*Huff* *Huff* *Huff*

A man in a blue suit was running like his life depended on it, well, it did. He looked back to see if his pursuer was tired, much to his dismay, they didn't even look exhausted. There was no heavy breathing or panting, no signs of them slowing down either.

'Is it some sort of stamina quirk?'

He could bȧrėly hear himself think over the constant giggling of his pursuer, who seems to be running even faster than before.

Unfortunately for the man in the blue suit, his pursuer was toying with him. Giving him hope that there is a possibility to escape, then taking it away just so they could enjoy the look of anguish on his face. It excited them, in more ways than one.

"AGHHHH-" The man tried to scream at the sudden pain he felt fly through his leg, but a hand covered his mouth, stopping him from doing so.

"Shhhh, I want to watch you suffer silently!" His pursuer said as they yanked the knife out of his leg, making the man wince in pain.

They let go of the man and watched him limp away, like it was going to help him. The man tripped over his own feet, he hit the ground with a thud. He tried to crawl away, but a knife pinned his hand into the pavement. He tried to scream again but another knife went inside his mouth the second he opened it. He looked up and saw a masked face. The pursuer removed their mask and revealed a smiling demon, a demon that possessed the body of a school girl.

"W-why are you doing this? What do you want from me! D-do you want money! I have loads of it! Do you want me to put someone in jail? I'm a lawyer, it's really easy for me to buy the jury's favor and have them say what I want them to say! If you want me to get someone out of jail, it will be hard but I can try! J-just please let me live! I have a family!" The lawyer started pleading the second she removed the knife from his mouth.

"Oh, silly lawyer-san, I don't want your money. I already have what I want, but the person that paid me to do this to you doesn't have what they want, well, at least not yet." She smiled brightly, it was like she wasn't about to kill someone right now.

"S-someone is paying you to kill me? I'll pay you double of what they're paying you if you let me go!" The lawyer tried to squirm his way out.


The lawyer's face perked up when he heard her consider his proposition.

"Y-yes! Just tell me what I owe you, I'll even add a bonus if you tell me who payed you!"

"Okay, I want your wallet and the password to the safe you keep in your house."

"Yes, of course." The lawyer was surprised that she knew about the safe in his house but didn't question it, he knew that she could kill him anytime she wanted to.

"Yay! Thanks lawyer-san!" The girl said happily as she skipped away.

The lawyer was about to sigh in relief, but something landed on his back. His spine broke in half from the impact and crushed his lungs, along with his ribs. He was going to die, he knew that he was an awful person but where are the heroes? Aren't they supposed to protect him? Where are the police, even they are better then nothing.

"Disgusting." The lawyer heard someone say something, but he could bȧrėly hear it now that a foot crushed his head. The lawyer's head was split open, making his brain splatter against the sidewalk.

The second masked person scooped up the pile of pink mush on the sidewalk into a plastic bag and grabbed the now deceased lawyer's body. They walked over to the smiling girl and disappeared in a puff of smoke. They reappeared in a comfy looking room where a orange haired boy was sitting on his bed peacefully.

"Yahiko!" They girl shouted excitedly as she pounced on him.

"Welcome bac-" Yahiko couldn't finish his sentence since the girl practically shoved her tongue in his mouth. She always gets 'excited' when she's in the middle of a job, so she likes to use Yahiko as way to release her urges.

"Himiko, the blood will get on my sheets." Yahiko tried to reason with her, but she didn't listen.

"I guess you'll just have to sleep in my room tonight." Himiko replied almost immediately, she thought that the blood made it better to be honest.

"At least let me put Tendo away."

Himiko didn't listen to him and continued to rip his clothes off.

"Hey kids, I saw some smoke coming from this room and just wanted to ask you how the mission wen-" Twice walked in on them and saw Himiko mounting Yahiko, who mouthed the words 'help me' to him.

Himiko looked back at him with eyes that said 'if you keep on bothering us then you'll end up like lawyer-san' and Twice was somehow able to understand that.

"I'll just pretend that I didn't see anything/ I SAW EVERYTHING." Twice said as he slowly shut the door.

'I've been betrayed.'


"I love summer break! I get to spend more time with you and you get to spend more time with me! Isn't that great Yahiko!"

"We didn't even give the password to the safe to the others, we'll have to wait till tonight if we want to grab the safe now." Yahiko said dryly, he looked at the several love bites Himiko left on his neck and ċhėst.

"We can worry about the safe later, we should be spending our summer break together. There's so many things we can do, should we watch some movies together? What if we take a break from the missions and just go on a little vacation together?" Himiko suggested several things excitedly.

Yahiko's phone suddenly vibrated, which brought their attention to it.

Yahiko looked at his phone and saw that Aizawa had just sent him a photo. Aizawa was sitting in a hospital bed and was covered in bandages, he looked like a mummy. Underneath the photo was a message saying 'I'll get my revenge.'

'He must be mad about the whole 'Mirko' thing, but how do I respond to this?'

Yahiko received another message saying that he had received two tickets to I-Island.

'Ah, I completely forgot about the movie. The villain in that one has a strong quirk, but that's only if he's surrounded by metal. If I remember correctly, he has to touch it in order to manipulate it, so I should be fine in a fight against him as long as I keep my distance.'

"I-Island? Is that the artificial Island that the scientists go to so they could research quirks or something like that?" Himiko asked as she looked over his shoulder curiously.

"Yes, do you want to go?"

"Will they pay for the trip?"

"Yes, we just have to buy our own food though."

"Sounds like fun! This is great timing too! I'll go tell the others that we're going on a vacation." Himiko ran downstairs as she said that, completely forgetting that she's almost buck nȧkėd.

'Wolfram, he'll make a good corpse.'


"No." All For One said sternly from behind his T.V screen.

"But why not? I swear that the only building I'll destroy is the central tower!" Deidara was practically salivating at the thought of making some art out of a building that has two hundred floors.

"That's the problem, I recently gave a man a muscle enhancement quirk just so he could steal a device that can amplify quirks and that device is inside of that tower. If everything goes according to plan then he'll be able to grab the device and leave the Island without any problems. You two, please keep your friend in check. I don't want another mall incident, I don't think you three know how troublesome warping someone out of danger truly is." All For One explained to the three, hoping that he could convince them to stay out of this.

"What if he doesn't get it because something unexpected happened, what will you do then? Will you send us instead? This device must be really important if you gave some random guy a quirk just so he could get it for you." Satori chimed in, he wasn't paying attention to All For One, he was looking at a picture of Yahiko. He wanted to turn this boy into a puppet, but he knew that it would be difficult if what Deidara told them was true.

"Actually, something else is coming up soon. I want you three to get ready for it, so make sure that Tomura doesn't get hurt.. I'll talk to you later, I have to make more Nomu."

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