My Hero Academia Shall Know Pain

Chapter 46 - The horny is strong with this one

"Hey Mirko, can I ask you a question?" Yahiko interrupted Mirko's and Himiko's bickering.

"You just did." Mirko flashed him a grin.

*Sigh*"You really are unbearable sometimes, you know that? Anyway, why are you wearing a school uniform and not your hero outfit?" Yahiko was getting irritated by her childish antics.

"I wasn't allowed to go on this trip since you guys already have two teachers and some pro heroes to chaperone you, so I decided to go as a student! Pretty smart huh?" Mirko smirked proudly, as if she had found a way to beat the system.

"You did all of this just to see me?" Yahiko was dumbfounded, a powerful hero like Mirko would rather spend her free time bothering a student instead of patrolling the city.


"Surely you have better things to do, right?"


"...That's sad."

"Oof!" A critical hit!

"Well, Yahiko-kun is pretty hard to approach. Besides, my mom always tells me to stay away from the wrong crowd and Yahiko-kun looks like the embodiment of what I'm supposed to avoid." Tsuyu added in.

"Yeah, he's not very social either. Even with energetic people like Himiko-chan and Mina-chan, he doesn't say much to them." Sato aslo pointed Yahiko's antisocial personality.

"True." Shoto suddenly joined in, the pot was calling the kettle black.

"Be quiet back there, we've finally arrived." Aizawa raised his voice slightly, getting everyone to shut up. Even though he did his best to hold it, he let out a few snickers at Yahiko's expense.

'They're ganging up on me, they won't be laughing for long.' (this sounds like something a school shooter would think, where my americans at?)

"Hurry up and get off the bus, we don't have all day." Aizawa says through a tired yawn.

The students, and Mirko, got off the bus as they were told. They were near a cliff that overlooked the forest below them, only a few of them realized that something was wrong. A few minutes later, a car shows up. Two women dressed up like cats and a little boy come out, the boy watches as the two women strike some poses while introducing themselves.

"Ugh, a hero team." Mirko wasn't impressed with the heroes in front of her.

"Just ignore her, it will make things easier for everyone." Aizawa massaged his forehead tiredly.

"Anyway, the school has hired the pussƴcats to help train class 1-A and 1-B. Almost all of you will be able to use your quirks freely." Aizawa continued.

"Wait, what do you mean 'almost' all of us?" Shinso asked, slightly confused.

Aizawa didn't say anything and simply stared at Yahiko for a few seconds, prompting everyone to follow his line of sight. They immediately understood what he ment after that.

"This is discrimination." Yahiko voiced his complaint, but was ignored.

"Alright everyone, I think that this conversation has gone on long enough nya~. If we keep on talking like this, then you all might miss lunch. You guys will be staying at the foot of that mountain, I'll see you guys there! Bye-bye." Pixie-Bob decided to speed things up a bit and caused a the ground underneath them to fall apart, making the kids panic.

"Wait wait wait-"

"I'm not ready!"

"Run back to the bus!"

"Of course you're still here, I hope this trip doesn't get worse." Aizawa raised a flag.

"Hello!" Himiko called from above.

"Fuck me." Aizawa couldn't catch a break and gave up.

"Nya? I didn't expect anyone other than Mirko to dodge my attack, I guess that class 1-A has some capable students this year." Pixie-Bob said with a amused expression on her face.

"That's right! Yahiko is the best student in U.A, something like this is child's play to him." Himiko suddenly started to overpraise Yahiko when she made it back to solid ground.

"Hm? Isn't this the scary looking kid that won the sports festival? I understand why you're praising him, I like strong guys. Hey, how would you like to have a litter of kittens with me?" Pixie-Bob used a cheesy pick up line with no shame.

'We literally just met.'

"Woah now, wait just a minute. There is no way in hell that Yahiko would want some old hag lile you hanging around, scram!" Himiko's mood changed in an instant when she learned that there was more homewreckers around.

"Hah? So I look like a old hag to you, right? I'll show you old!" Pixie-Bob slammed her paws to the ground and made several dirt golems. They varied from size but each of them were still bigger than Himiko.

"Wow, their bloodlust is pretty intense. Want to ditch these losers and go fight somewhere more private?" Mirko commented while trying to keep her shirt from tearing open.

"Why is it when there's some sort of conflict in U.A, you three are always the ones that are involved?" Aizawa questioned them from a safe distance.

'Wait a minute, where's Mandalay?' Yahiko thought to himself while looking around.

Himiko wasn't paying attention to anyone else, she was busy punching some holes through dirt golems. Her strength has increased significantly, she can rival most strength quirk users now. Punching dirt golems apart weren't a problem for her, and she felt satisfied knowing that her increase in strength would help her in future battles.

"So damn annoying nya! I don't see what's so special about a flat ċhėsted girl like you!" Pixie-Bob yelled out, making some veins appear on Himiko's forehead.

"Bitch, mine are bigger than yours! Besides, I'm still a teenager and you're over thirty!" Himiko shot back.

The small battlefield was silent for a moment, until they walked up to each other, Pixie-Bob was taller than Himiko by three inches. They looked at each others ċhėsts for a good minute before looking back at each other.




Putting their arms around each others shoulders and shouting happily, they both appreciated the fact that they weren't surrounded by titty monsters. They both paused for a second before looking over at Yahiko, and then they started fighting again.

*Spray* *Spray*



"No horny!" Mandalay had a spray bottle in one hand and a wooden bat in the other.

"And you! Control your girlfriend." Mandalay called out to Yahiko.

"Got it." Yahiko then looked over at Himiko.

*Whistle*"Come on Himiko, come here girl. Come on, over here."*Whistle* Yahiko did his best to control his bloodsucker.

'Everyone forgot about me.' Kota thought to himself.


