People.. Aren't born equal in this day and age.

Special abilities or rather, quirks were showing up more and more frequently.

The cause of the appearance of quirks is unknown, other than that it started 200 years ago, and it all started with a luminescent child born in China.

Chaos spread throughout the world, and many used their quirks for evil.

Robberies, murders, personal grudges. As long as you were strong enough, no one could do anything to you. With that, a few brave people stood up against the system, they brought it down, while defeating the strongest villain and restoring the world.

Later on, there were still people using their quirks for bad things. In the end, government allowed a new occupation in the world, they called it... Hero.

Heroes would essentially use their quirks to stop villains like in old tv shows. They created hero rankings based on strength and popularity. The stronger the hero, the more you are recognized and you get more money for your services.

Some quirks are normal. They are usually used for daily uses. For your work or household.

Other quirks are stronger and once you are born with a strong one, your life is essentially easy.

People with those kinds of quirks, end up in the academies for heroes.

While over 80% of human population has quirks. Others, weren´t born that fortunate.

The quirkless users are being discriminated against. Being quirkless, is like you were born with a defect.


Musutafu, Japan. Kids Playground.

A small boy, with dark green hair and green eyes was defending another kid which was crying on the ground. The green haired boy was really scared, but despite that, he still stood up for the poor kid

In front of him, stood a red eyed kid, with a nasty grin, explosively spiked blonde hair and her 2 goons. Being a part of their group, he knows that if he does something like protecting the boy, he will get punished instead.

But, despite knowing that he will get beaten up by his friend Kacchan and her two bully friends. He refused to obey their rules and prepared himself for the worst.

As the two best ex-friends looked at each other, the green-haired boy said,

"Enough Kacchan! You already made him cry.. Stop it, I won't let you hurt him!"

Still trembling, the boy somehow managed to hold his own against his opponents, but he still cried, because he was up against Kacchan and her goons, all of which had quirks.

Annoyed with him, Kacchan shouted,

"Shut the fuck up, Deku! You think you can play a hero? A QUIRKLESS ONE? HAHA" she laughed as she enjoyed the feeling of being stronger than everyone else her age.

"D-Don't call me Deku. M-My name is Izuku Midoriya. And I have a quirk. " replied the scared boy.


Name:Katsuro Bakugo (Kacchan)

Occuptation:The Bully


Designation:Explosion Bully - (basic sweating 10 more strength from her quirk)


Strength: 10(20+ With Quirk)


Intelligence: 8


Luck: 20

Quirk - Explosion -Explosion Quirk allows her to secrete nitroglycerin-like sweat from her palms and detonate it at will to create explosions. The more she sweats, the stronger her explosion gets.



When I visited the doctor to check my quirk, he told me that I was quirkless and it was unikely that I will ever be a hero.

"I am sorry kid, but quirkless humans can´t ever become heroes. Without a quirk, you would be severely injured when fighting against a villain.

From our tests, we have concluded that your intelligence is really high. But it´s a shame that you don´t have a quirk..." Said the doctor.

When he said that, my quirk finally emerged. My overflowing emotions and an insane amount of desire, helped my body and somehow created something unreal.


Name:Daruma Ujiko

Occuptation:The Quirk Doctor


Designation:The Doctor


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Strength: ?





Quirk - ?


"Mom! I have a quirk. It just appeared!" young Deku screamed.

His mother looked at the doctor in hope, but he just shook his head.

"Izuku-kun... I am so sorry. But I don´t think it´s possible for you to have a quirk.. Madam Midoriya, please come with me for a second." doctor said and they both left the room.

Izuku quickly ran after them and put his ear on the door. He definitely wasn´t eavesdropping or anything. It was only a logical thing to do when people were talking about him behind his back.

"Madam, I am afraid your son is delusional. He probably couldn´t handle the stress of not having a quirk. It´s really shocking that someone is born quirkless at this day and age. I feel bad for your son, but I hope that you will still love him even if he doesn´t have a quirk." Doctor sighed.

Inko finally couldn´t stop her tears from falling. "Of course I will. I will love him no matter what."

'Mom. I will become a hero no matter what. That´s my life goal. I am not quite sure if this is my quirk, or a figment of my imagination. But no way am I giving up on being a hero.'Deku silently clenched his fists.


Back to present.

"She called you Deku, so, you are Deku, idiot!"

"The Quirkless wonder still tries to speak to the boss like that, let's punch him."

