Rappa on the other hand was amazed by his powerful attack, he wanted to get up to continue his fight even though he knew it was impossible for him to get up after that attack.

While this was happening, Nine was leisurely walking towards Yu. He wanted to see if this man had a good quirk on him, he was disappointed rather quickly.

"It pisses me off seeing how relaxed you are, I hope you're ready to die."

"Did you not just see what my teammate did to your ally? Are you stupid or something?"

These words only pissed off the crystallized man even more. Getting in melee range with Nine, he tried to punch him as hard as can. His punch was easily nullified with air wall, it was pretty sad to watch honestly. Yu tried to punch him again and again, only to punch a barrier made of air. Deciding to end it there, Nine placed a finger on the man's forehead and shot a bullet laser through it with ease.

"Yahiko-sama said nothing about keeping you alive so this should be fine."

Yahiko was battling Kai at the moment, except it wasn't really a battle. Yahiko was simply dodging everything Kai threw at him, which angered Kai tremendously. Seeing the one that insulted the yakuza nonchalantly dodge his attacks made him blow a fuse. He was throwing attacks left and right at incredible speeds as well, so this only angered him further.

"Why aren't you attacking? Are you afraid of getting torn apart? Is that it? Answer me!"

He was about to launch another attack until he saw his best close range fighters get defeated easily.

"So you were stalling for time huh? They wont save you from me kid, nothing will!"

Simply ignoring him, Yahiko looked over to his subordinates and said "Good work, take them outside and stay on top of the nearest building."


Seeing that he was being ignored, Kai decided to take advantage of their arrogance and attack their leader while he was distracted. Launching hundreds of stone spikes out of the ground, Kai was expecting them to be full of holes. He was shocked that his attack was nullified when the ground was suddenly destroyed from an unknown force.

'Is this the kids doing? It must be his quirk.'

When the others finally left, it was just Yahiko and Kai in the building. They simply stared at each other, waiting for someone to make the next move. Right when Kai was going to taunt his opponent again, his instincts told him to dodge with everything he had. He heard a large explosion coming from behind him. Looking back, he was horrified to find out that the once many boxes filled with equipment and money that was going to be used for bargaining exploded out of nowhere. All that was left was a crater from the explosion embedded into the floor. Looking at his opponent once again, he was horrified a second time when he saw the boy's arm had transformed into a some sort of canon. It was smoking a little like it had just been fired. The cannon reverted back into a arm a few seconds later.

'What was that!? Is he some sort of cyborg?'

"Impressive reflexes Chisaki, I shall give you the honors of becoming my main body after I kill you."

"What do you mean 'main body'? What are you planning?"

Yahiko didn't bother answering him, there's no point in doing so. Raising his right arm to the side, a long sharp chakra receiver suddenly slid out of his sleeve and into his hand. Getting into a spear throwing position, Yahiko threw the receiver as hard as he could. Kai saw the attack coming, so he made several walls out of stone to defend himself. Thinking he was safe behind the layers of stone was a big mistake, as he died a few seconds after Yahiko threw his receiver. It went straight through the multiple walls and Kai with ease. It went halfway through his ċhėst and pinned him to the wall, he didn't even know what happened to him. Looking down at his ċhėst, Kai couldn't help be feel afraid. He was hoping the leader of the Akatsuki would just accept his offer and help him yet it turned out like this. Kai was still alive but he was in great pain, he tried to move the receiver that held him there but it was no use. It wouldn't budge, so he tried to dematerialize it. He stopped dead in his tracks after he heard a voice he didn't want to hear.

"There's no point in trying to escape, you will die here. Nine, come in and take his quirk."

'This bastard! He thinks I will just sit still and die? I will kill him!'

Nine came in quickly after he heard Yahiko call him. Wasting no time at all, he put his hand on Kai's face. Kai, feeling something was wrong was about to grab Nine's arm until something flew through his palm and nailed his hand to the wall.

'Fuck! My hand!'

Using his other hand to try and grab the man in front of him, Kai tried to use his quirk to dematerialize the arm grabbing his head. He was waiting for him to start wailing in pain and release him, but nothing happened. He couldn't use his quirk, it was like his quirk didn't exist in the first place!

'What happened!? Why can't I use my quirk!?'

"It is done, Yahiko-sama"

"Good, dismissed."

"You bastards! What did you do to me!?"

"Shut up and die already."

Yahiko simply stabbed him in the heart after Nine was done, it was getting annoying listening to him prattle on and on about destroying his organization.

Nine left quickly after finished stealing the man's quirk, he didn't want to bother his leader. Yahiko looked at the corpse with disappointed eyes. He was hoping he would go all out like he did in canon, but even after insulting his organization and killing his subordinate he still didn't take him that seriously. He only saw Yahiko as some arrogant kid so he thought he could kill him easily, which greatly disappointed Yahiko as he wanted a good fight.

'I'll just check up with Himiko and the others, they should be finished by now.'

Yanking Chisaki's corpse off the wall and placing it over his shoulder, Yahiko went back to his subordinates.. They got ready and set off for the yakuza hideout.

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