My Hero Academia Shall Know Pain

Chapter 14 - Shopping date [Side chap]

After their first day of hero school, Yahiko and Himiko walked towards the mall. Himiko suggested a date as his reward for getting first place in the apprehension test. The mall wasn't far from the school, so he gladly accepted.

"It's been awhile since our last date, so much has changed since then." Himiko said while linking her arm with Yahiko's.

"Our last date was two weeks ago Himiko, and the only thing that changed is our schedule." Yahiko stated.

"Two weeks is a long time, especially for me. If it was up to me, we would go on dates everyday!" Himiko said while getting herself riled up.

"Yes, I already know. This isn't the first time you said that and knowing you, it probably isn't going to be the last." Yahiko said a little teasingly. He doesn't express himself often but when he does, the other members of the akatsuki always tease him.

"We're here." Arriving at the mall after a few minutes of walking, the couple went inside to unwind. They've been getting more jobs recently, so they work themselves to the bone just to complete their missions.

"There, lets go there!" Himiko said enthusiastically while pointing at Victoria's secret.

'Oh you got to be kidding me, is she really going to make me go in there?'

The next thing you know, Yahiko was helping Himiko pick out some bras. She would just ask him which one he liked more so he gave his honest opinion and told her to end his suffering. After she was done undėrwėȧr shopping, they went to another clothing store.

Yahiko lost track of time after that, he could never figure out why some women spend so much time in a single store. For the first time in awhile, Yahiko felt mentally exhausted.

When they finished their shopping spree, they went towards a food court to get some drinks. There was bȧrėly anyone in the food court, which is better for the two anyway. After they got their drinks, they went to a table for two so they could discuss their classmates.

"Himiko, what do you think of our classmates? Their personalities, quirks, intelligence, ect."

"Hmm, they're mostly disappointing. There's only two people that seem interesting and dangerous. The boy with the ice quirk seems like he could do more, but something is holding him back. The loud boy with the explosive quirk is arrogant and short tempered but intelligent. I really want to kill him since he called you a bastard just because you're better than him, it wont be a problem if I kill him right?"

"Don't bother, so no one else catches your eye?"

"The wimpy green haired kid, he doesn't look like much but his quirk is powerful. The drawback is too great though, it seems like his body can't handle it. Other than that, no one else looks like they could do much."

"What about the girls? You spent some time with them, what do you think of them?"

"I can let them live another day since they didn't try talking to you."

"I meant their quirks and personalities."

"I know, I'm just messing with you. The big titty girl has an interesting quirk but it's rather complicated, so I can respect her for knowing how to use it well. I thought the girl with the round face had a quirk similar to yours at first, but it's simply releasing the gravity on whatever she touches. I don't really care about the rest as long as they stay away from you than I don't have a problem with them."

"I see, did you make any friends?"

"Yup! The girl with the pink skin and the invisible girl. They're so energetic like me! How about you Yahiko, did you make any friends with the boys?"

"I talked to one of them, that's good progress."

"You're such a loner but don't worry, you have me!"

Before we could discuss any further, a voice called out to us.


Turning around to see who it is, Yahiko started feeling nervous. It was the girls from 1-A and they were on their own shopping spree.

"Ah, It's Toru-chan, Momo-chan, Ochako-chan, Tsuyu-chan, Mina-chan, and Jirou-chan. Hello!" Himiko exclaimed.

"Did you really have to say all their names one by one?" Yahiko questioned.


"Hello Himiko-chan and Bubaigawara-kun, I didn't expect to see you two here." Momo said a little surprised.

"Just call me Yahiko, I don't really care about being close or anything like that." Yahiko said with his monotone voice.

"Sure thing, so what are you two doing here? Shopping for clothes like us? You should join us, it'll be fun with more people." Mina said expectantly.

'Shit! Shopping with Himiko was more than enough to tire me out, but all these girls at the same time? That's out of the question. I might really lose my life if I don't escape, I must come up with an excuse and fast!'

"Of course! Yahiko and I would love to go shopping with you all, isn't that right Yahiko?" Himiko said with a evil smile on her face.

"Sorry girls, someth-"

"Nonsense, you have all the time in the world, don't you Yahiko?" Himiko said with an even bigger smile on her face.

'Didn't she want me to stay away from the other girls? Why does she suddenly want me to stay with them?' Yahiko thought to himself.

Himiko then whispered in his ear and said "I really like the face you're making, watching you suffer brings me so much joy!"

'Ah, so she's getting turned on. Makes sense I guess.'

The story ends with Yahiko getting dragged around the mall some more while the girls start to get used to him. They didn't find him as scary as he used to be, but they were still a little intimidated by him. But that didn't stop them from making him wear stupid outfits and having a good time. At the end of the day, Yahiko and Himiko went back to the apartment with tons of clothes in tow. Yahiko immediately passed out on the couch after that, another brave soul has perished.

(If y'all are wondering why I haven't posted as much, it's because I'm tired as fuċk and online school practically be having me type out essays for every goddamn class that I'm late for. Since my wifi is shit, I'm always late and since I'm always late, I gotta type out a bunch of essays.. I'll make more chapters soon, I promise.)

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