The two of Kacchan's friends joined the fray


Name:Shinto Ujiko

Occuptation:The Goon









Quirk - Wings of Freedom - allows user to fly a certain distance before falling.



Name:Honta Tomaru

Occuptation: The Goon


Designation: None


Strength: 3


Intelligence: 2



Quirk Extendiro - allows user to extend any part of his body. (2m max)


"Shut up extras! Only I can call him that!" shouted Kacchan.

She turned around and smirked, "But I agree with the beating part!"

'What do I do.'


Name:Izuku (Deku) Midoriya

Occuptation:The Ghost Gamer


Next Level: 98.58%

Designation:Intellectual (Gives user 20 points of intelligence)


MP 100/100

Strength: 7







Skills - Observe (lvl 9)

The Mind of a Gamer - (passive - inactive)

Quirk - The Gamer - users life is a video game. Includes many bonuses from Rpg games.

Inactive -???


'From what I can tell, I am not quirkless, I should have 2 quirks, but I can't find a way to show them. No one would believe me if I said that my life is like a game.'

'Heck, If I told them I have 2 quirks, but I can't show them, they would most likely beat me up more often.

Compared to Kacchan, my level is higher, but my stats are much worse. How do I save the boy?'

Instead of going after the poor boy, which already left the scene long ago, they all went after Deku, with Kacchan using her quirk, Explosion.

Deku sighed in relief. "At least the boy escaped"

"But you won't be able to nerd!"

Kacchan closed in on Deku and threw an explosive punch.

Deku ducked and somehow managed to dodge it.

'Her punches are really strong, even without her quirk. And when her quirk is active, it will be even worse for me. Most of the quirks in this world are not that strong, but she, was born special. I can't get hit, or else something bad will happen to me.' Izuku thought.

Deku tried running away, but he tripped and painfully fell on the ground.

Izuku thought to himself,

'Am I going to die here? No. It's not like I didn't get a beating from her before, but she never used her quirk on me. What if her explosion leaves a permanent mark on me, or I will be disabled for the rest of my life? I can't be a hero that way.'




As Deku screamed, Kacchan and her goons all froze, confusing Deku in the process.

He managed to get back on his feet and looked at the trio, but they were still paralyzed.

Fear of losing his only friend overwhelmed him. He couldn't think of anything. Why weren't they moving?

'Are they dead? Did I kill them?' He slowly turned around and muttered to himself. He developed this habit, when he observed all kinds of heroes and villains on television. He always thought about possible weaknesses and counters on heroes and their quirks.

"I hope I didn't kill them."

◄█ I̷ H̷O̷P̷E̷ I̷ D̷I̷D̷N̷'̷T̷ K̷I̷L̷L̷ T̷H̷E̷M. █►

Deku turned around, and his eyes widened at what he saw. It was a figure, that resembled a human. It was made out of some odd black material, that wrapped around the creature in a spiral form. The black matter was more than 2 meters tall.

Deku lost his balance once again and fell on the ground for the second time that day.

The figure squatted in front of him, looking at him with no face. It slowly raised its clawed hand towards the frightened Deku, however, the fear was gone after it started patting him on the head.

Once again, the black giant spoke. This time, while looking at Kacchan.

◄█ I̷ H̷A̷V̷E̷ A̷ Q̷U̷I̷R̷K̷ █►

A loud and a dark voice echoed in the surrounding area, scaring the trio.

"W-What was that noise Deku?!! And why can´t I move?!! ANSWER ME DEKU!!" Kacchan was feeling anxious. She never expected that this nerd had a power like that.

"I-I can´t move as well..."

"M-maybe his quirk has finally emerged. Like some kind of stun gun?"

None of them were able to see the creature in front of them. Only the dark voice that came out of its mouth.

'Oh. It looks like they are fine. I am glad, but I should probably escape now.' thinking that, Izuku fled the scene.

"STOP DEKU!!" Kacchan cried in vain while Deku left the place.

After running for a while, Izuku stopped and leaned on a nearby tree.


Hm? What was that sound?


A Second Quirk has unlocked after experiencing fear.

[Ajin] - ???, A new skill has been unlocked after surviving a dangerous situation.

[Ajin Scream]- Stuns the enemy from 1 to 6 minutes.

A new skill is being formed due to an astonishing observation.

[Explosion] is created, which forms an orb of explosion.

Explosion skill lvl 0

Requirements:Strength 50

Intelligence 62


'What the hell?'


Bakugo household.

After the incident, Katsuro returned to her house full of irritation.

