others. "

While speaking, Eight Million Hundreds acted in the dark. Then Renault found that the buttons of his pajamas were unbuttoned, and Renault immediately grabbed the hands of Eight Million Hundreds.

Eight million hundred stopped and asked in the dark, "Can't you?"

Reno was stunned for a moment, and immediately said angrily, "You dare say I can't?"

Immediately, he turned over, pressed his nightdress down to the normal eight million, and took the initiative: "Although I know that you are provoking me, I also know that even if I take it, I will not suffer. But eight Million, there is a class tomorrow."

"Then, why don't I change it? Don't you guys like all kinds of tricks? For example, those in the book."

"...I suspect you're doing porn, and I have proof."

Hearing Renault's funny words, Eight Million Hundreds laughed heartily, grabbed Renault's neck, and let him get close to him.

Author's message:




Ah ah, when msi looked at it, the time almost forgot.

247 Practical Training (1/3)

Early in the morning, the alarm clock rang, and Renault slowly opened his eyes.

Turning his head to the side, he saw that Eight Million Bai was lying in his arms and sleeping soundly at the moment, and he did not leave all night.

Raising his hand, he rubbed his brows.

Reynolds was getting more and more unable to figure out how to solve it later. Although the two of them said they didn't do the last step last night, for Renault, it was no different from eating and wiping.

The alarm clock was set earlier, it was only 7 o'clock, so Renault didn't get up directly, but lay in bed in a daze.

After a while, Eight Million Hundred also woke up.

"Good morning, Reno."

"Well, good morning."

Seeing Renault's somewhat stunned expression, 8,000,000 stood up, ignoring that his naked body was exposed to Renault's eyes, looked at him and said, "What's the matter, still thinking about what happened last night? I regret it. ?"

The loose black hair brushed against Renault's cheek, Renault raised his hand to push his hair behind his ear, shook his head and said, "I'm not the kind of person who will regret it, I just do it. I just do it. Think about how to face Mikoto."

After a pause, Renault smiled and squeezed the face of 8 million hundred and said: "Okay, let me worry about these things, you don't have to worry about it. The time is almost up, I will take you back to your room first. ."


After bowing his head and kissing Reno, Eight Million Hundreds stood up, put on his clothes and sent them back to him.

Immediately afterwards, Renault also changed his clothes, came to the window, and opened the window.

"It's another day of good weather. What we should face, we still have to face it."

He patted his cheek and turned to go out.

At breakfast, Renault and Eight Million Hundreds of people also had a good understanding of each other and did not reveal any flaws, just like their usual performance.

After drinking a sip of coffee, Eight Million Hundred said to Leiden Yayi, who was beside her, "Yi, we are going to class later, as you said, I also told you some places you can go to in the school last night, you can go for a walk by yourself. Walk around. You can come and play when we start rehearsing in the afternoon."

"Well, I know." Leidian Yayi responded with a smile, but there was still a little worry about her family in her expression.

Reno also saw it, thought about it, and said, "Look back, let me talk to Aizawa-sensei and let the safe house contact you, how about it?"

"Is it okay?" Leidian Yayi asked in surprise.

Renault nodded and said, "It's not a big deal. In the previous incident, the protected personnel were also in another safe room. Although communication will be restricted, there is no problem with regular contact. And this time In the attack, the enemy alliance has lost a lot of people, and they should not continue to target you. If they dare, they will really fall into the trap that has already been laid. "

When Leidian Yayi heard this, he felt relieved.

"Thank you so much, senior."

"Just a little thing."

At this time, Shangming Electric, who was sitting next to Renault, bumped his shoulder, leaned over and whispered, "Renault, don't you think about this elementary school girl? You are not honest!"

"..." Silently swallowing the bread in his mouth, Renault turned his head, looked at Shangming Electric, and said with a smile, "Don't run during training sessions, I'll accompany you to practice."

"Uh... I said something wrong, I apologize, I don't need training or something, right?"

"Don't worry, I know a lot about the personality of the electrical discharge department. It is very handy to train you, so don't worry about not being able to improve yourself."

"I...that's not what I'm worried about!" Shangming Electric said as he was about to cry.

Although the two communicated in a low voice, Tianya Iida and Eijiro Kirishima, who were sitting next to them, heard it.

Iida is okay, and he still maintains the attitude that he should have as a squad leader, not a word. On the other side, Kirishima was different. He laughed outright, patted Kamina's shoulder and said, "Why do you always like to kill yourself? I must take a good look at the training in the afternoon!"

And Kirishima's reaction also made other people who didn't pay attention to watch it.

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