"Is it really you?" Izuku asked full of excitement.

The man nodded and replied, "It is indeed me. I am so sorry Izuku. I.. I don't know what to say..."

The whole meeting was really awkward for Izuku, since he didn´t know anything about his father at all.

"Say, where is your mom? Is she home?"

"Ah.. She is at work. She will be home in a few hours." Izuku replied.

The man sighed and said, "Say Izuku..I know that I wasn´t a good parent. How about....How about we do something together? What are your hobbies?"

Izuku smiled and replied, "I usually go out and train my body... I aim to be...a hero... I also love to cook."

"A hero huh..That´s a tough profession, I´ve personally never been a hero and I wouldn´t want to do it, but if that´s what you want, then go for it.

As for cooking, it´s actually my favorite thing to do, how about I show you some foreign recipes? I am so good they called me a Masterchef " Izuku´s father replied.

Thinking he was just joking, Izuku laughed and said, "Of course, the kitchen is all yours. By the way, how was your work in England? I am sure it must have been really exhausting."

"It really was tough, I am not gonna lie. It was the main reason I couldn´t return home. But, I had some nice memories of England. I might tell you some of my stories once I finish with my cooking, okay?"

Hearing him, Izuku jolted and stopped moving.

"Here, I will make you something real quick." Izuku´s father grabbed a bunch of ingredients from the fridge and started making something.

Meanwhile, Izuku just watched him while thinking about something.



Name:Hisashi Midoriya (Fake - Impostor under a disguise)

Occuptation:Villain, Part of the newly formed group called League of Villains.

Level: 20


Strength: 41




The user is under influence of an Intel Curse.

Quirk- Transformation - User is able to transform into other human beings by using photos. User isn't able to copy quirks or bloodlines.


'I see now...Blackie, come out.'

Shadow sphere formed in front of Izuku and Blackie came out of it.

"Hey Izuku, are you listening? This is how you make oatmeal rolls. First thing you nee-"

Before he could finish his sentece, he gasped for air.

He was unable to understand what happened.

His chest tightened and it felt like something just passed right through him. Soon after, he felt an intense pain in his chest area and his shirt was dyed in red color.

*Cough Cough*

"Wh-"What is this?!"

He turned around to face Izuku but the moment he looked at him, the pain in his chest got even worse. His legs left the ground as he was lifted up by an invisible force.

"You´ve got some nerve to show up in front of me while pretending to be my father."

Izuku´s cold words send a chill down the impostor´s spine.

"I-I don´t know what you are talking about..Izuku...Put me down, or I will really die..." The impostor pleaded.

Izuku was completely pissed. He clenched his teeth and felt tight anger welling up in the back of his throat.

"You! You Still dare to talk like that! You are a villain, not my father!" Izuku shouted.

Answering to Izuku´s emotions, Blackie, threw the impostor into a nearby wall.

Izuku then went towards the lifeless body of the impostor to check whether he was still breathing.

Catching him by surprise, the impostor took out a long knife from his jacket and stabbed him into the heart.

"Hah...Hah..There you have it you bastard...I...I was ordered to keep an eye on your mother... since she is called the poison fanatic....but, no one told me about such a strong kid... I thought he was supposed to be quirkless."

Covering his mortal wound with his hands, the man stood up from the ground and tried to find something to stop the bleeding with.

"This is bad...I lost too much blood...This kid almost killed me"

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Impostor looked around in shock as he heard a weird sound. He stared at the object on the ground in fright as he trembled.

"But that can´t be...I...I stabbed his heart with it... Why...Why is it on the ground?!"

He looked at the dead Izuku, but the knife wasn´t inside of him anymore.

To his horror, black particles of dust formed around the wound and closed it, as if the wound never happend.

Afterwards, Izuku stood up from the ground while looking completely healthy.

"Th-That´s impossible! How are you alive?!"

Ignoring the impostor's question, Izuku picked up the knife and went towards him.

"No! Stay away!" He screamed as he fell on the ground.

Impostor had a precious quirk that could be misused in many situations. The only problem it had, was that it wasn´t lethal in any way. All he had, was his knife, which was taken away from him. He didn´t even know the basics of self defence.

Izuku slowly walked towards him while cracking his neck, "It seems like I've died for the fourth time now."

"W-What the hell are you!"

Izuku smiled and replied, "An Ajin."

He ordered Blackie to get behind the impostor and continued, "I was really happy, I thought that my dad had finally visited me after so many years, however, you have made 3 terrible mistakes."

Impostor flinched at his words, but still decided to listen.

"First thing you did wrong, was that you said you love cooking, My mom told me, my father was so untalented at cooking, she thought he might even burn the whole house while making toasts. At first, I thought that you were joking about being able to cook, but it didn´t seem to be the case."

Izuku continued, "The second thing you did wrong, was that you said you never thought about being a hero.

My father was a hero...Even if it wasn´t for long. Before their marriage, my father should have been working as a sidekick hero. That´s where he met my mom.

He saved her and they fell in love.

Now, for the biggest mistake you made. Tell me, how stupid do you have to be, to mistake America with England?"

In that moment, it all dawned upon the impostor. From the information he recieved, her husband was in America, not in England!

"But...You, yourself have asked me about my work in England! You tricked me!" Impostor shouted.

Izuku smiled and replied, "I had to check whether you were the real deal after all. It´s a good thing I did, now tell me, who sent you. You said something about my mother before I passed out. Care to share some details?" He put the knife in front of his neck and made a threatening motion.

"I can´t tell you anything even If I wanted to, a curse has been placed on me and the moment I share intel with someone, I die, but we can make a deal and I wi-"

Izuku cut into his speech and said, "Does that mean that you are useless then?"

Impostor´s face darkened, as he pleaded for his life, "Please...Let me go...We are all humans, right? Everyone makes mistakes, and you plan on being a hero, right? How about you spare this poor soul? That's the true essence of being a hero."

Disgust filled Izuku as this garbage of a human tried to escape from his grasp.

"For a villain, you sure talk a lot about heroes. Well. I am indeed not a human. Goodbye." Izuku turned around as Blackie grabbed impostor's neck with his claws and mercilessly crushed it.

◄█G̷O̷O̷D̷B̷Y̷E̷█► Metallic voice echoed throughout the whole house. After saying his piece, Blackie disappeared into the black dust.

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