My Hero Academia: The Ajin Gamer

52 Izu Birthday Part One

5 months have passed and the beach was crystal clean. Actually, Izuku managed to clean the beach 2 months before All Might's deadline.

Izuku was on phone with Nemuri, Kacchan, Itsuka and All Might almost every day.

Nemuri was obviously happy that he called her so often and her relationship points grew by each passing day.

Katsuro on the other hand wasn't as happy, due to the fact that she didn't want Izuku to know that she was practically living in Itsuka's house. However, Itsuka, the mischievous girl, busted her secret immediately. In result, Katsuro was too embarrassed to even show her face when he came to visit them the next day.

Seeing that Itsuka returned to her normal state, made Izuku really happy. He was also very happy since Kacchan helped her with everything she needed.

'She finally has a real friend.' Izuku thought.

Lilian was overjoyed when Izuku visited them. She liked to tease him very much. She gave him numerous questions regarding his daughter and his relationship.

Izuku was embarrassed the whole time and wasn't really able to answer any of her questions.

On the other hand, Itsuka was incredibly happy, that he decided to visit them. These last 5 months she felt lonely, because she wasn't able to see him that often, other than that, she was preparing for the entrance exam and together with Katsuro, they honed their quirks.

In her opinion, Katsuro was already her best friend and she could depend on her anytime.

After the awkward visit, Izuku told himself to never visit their house again.

Now, during his training, he frequently contacted All Might and told him about his overall progress. They've gotten pretty close as well and All Might even gave him his private facebook profile.

All Might was extremely happy with him and asked him about the quirk he gave him, however Izuku couldn't really say anything about it, since it was completely locked in his stats, other than gaining some strength and agility, he couldn't use the quirk. Hearing that, All Might told him that he would help him activate it immediately once he started attending U.A. Academy.

Today, is the day of Izuku's 15th birthday. Tomorrow and the day after, Izuku, will be attending the U.A. Academy ceremony. This ceremony will determine whether he is worthy enough to be a hero.

Izuku smirked as he thought about tomorrow's test.

'Just looking at my stats is enough. I can already tell that I will pass. Since All Might told me that I will be fighting a hero, all I need to figure out is whether I will need to defeat him, or just to show them how strong I really am.'



Name: Izuku (Deku) Midoriya

Occuptation: The Ghost Gamer

Level: 27 --> 44

Next Level: 12.5%

Designation: Cognitive (Gives user 60 points of intelligence)


- The Nemesis Of Goblins - You deal 50% more damage to goblins of all kind. Goblins that are lower level than you, will immediately run once they see you.

- [NEW] The Nemesis Of Kobolds - you deal 50% more damage to kobolds of all kind.

Kobolds that are lower level than you, will immediately run once they see you.

HP 230/230 --> 1100/1100

MP 1500/1500 --> 2200/2200

Strength: 50 --> 80

Agility: 37 --> 60

Intelligence: 160

Wisdom: 35

Luck: 43

Point: 80

Cash: ‎¥54,580 --> ¥314,340

Skills - Observe (lvl max)

The Mind of a Gamer - (passive - active)

Explosion skill lvl 1

Ajin scream (lvl 4)

Yūrei (lvl 12) - (Inactive) --> (lvl max)

Sprint (lvl max)

Breathing technique (lvl max)

Perfect memory - (passive - active)

Hand to hand combat (lvl 12) --> (lvl 22)

Quirk - The Gamer - users life is a video game. Includes many bonuses from Rpg games.

Ajin - user is able to summon a ghost, that helps him in fights, he is also able to scream at a high pitched voice that paralyzes his enemies for a certain amount of time. - Some enemies are resistant.

[NEW] - Ajin Passive - resurrection. The user cannot die no matter what happens ns. The user regenerates all damage no matter how severe it is.

[NEW] - One For All - locked

Level 0 - +20 strength, +20 agility

Level 1 -???

Level 2 -???

Level 3 -???

Level 4 -???

Level 5 -???

Ascended Apotheosis -???


'I've been grinding everyday in the tower dungeon. The highest I've ever climbed was level 20, however, there was a dangerous monster that I knew I couldn't beat no matter how many times I died. Therefore, I only trained in lower levels to get stronger.

I gained so many levels and points and I've yet to use any of them. I've been saving them up.' thinking that, Izuku put 30 of his points into wisdom and kept the rest of them.

'If I fight someone strong, I might use them to power myself up in the fight. Villains will certainly not expect my sudden gain in power. That's a pretty good tactic not gonna lie.'

"What are you thinking about Izuku?" a girl's voice interrupted his inner monologue.

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He turned around and saw Toga in her pajamas.

Izuku and Toga were spending their time together for the past months and they have gotten really close. Toga was already practically living in their house.

'Since my mom didn't want her to pointlessly visit me everyday, she suggested that she should just stay in the guest room.

Toga agreed without a second thought and we started living together.'

"Why are you up so early Himiko? It's only 4 am. Go to sleep. I am off for my jog." Izuku said.

"Well, I wanted to get up early to prepare for your birthday." Himiko answered.

Hearing her, Izuku felt touched. He went forward and gently caressed her head.

"You don't really need to be that extreme with my birthday." Izuku gently laughed and continued, "After my morning jog, I will go and visit my other friends since they said that they wanted to give me some gifts and after that, we will have a small party at home. You just go and rest. Okay?"

Himiko nodded and went back to bed.


After finishing with his exercise and showering, Izuku arrived at the place.

He gently knocked on the door and opened it.

"""Welcome Izuku"""

Izuku was surprised at first and pretty much everyone was waiting for him.

[Kacchan: Deku, you took your time!]

[Lilian: Izuku-kun thanks for stopping by, my daughter and Nemuri were delighted when they heard that you have birthday today.]

[Nemuri: Of course! I even prepared a special cake for you!]

[Itsuka: Izu, welcome! I've been dying to see you!]

Saying that, Itsuka grabbed his arm and pulled him into the living room.

Looking around the room, he felt quite out of the place due to him, being the only male in the building.

'I am really hopeless aren't I? I don't have a single male friend.' Izuku sighed.

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