"Damn, having this much audience sure is annoying."

Izuku observed his surroundings and noted that more and more goblins gathered to watch the duel.

"It´s only been around 13 goblins but now it´s more than 40. I don´t think I can handle all of them after I finish with this one. I will need Blackie´s help." Izuku concluded after warily analyzing his surroundings.

Finally, after a few moments of staring at each other down, Goblin King finally made his first move and waved his long sword towards Izuku's neck. Despite their height difference, the longsword made up for Goblin King's handicap.

Seeing the sword approaching, Izuku ducked down and swiftly avoided his attack. He quickly counterattacked with his dagger and grazed him on the cheek.

Feeling his dagger sliding across his target, Izuku smiled and confidently said,

"This will be much easier than I thought."

With Izuku's dagger, he inflicted the bleed effect upon his enemy.

Goblin King licked his cheek and looked at Izuku in contempt.

He turned his head towards his minions and shouted,


"Guguga!""Guguga!" "Guguga!"

Out or fear for their own lives, they quickly accepted King's orders and encircled the two of them while making the ring smaller.

'Damn, there isn't much space to dodge now. Seems like he figured out my dodges will be troublesome and he has taken countermeasures.'

Izuku tightly gripped his dagger and jumped straight at the Goblin King. The Goblin King in return, made an attempt to attack Izuku, but he dodged his longsword without much trouble.

"Even if you encircle me, you are still too slow!" Izuku laughed.

The Goblin King didn´t bother to dodge and recieved Izuku´s attack head on. He pierced his chest and it looked like a fatal blow, but to Izuku´s surprise, Goblin King didn´t even flinch.

He looked at Izuku and grinned.

"Shit! This is bad!" Izuku started panicking.

Goblin King dropped his longsword on the ground and grabbed onto Izuku´s hand that stabbed him a few seconds ago. He twisted Izuku´s right arm with both of his hands and it made a horrifying cracking noise.

"ARRGH! Fuck! Blackie! Come!"

Seeing that his host is in trouble, Blackie quickly moved from his original spot to help him. However, Gobling King ordered his army of minions to intercept him and to stop him at any cost.

Poor goblins jumped at Blackie one by one.

Even though they weren´t able to deal any damage to him, they could still stall for time.

"Damn! Blackie is fighting other goblins... What to do..."

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn´t pull his already broken arm out of Goblin King´s grasp.

Throught those few seconds, Goblin King twisted his arm into a weird shape. Izuku tried punching him a few times while screaming out in pain, but it didn´t do enough damage.

"LET ME GO!" Seeing that punching him wasn't working, Izuku used Ajin´s scream.

It´s been a long times since he used it. He didn´t even use it on Toga because he thought that it would be pointless.

Screaming his ass off, Izuku managed to temporarily paralyze his enemy.

He used this chance to get his hand out of his graps.

With a furious look on his face, Izuku took out the dagger out of the Goblin King´s torso and continuously stabbed him in the face. Despite having stronger bones, there is no way he could have survived Izuku´s continuous onslaught.


Goblin killed - earned 200 XP

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Goblin killed - earned 200 XP

Goblin King Killed - earned 4000 XP, Title - The Nemesis Of Goblins, Cain´s Foot.

You have gained 2 lvls!



"While it´s a great thing that I managed to level up this much in just a few minutes, I still don´t feel like getting any more hurt than I am now. I also wanted to upgrade my strength, but first, I need to check what this Cain´s foot is, since I don´t think that the Goblin King had a name. Observe."


Name: Cain´s foot

Class: Elite

Passive Skill - User´s luck is doubled. For every luck you add to your points, you get one more point for free.


It was a small wooden necklace with an image of a foot without any toes.

"Wow, That´s pretty nice, however I don´t know if the concept of luck even works. When I was young, I quickly figured out all of my stats other than luck.

It´s so mysterious. Can I use luck to dodge enemy attacks easily, win a lottery or do bosses drop more items?" as Izuku was contemplating, Blackie finished the last goblin.

"It´s time to upgrade myself once more. I have 10 points. Let´s use it on luck and strength, observe."


Name:Izuku (Deku) Midoriya

Occuptation:The Ghost Gamer

Level:25 - - >27

Next Level: 5.24%

Designation:Cognitive (Gives user 60 points of intelligence)

[NEW!] Titles:

[NEW!]- The Nemesis Of Goblins - You deal 50% more damage to goblins of all kind. Goblins that are lower level than you, will immediately run once they see you.


MP 1500/1500

Strength: 49 --> 50




Luck:25 --> 43



Skills -Observe (lvl max)

The Mind of a Gamer - (passive - active)

[NEW!] - Explosion skill lvl 1

Ajin scream (lvl 4)

Yūrei (lvl 6) - (Inactive)

Sprint (lvl max)

Breathing technique (lvl max)

Perfect memory - (passive - active)

Hand to hand combat (lvl 11)

Quirk - The Gamer - users life is a video game. Includes many bonuses from Rpg games.

Ajin - user is able to summon a ghost, that helps him in fights, he is also able to scream at a high pitched voice that paralyzes his enemies for a certain amount of time. - Some enemies are resistant.

(The packaging includes a curse.)


"I´ve met the requirements. Let´s try it out."

Izuku put his left hand in front of him, and yelled, "Explosion!"


An explosion that equaled a hand grenade in terms of power echoed in the area.

Tons of wild animals left the scene in fear and the leftover goblins which Blackie didn´t manage to kill started running away from the place even faster.

Izuku proudly smiled as he had finally fullfilled all of the requirements for his new skill, however, just as he was about to celebrate, he felt a stinging pain in his hand.

He looked down at his left hand in confusion, just to see that 3 of his fingers were no longer present while his pinky and his ring finger were badly disfigured.


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