When Izuku returned, Todoroki's fight was already over. Her flames were too strong and Cementoss decided to withdraw.

Watching him leave the stage, Jeanist couldn't help but comment, "Yeah, you truly returned within a minute. How amazing."

Cementoss smiled wryly at his comment. The Todoroki's Prince was too strong even with a single quirk. She never used the second one. Fire was truly a bad match up for Cementoss. He felt as if his entire body was melting.

Izuku looked at the screen to see whether he was the next person to go, and he truly was!

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[Izuku Midoriya VS Midnight]

To his surprise, Todoroki didn't leave the stadium, it looked like she wanted to watch the next match. Her personal guard was getting impatient, but she just shrugged him off and told him to leave without her.

Seeing this, Izuku smiled and walked up on the stage, Midnight was already there, waiting for him.

Out of nowhere, bunch of people came, including All Might and the principal. Both of them sat down to watch the match. Even Momo and her parents wanted to see the boy their daughter talked about earlier.

"Izuku! I know that we are really, really close, but I can't just let you win that easily!" saying that, Midnight licked her lips seductively and pulled out a giant whip from her belt.

Hearing her, numerous people started whispering amongst each other.

Izuku wryly smiled and took a basic stance when suddenly, Midnight smiled, "Trust me, if you lose, I will feel up your butt again."

This threw Izuku off guard as a frown appeared on his face.

'That would be a disaster, I need to deal with her quickly. If something like that happened in public, then, even if I had the thickest skin, and didn't care about what other people said, I would still feel uncomfortable.

"Nemuri, let's do this already, I don't have time."

Midnight nodded and readied her whip. She then rushed towards Izuku and aimed her whip at Izuku's face.

Seeing that Midnight was finally serious, Izuku smiled and pulled out his old dagger from his inventory. The dagger brought back old memories, as it was the first weapon he ever received in his tower dungeon.

Izuku successfully blocked her attack, however, she wrapped her whip around his dagger.

'Hmm? Where did he pull that dagger from?'

Midnight pulled her whip back, thinking that she can take his dagger, however, Izuku didn't even budge.

'Just how strong is he?!'

Men were always stronger than women due to their muscle mass. Izuku had a great advantage in this aspect, moreover, his strength is his second highest, right after his intelligence and after receiving All Might's quirk, his basic strength went up by 20 points at level 0.

Seeing that Nemuri was struggling, Izuku smiled and lightly pulled his entwined dagger.

Feeling the force behind his pull, Nemuri wanted to quickly drop her whip, but before she could, she found herself in the air, quickly flying towards him.

Izuku threw a punch at her but she dodged midair and then, fell on the ground painfully.

"Ow, Izuku, I hit my butt, don't you know how to treat a lady?!"

"Lady? I am pretty sure a lady should be a lot younger." Izuku sneered.

Hearing this, the entire stadium went silent. All Might felt as if his soul escaped from his body as he remembered his trauma caused by Midnight and Nezu just hid behind All Might. Edgeshot hadn't even seen this boy for such long time and the first thing he heard him say was a bombshell. Even some other heroes couldn't help but think, 'You've fucked up, boy.'

Momo just put her hands on her mouth and giggled, while her parents knew that Izuku hit a dangerous spot.

Midnight's face turned gloomy and said, "I know that in a fight, everything is allowed, however... This was a bit too much Izuku."

Izuku sighed and remembered that women like her, hate, when someone talks about their age.

"I am honestly sorry, I didn't really mean it like that, it just slipped"

Hearing that, Midnight stood up from the ground and tore a hole on her shoulder. Immediately after, her quirk activated and a pink miasma of love spread throughout the entire stadium.

Cementoss put up a defensive barrier and made it transparent, so that people could still watch the match.

"I see that you didn't even put on any kind of protection against my miasma. I am really disappointed in you, you were supposed to be so smart, but you sure don't use your brain properly, Izuku." Nemuri mocked him.

People knew that Midnight was angry just by her tone. She acted so chummy with him before but now, she looks like an angry wife that has been cheated on.

"Don't worry Izuku, once you are under my quirk, I will have my revenge for what you said, prepare for some serious butt smacking!"

'Geez, Nemuri just doesn't have a filter in her mouth. But, it's true that I hit her nerve.' Izuku sighed.

Midnight calmly picked up her spare whip from her belt and whipped towards Izuku's direction.

"Let's see how long can you hold your breath for!"

Izuku lightly sidestepped her attack and rushed towards her.

Midnight recalled her whip back and tried to smack him again, but this time, Izuku caught it with his bare hand.

Looking at her whip, she knew that she made a mistake once again. So she immediately dropped her whip on the ground, making Izuku laugh in the process. He teared the whip in half and dashed towards her.

'So fast' Midnight couldn't help but think.

She dodged a few of his attacks but he caught her off guard with a feint and hit her in the stomach. Midnight immediately knelt on the ground while holding her stomach, she certainly felt this one.

"You.. Truly, don't hold back, do you?" Nemuri said with a hint of smile.

"Sorry Nemuri, I need to win."

"Well, I won't surrender this easily. People would say that I let you win just because you are an acquaintance of mine. You will have to knock me out."

