My Hero Academia Shall Know Pain

Chapter 12 - Entrance exam

After Yahiko got his rest, he woke up early to show the other members of the Akatsuki their newest members. Surprisingly enough, they had little to no reaction. It was like they were expecting him to do something crazy, but they still didn't expect him to bring back the dead. The corpses had Yahiko's eyes and sounded exactly like him, if he didn't explain what he did with them they would've most likely thought that he didn't kill them in the first place.

"So you're telling me that the reason you had us take their corpses with us is so you could reanimate them to do your bidding?"


"They also have some of your quirks?"

"Yes and no."

"I have a question!"

'Himiko is also curious about the corpses? I didn't think she would be that interested in them.'


"So the reason you brought them to your room last night wasn't because you were fuċkɨnġ them, but bringing them back to life?"

"What? No, why would you think I was fuċkɨnġ them?"

"Because when I was heading over to your room last night I heard a lot of weird squelching noises coming from behind your door, it's also the reason why I didn't sleep with you."

"So you think I'm some sort of gay necrophiliac that fuċks his rivals after he kills them?"

"You pretty much summed it up perfectly."

Sighing internally, Yahiko didn't want to keep the conversation going with this sort of topic, so he decided to change the subject.

"Nine, did you convince Rappa to join us?"

"Yes, it was quite easy considering you brought his ex boss back from the dead and I have his boss's quirk. Convincing him was quite easy, but the problem is getting his complete loyalty to the Akatsuki. I'm planning on 'teaching' him so he keeps his mouth shut in case he gets captured, I also plan on having Chimera train him so he wont be so weak."

"Good, you have my approval. Himiko, U.A's exams are coming up soon. I want you to convince your parents to put you in the recommended exams while Jin puts me in the entrance exams. I want you to do your best so we could get in the same class together."

'Himiko has a great quirk, but the fact that she needs blood to activate it is a huge drawback. She will need to use her enhanced physical abilities to get good scores, but I know it will be a piece of cake for her.'

"I'll outshine all the other kids there, just wait and see!"

"Good luck Himiko."


'So many people, I knew there would be a lot of other kids here but it's definitely more than I expected.'

This was the first thing Yahiko thought as he started walking past hundreds of other kids that were heading towards the gate. He got some stares from the other examinees but it didn't bother him at all, why should he care about what they think of him anyway?

At the entrance of the gate he saw a wimpy green haired kid getting yelled at by a loud blonde kid. This is obviously Bakugo and Izuku. Simply walking past them and ignoring them, Yahiko went into the hall with the rest of the kids. Present Mic was waiting for everyone to settle down and get to their seats. Once everyone was seated he started to give his speech and everything went like canon.

The boy with blue hair and glasses was being annoying and yelled at Izuku for mumbling, then everyone was divided into groups and went to specific locations. Yahiko didn't see anyone from canon in his group, just some kids from 1-b were there.

Yahiko was currently wearing a black tracksuit with his sleeves rolled up, showing the large piercings in his forearms. Many people avoided him because he looked quite intimidating, so they simply watched him from a distance.

'The test will start soon, I could just destroy the entire city and be done with it but they'll obviously label me as a villain. I'll just summon some creatures to fight for me and get it over with. I might as well one shot the 0 pointer to guarantee my position in 1-A.'


In a separate room many examiners were watching the examinees with interest. Some of the examinees looked promising, others looked a little disappointing.(Izuku)

"We got a lot of future pro heros here, it always amazes me when I see so many people with so much potential gather up at one place." Says a tall buff man with golden hair and blue eyes.

"They'll have to work hard if they want to go to this school, but I have faith in them." A short white furred humanoid mouse with a large scar over hus right eye replied to the man with a bit of joy in his voice.

Looking at the students once more, the rodent spotted a certain green haired boy standing in one of the crowds.

"Is that green haired boy your successor? Are you sure that he will be the one to continue your legacy? I know you've been telling me how hard he's worked but he looks like he'll give up at any moment now."

"Looks can be deceiving Nezu, he may look like he's willing to give up now but he is full of determination."

"We'll see his determination in a moment, but he'll have to pass this challenge and many more if he wants to be the number one hero."

"Indeed, he will face many challenges in the future but I know that he will be in good hands with you guiding him as his principal."


Back at the starting line, many examinees can be seen waiting impatiently for some sort of starting signal. They wanted to destroy as many robots as they can to increase their chances of getting into U.A. While they were waiting, they suddenly heard an announcement yelling out "Aaaaaaand Start!"

Not wasting any time Yahiko ran forward at a amazing speed. Creating some chakra receivers while running, Yahiko threw them at the nearest robot. It was a three pointer, the receivers impaled its robotic head. Repeating this process several times, Yahiko was already getting bored.

'It will get repetitive if I do this over and over again, I'll just summon something to get the job done for me.'

Putting both of his hands together and then slamming them to the ground, Yahiko summoned what looked like a ox. It was humongous, it had black receivers sticking out of its head and legs. The examinees and examiners were slack jawed, they've never seen such a creature before. Some examinees started running away while others stared at the beast with either fear or admiration in their eyes. While everyone was dumbfounded by the ox, Yahiko was mounting it.

Getting comfortable on his summons back, Yahiko commanded it to start moving. The giant ox walked at a steady pace towards the two and one pointers. The ox simply stepped on them which crushed the machines instantly.

'This is a lot better, I can relax while my ox takes care of the rest. I'll have to be careful as to not accidentally crush the other kids though.'

Walking around the city and gaining a enormous amount of points while doing so, Yahiko suddenly heard several people screaming at once. Looking back he saw a massive robot that was taller than most buildings. Everyone was now running away from the zero pointer instead of Yahiko.

Floating off of his ox and towards the head of the zero pointer, Yahiko was slowly getting closer to the robot. The zero pointer didn't simply sit there and watch Yahiko approach its head, it started swinging its large arms at the boy in attempt to knock him down. The machine brought its arms above its head and brought them down on Yahiko. Staring at the giant arms with an unamused expression on his face, Yahiko simply put one hand forward and said in a quiet voice "Almighty push."

(I changed it to the english version since I already know my dumbass will end up misspelling 'Shinra tensei' at some point in the future and because it's faster for me anyway.)

The zero pointer was annihilated, the front of it face caved in. Its body was crushed instantly, like the gravity around it was increased over a thousand times. It ended up looking like a crushed soda can. Once again, both examiners and examinees were shocked. Everyone thought he was going to walk around the city laying on top of his purple eyed ox for the rest of the exam, they never expected this.

Almost forgetting his role, Present Mic shouted "The test is over!"

Desummoning his giant ox, Yahiko walked towards the exit. Everyone was staring at him, it was like they were expecting him to do something amazing just to exit the building.

'Izuku, you will have a lot of challenges in the future, but something is telling me that boy will be the biggest challenge you'll ever face.' All Might thought to himself while he was trying to get Nezu out of his shocked state.

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