Over at the summer camp, things weren't that different from the edge of the cliff. Mandalay and Ragdoll were keeping Pixie-Bob restrained and Yahiko was holding Himiko back and keeping Mirko at bay. Aizawa had crawled into a sleeping bag and was never seen again. Vlad king was watching all of this go down with a disappointed look on his face, he was also disappointed at his own class for getting lost. Both classes didn't make it on time to get lunch, only two students got to eat what was prepared for them.

'If I had known that staying back with Aizawa was going to be like this then I would've thrown myself off the cliff while I still had the chance.' Yahiko thought as he 'Almighty Pushed' Mirko away.

"Come ooooooon! Fight me for real!" Mirko was complaining like a spoiled child.

'Kenobi, please help me.'

"FUCK!" Yahiko could hear someone shouting in the distance.

'Fuck.' Yahiko cursed in his mind.

"W-we're finally here! Good job everyone!" Izuku shouted tiredly but enthusiastically at the same time.

Kota didn't know what made him do it, but he immediately punched the green haired boy in the balls. He made Himiko proud that day.

"Welcome back kids, we are a little understaffed at the moment so go clean yourselves in the hot springs while I go fetch my class with Tiger." Vlad King called out to 1-A.

"What do you mean understaffed? Isn't this a bit unprofessional? Where's Aizawa-sensei and Mirko-sensei? Don't we have the wild pussƴcats to help chaperone us?" Iida didn't know how to take the stick out of his ȧss and kept on pestering Vlad King, who simply pointed to the building behind him and over to Yahiko. The class looked over and saw the predicament that he was in, they suddenly felt a whole lot better about themselves.

"Give me your kittens!"

"His babies are mine!"

"Luna Arc!"

"Almighty Push!"

The boys in the class suddenly felt a whole lot worse.

'Is it the piercings?! Do good girls really like bad boys? Should I become a delinquent?' Denki questioned himself, it looked like he was on the verge to finding the secrets of the universe.

"Come on Himiko, let's go to the hot spring." Yahiko tried to calm down Himiko.

"Together?" Himiko looked up to him expectantly.

"We don't have mixed bathes." Ragdoll shouted.

"Hmm.. what if we wait until-"

"You either get in while you have the chance or you can go to bed filthy." Mandalay said.

Himiko pouted, brushed herself off, and glared at Pixie-Bob. She held her head up high and walked over to the hot springs. Yahiko sighed to himself before following her, with the rest of the class doing the same.

Arriving at the boy's changing room, most of the boys gave Yahiko a dirty look. While they were fighting dirt monsters, he was hanging around cute girls! Yahiko was too tired to care about the looks they gave him and undressed himself quickly, he wanted nothing more than to hop in the hot spring. Wrapping a cloth around his waist, he made his way over to the door.

*A challenger approaches!*

"Halt! We have some business to discuss Yahiko, or should I say, harem protagonist!" Denki shouted dramatically.

"Denki... get out of my way, now." Yahiko was somehow more threatening than usual.

"Not until you pay the price for committing treason! Not only did you start the school year with a girlfriend by your side, making you the natural enemy to the boys, but you also have not one, but two sėxy pro heroines chasing after you! Do you feel it? My jealousy! Yahiko! You are my arch nemesis, one day, I will defeat you!"


Smacking Denki in the side of the head with a black receiver, Yahiko stepped over Denki's unconscious body and cleaned himself before resting in the hot spring. The other boys looked at Denki with pity before stepping over him as well.

"Why is Denki unconscious over here?" Aizawa suddenly appeared.

"He slipped when he was trying to rush over to the wall to find a peephole." Yahiko answered immediately.

"Makes sense, I'll make sure to keep an eye on him. You guys will eat some dinner after this and go to sleep right after." Aizawa said as he slowly got into the hot spring as well.

"Ah, this is what I needed." Yahiko said to himself as he relaxed.

*Heavy breathing*

"Come on, come on! There's got to be a peephole somewhere!" A very familiar voice said from the other side of the wall.

"It's no use, the only way to peek is to fly above the wall. Give me a boost so I can see Yahiko nya!" Another new yet familiar voice reached his ears.

"Yahiko! Come over here so we can continue where we left off! I won't be satisfied until we have another fight!" Y'all know who this is.

"P-please don't come over here Yahiko-kun! We're still bathing, Mirko, Himiko, Pixie-Bob, please get away from the wall!" Momo said with a flushed face.

"Having some trouble with the girls, poor bastard. You see, this is why I'm single." Aizawa chuckled to himself.

'I just wanted to enjoy the hot springs.'

"There you are! Come here, or else I'll come over there!" Mirko's head popped over the wall for a brief second.

"KYAAAH!" Some of the boys started screaming and covering themselves while running out of the hot spring.

"Aren't you going to deal with that?" Yahiko ask with a annoyed expression on his face.

"She said it herself, she's a female student and I'm a male teacher. I can't go over to the women's side and discipline her, the female chaperones have to do that." Aizawa replied lazily, he was starting to fall asleep.

"You are a very unpleasant person."

"Thanks." Aizawa smiled before passing out in the hot spring.

Deciding he's had enough time in the hot spring, Yahiko dragged Aizawa out and left him in the changing room next to Denki. Drying himself off and putting on a dark blue yukata, Yahiko walked out of the changing room while ignoring the other guys.

"Come to momnya!" Pixie-Bob ran out of the women's changing room and tried to pounce on Yahiko.

"I respectfully decline, I already told you that I'm seeing someone so just give up." Yahiko dodged to the side, making Pixie-Bob fall flat on her face.

"Sooner or later you are going to realize that you lost a chance to sleep with a sėxy girl like me!" Pixie-Bob said as she made a strategic retreat.

"Good riddance.." Himiko said with a perverted smile on her face.

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