Hearing her, Izuku was just about to do that, however, one of the female heroes couldn't take it any longer and shouted, "What a man you are, to beat up a woman! Aren't you ashamed of yourself."

Her voice echoed throughout the entire stadium.

Izuku just looked at her, and replied with a smile, "No, I am not. Why would I be ashamed?"

The female hero looked lost. She didn't expect this kind of answer.

"W-What kind of family would bring up such a mongrel, unless they were mongrels themselves. Y-You don't even have a single bit of respect for the female gender!"

Hearing that, Izuku's expression turned cold.

"Are you done, or do you want me to punch you too?"


Everyone turned to the source of the sound and to everyone's surprise, it was All Might.

All Might couldn't hold it in any longer. From childhood, he would always laugh, even at the stupidest of jokes. Now that he heard their exchange, he just couldn't help but chuckle. "I-I AM SORRY EVERYONE! P-PLEASE CONTINUE WITH YOUR MATCH.

However, the female hero didn't want to drop the issue, so she continued, "I feel like your father wasn't beating you enough when you were younger!"

Izuku couldn't listen to this stupid person any longer so he interrupted her and said, "So what now? Do you want me to lose this match just because my opponent is a woman? Would I, in the future, be branded as a bastard, if I ever hurt a" woman" villain? Will I, have to let go of the villain, just because she is a woman? Will I, let my comrades die, because our enemy is a woman? In my opinion, you are just a stupid person and you don't deserve to be a hero. I've been studying heroes ever since I was a kid and I've never ever heard about you. I am so glad that government didn't let pests like you out into the wild. You should just rot as a sidekick or a teacher for the rest of your life."

Following his speech, the entire stadium turned silent. Everyone had a dumbfounded look on their faces. Everyone, other than Shiro Todoroki who couldn't help but comment, "Well said."

Izuku nodded at her as a friendly gesture and afterwards, he looked at the female hero and continued, "Do you think that, if you talk badly about my family in front of me, I will let you go? If you weren't a teacher or a hero of this academy, you would have been slapped to death already. Woman or not I don't care."

The female hero was cursing in her mind. 'What a fucking brat'

Izuku silently called Blackie and told him to stand behind her.

He trained with blacky so much, that he could finally turn him invisible. However, it was still a camouflage, meaning if someone bumped into him, or if someone threw sand on him, he would become visible. He didn't plan on attacking the woman, at least, not yet.

Izuku took a deep breath and said, "I, yearn for true gender equality. I have no patience for one, who talks about female privilege when it suits them, and then, complains about someone "not being a man" when it's convenient."

After saying that, Izuku paid no attention to the woman anymore and resumed his match.

His long speech gave plenty of time for Midnight to recover, however, she still didn't understand why her quirk didn't work on him.

'He talked for so long, there is no way he wasn't breathing, is he perhaps...'

Midnight tore up one more hole, this time, on her left shoulder. More and more miasma escaped from her body and entered his Izuku's nose, but it didn't seem like it affected him at all.

"Izuku, we have known each other for so long, is it possible that you are actually gay?" Midnight dropped another bombshell.

The entire stadium was getting noisy.

Izuku was dumbfounded as well. He never expected such a question.

'I thought she was gonna ask how I blocked her quirk. Not whether I am gay. How did we get here?!'

"No, I can 100% confirm that I am not, how did you even think about something so stupid?"

"Ah, I am glad. It's because, only women and homosexuals can withstand my quirk." Midnight laughed.

Izuku was getting annoyed, he planned on finishing this fight early, so that he could go home and watch anime. He never would have thought that it would take so long.

He took a quick look at the annoying female teacher and she immediately hissed back at him, "Don't look at me, brat. I don't feel like talking with a person like you. Men who hit women, should have their hands broken."

Some of the heroes wanted to say that she shouldn't be that unreasonable, but Izuku was faster.

"Like I said before, it doesn't matter if you are a man, a women, a transman, transwomen or a helicopter, I would still beat you up if you are a villain."

This time, other heroes laughed together with Midnight, All Might and Momo.

'This kid is a talented artist, his writing is beautiful and he is a natural born comedian, why would he want to become a hero?' All Might couldn't help but think.

Hearing the reaction of the crowd, Izuku smiled and turned his attention back to the fight.

"It's time to finish this Nemuri."

Izuku dashed towards Midnight and acted as if he was about to punch her, but in reality, he opened up his inventory and a giant fridge appeared in front of him.

Nemuri didn't have enough time to dodge and she collided with the fridge. When she got hit, it felt as if she got hit by a truck.

After falling on the ground, she wasn't getting up. She was unconscious.

Everyone on the scene gasped, they weren't able to comprehend what actually transpired in those 8 seconds. He beat a pro hero in less than 10 seconds with a... Fridge...

A pro hero, got beaten unconscious by a...Fridge.

Who the heck would believe them if they told someone, when the people present, don't believe it themselves.

Izuku went forward to check her condition. Nemuri's head was bleeding, but it wasn't anything serious. It was just a light skin wound.

'Great, she isn't hurt'

Izuku sighed in relief. He picked her up in a princess carry and asked the nearby hero, Jeanist where the Youthful Heroine Recovery Girl is.

He showed him the way and once Jeanist returned, the final match finally began.

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