(One year later)

A thirteen year old boy could be seen sitting on top of a building, to his left is a blonde girl that was currently looking at some blood inside a small vial. To his right is a energetic man whose face is covered for his own sake. Yahiko, Toga, and Twice. They're observing a rundown warehouse, waiting for a perfect opportunity to strike.

"Hey Yahiko-kun, why do we have to do this? It's so boring, wouldn't it be better to just destroy the whole place if it's bothering you so much?"

"No Himiko, there's something in there that will help improve the chances of a better future. It would be a shame if we accidentally destroyed it."

'The chances of a better future?'

Both Himiko and Jin were confused. They were here because Yahiko asked them for help with something important, they didn't think it would be anything serious.

"What do you mean by that? Are you going to do something big?"

"Not me Jin, 'we' will do something big."

"Huh? Wait a second, you never said anything about us being involved. I'll gladly help you but what's in it for us?"

"Himiko, you said you wanted to live in a world where you could do anything you want without feeling restricted right?"


"Jin, you said you wanted to make some friends, am I correct?"


"Well, I'll make your wishes come true. All you two have to do is help me make my own wish come true."

"What's your wish?"

They couldn't help but ask. Yahiko never spoke about his ambitions before, so they were extremely curious.

"...World Peace."


They didn't expect to hear those words to come out of his mouth, they were expecting something like 'To become a god' or 'World domination'.

"It's almost time, Jin start cloning us so we could get in position."

"O-ok, you got it."

Six Yahiko's and several Himiko's later, they were ready. All they had to do now was wait for nightfall.


"Let's go."

Six masked individuals jumped off a building and were quickly falling, they looked like villains with the way they were dressed. They wore black cloaks with a little bit of blue around their waistline. Five of them stealthily jumped onto the side of the warehouse and started climbing towards different windows. When the five were in position, the last one walked right up to the huge doors and knocked three times.

On the inside of the warehouse, several armed people were moving strange looking creatures in large test tubes. The one supervising them was a short bald man with a large mustache and strange goggles. His name is Kyudai Garaki, a man that tells All For One powerful quirks that could help him and makes nomu for him. Kyudai is staring at a man in a test tube, a man he worked hard on. He had tried to make a nomu that could blend in with society, he failed miserably. His test subject had its mind intact so he couldn't control him like the other nomu, its body started breaking down as well, making it completely useless.

'A failure, All For One even gave it some powerful quirks too. I should just stick with the original design for now.'

Suddenly he heard a knock on the giant doors, this was enough to worry the doctor. The warehouse was a restricted area, normal civilians weren't able to get in.

'This isn't good, we've been discovered. I must call All For One and let him know that the heros are onto us!'

"I want half of you to form a firing squad in front of the door, the rest can start moving the incomplete nomu to a more secure location."

The mercenaries did what they were told and started preparing for a attack. Kyudai called All For One and told him about the current situation.

[I want you to go to the roof so Kurogiri can help you escape, I don't care about the regular nomu but keep the one I made for Tomura safe.]

"Understood sir, I'll call you again when I'm safe. Open the doors and prepare to fire!"

The giant doors began to open slowly. Standing on the other side of the door was a person wearing a white bird mask and a black cloak. Judging from his height, the mercenaries thought he was quite young. But in the end it didn't matter to them, all that mattered was the money they were going to get once the job was over.


As the mercenaries were about to open fire on the masked individual, a quarter of them suddenly pointed their guns at their allies.

"What the h- *BANG*

'What!? Why are the mercenaries turning on each other!? And who are these guys? Vigilantes?'

The unknown group of people were killing mercenaries left and right, the traitors were also making short work of as well.

'This is not good, at this rate I wont be able to hold out against them. I need a distraction!'

Looking at the incomplete nomu in the test tubes, Kyudai formed a large grin on his face without him even knowing it. He quickly reached for some keys he had on his waist and put it in a lock on his control panel. Twisting the key as fast as he could, he then pushes a red buŧŧon next to it. The nomu that were sleeping in the test tubes started thrashing around wildly, they broke the tubes that imprisoned them. Once they were free, they started destroying everything in their path. Not knowing or caring about who or what they were fighting, it quickly turned into battle of survival.

'This should give me enough time to escape this hellhole, I just need to get to the roof with Tomura's nomu unscathed.'

While Kyudai was thinking of ways to escape, the six masked vigilantes were fighting against the nomu with ease.

'Is this really all they could do? It's like fighting giant children, they're just swinging their arms wildly.'

Yahiko ducked under a giant arm and stabbed the pitiful creature in the head with a chakra receiver, making it pop up on the top of its skull. He then grabs the other end of the receiver and twists it until the head of the nomu is upside down.

One of his clones summoned a giant panda that has three large rods in it, to defend himself from a punch from a nomu. The summoned beast didn't even move an inch. Throwing a receiver that went through the nomu's throat, the clone dispels the summon and starts throwing more chakra receivers.

Kyudai was starting to realize the nomu weren't going to slow the vigilantes down, but luckily for him Kurogiri arrived earlier than expected.

"Are you alright doctor?"

"I'm fine, just get us out of here already!"

"As you wish."

Quickly disappearing with the doctor and the nomu made to kill All Might, Kurogiri got one last look at the people who did this. Six people were quickly finishing off the remaining nomu like it was nothing.

'If they are targeting us specifically, than we're not going to stand a chance against them without All For One.'

Yahiko looks at the black fog with an uncaring gaze, the doctor escaped but he wasn't the target in the first. Calmly walking past the corpses of both man, creature, and brownish slime. His clones started melting into slime as well, not that it mattered. Yahiko didn't stop walking until he went in front of a particular test tube. Inside was a tall man with long white hair, he was was wearing a black full body suit that had glowing purple linings. The suit had two black and purple cylinders protruding from each shoulder blade, his mask had seven smaller versions of the two cylinders on it, three on each cheek and one on his chin.

Smashing the glass of the test tube, the water like liquid started flowing out causing the man to fall. Catching him in his arms, Yahiko brings him to a carries him outside and jumps away. He didn't bother cleaning up his mess, it would help the heros realize the return of All For One sooner. Landing on the building that Himko and Jin were on, Yahiko puts the man down and starts conversing with them.

"This is the guy that can help us? It doesn't look he can do much considering we had to save him in the first place."

"He looks like a nice guy, I hope we can be friends."

"He will be necessary for my plans, and he's fairly powerful since he can steal quirks like All For One."

Upon hearing this the two of them immediately got serious.

'I already explained to them who All For One was and what he was capable of. I also told them about All Mights situation.'

"So that's why you were so insistent on finding these buildings with those nomu things, does this mean he can steal our quirks?"


"I see... Let's kill him before he becomes a threat."


"But why not! If I kill him than that means there's one less All For One in this world, don't you think it would be better in the long run?"

"This 'All For One' right here hates the original, so he's a potential ally. Besides, I have a way to persuade him to join us."

"Hmpf, Fine. He could join for now, but I'll stab him to death if he tries anything fishy."

"Thank you for understanding Himiko, it makes me happy to know that you trust me so much."

Yahiko let out a small genuine smile, he's never smiled in front of them before so this was a pretty big surprise for them.

"Jin! Jin! Look! Yahiko's smiling, he's really smiling! Quick, take a picture!"

"Who are you! And what did you do with my son!"

'*Sigh* I'm never smiling again.'

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