"Oi Brat, why are you looking like that? Did you eat a fly or something?" Her mom teased her, since she looked realy pissed off.

"Shut up old hag! It was that damn Deku! It is always him!" shouted Katsuro

"Oh? But you never talked about him at all lately, I thought that you forgot about him." her mother replied.

Katsuro clicked her tongue and said "That damn nerd finally got a quirk, and it looks like a strong one as well."

"Oh, isn´t that good? You can finally play with someone that isn´t just your follower but your friend. You were always on a good terms with him, but after his quirk test, you distanced yourself from him."

"Old hag, I don´t have time to be all friendly with anyone. I want to be the strongest hero there is, stronger than All Might. Moreover, his quirk fucking paralysed me for about 6 minutes. I need to figure out some kind of a countermeasure, so that I could escape from his grasp."

Katsuro frowned and stayed silent.

Her mother looked bewildered. "That long? How did he even do that?"

"Tch. Hell if I know. He shouted out of nowhere and all three of us got paralysed, no chance to fight back." Katsuro replied.

"That´s impressive. In a few years, it could be a fantastic quirk to use against villains." Her father entered the room and commented.

"Fuck off weakling! No one asked for your opinion!"

Her dad looked visibly hurt by her words.

"Language lady!"


Since the day I´ve returned from the doctor´s place, I´ve been experimenting with my quirk.

After a while of trying. I´ve found some weird things.

'It´s like, I have some kind of an Observation ability. From continuous use of the ability, the "Observe" gained levels and actually evolved. I even got experience points from that.'

'The only possible way of gaining experience points, is either by leveling that Observe, or by completing quests designated for me. Also, one time I killed a mosquito and it gave me 5 xp, so I guess killing or defeating things also gives me xp? '

"Izuku dear, will you wash the dishes for me?"

Once in a while, a task window pops up in front of me, and gives me a quest.

Just like now.




Go wash the dishes.

Your mom wants you to help her with cleaning the dishes, let´s go downstairs and help her with that!

LIMIT TIME:50 seconds

REWARD:EXP. +500, Bonus affection from mother in a form of a hug.

FAIL PENALTY:Nagging from mom, but still a hug? What kind of mom is this?!!



"The best mother I could possibly ask for." Izuku thought and clicked on the Accept button.

'From what I've seen on the internet, many parents that had quirkless kids, just left the poor kids alone. It's really sad. But I am glad. Even though she still believes that I am quirkless, she hadn´t left me.'

After finishing the dishes, I received the notification of gaining xp and a level up notification.

'I gained a considerable amount of points. What should I use them for? How do I even appoint points into my stats anyway?'

I silently observe the stats screen and that's when I saw it. The plus button beside almost every stat.

'Finally. I have 25 unused skill points.'

Deku thought for a while, before allocating his points.


Name:Izuku (Deku) Midoriya

Occuptation:The Ghost Gamer


Next Level: 56.03%

Designation:Intellectual (Gives user 20 points of intelligence)


MP 100/100

Strength: 7--> 10

Agility:1 --> 3

Intelligence:32--> 52

Wisdom: 5




Skills -Observe (lvl 9)

The Mind of a Gamer - ( passive - inactive)

Explosion - (Inactive skill. Requirements were not met.)

Quirk - First Quirk (The Gamer) - users life is a video game. Includes many bonuses from Rpg games.

Second Quirk, Inactive (Ajin) - Black Ghost, Ajin Scream, ???


After I used up all of my points, I felt an immediate change in my body.

All of a sudden, I've felt stronger and smarter than ever before.

'It really works, it's really a quirk!'

Without even realizing, Izuku started crying like a little baby.

A poor 5 years old boy, getting bullied because they thought he didn't have a quirk.

'Now, for my second quirk. It's called Ajin, but it says it's inactive.

I´ve never heard about a quirk like that before. Most of the quirks are similar in some way.

Like fire, water and some power strengthening quirks.

Many people have abilities like that. It only depends on the amount of power you can pull out of it.'

'Personally, I am glad that I have 2 quirks. It makes me special, in a good way.

Also.. What is that explosion skill? I need to gain some stats before I can unlock it.

Is it possible, that I can gain more skills other than Observe?'

So many questions flooded Izuku's mind. Yet there were no answers at the moment.

'None of these quirks are from my parents. I don't know how I got them, but I thank you, god.

I've never really prayed before, but.. I feel like I have to do it now.'

Deku kneeled on the floor, and clasped his hands together.

"Thank you god, for giving me another chance in life, I will make sure I won´t misuse it."

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