My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 109 Going To Hogwarts (Seeking All Data Support)

Before the time went back to the train, Ronald and Harry could only go back to Arthur's car and wait because they couldn't get into the station.

At this time Ronald suddenly suggested.

"Harry, we can fly to Hogwarts."

"Is this okay? Little wizards can't use magic outside of school." Harry hesitated.

"We're stuck, aren't we? We've got to rush back to school, don't we? In a real emergency, little wizards can use magic. Section 19 of the "Restriction Regulations" still has provisions. "

Hearing Ronald's words, Harry's eyes became brighter and brighter, and the adventurous element in his body was fully stimulated.

The two started the car just like that, and staggered into the air.

But because of a problem with the invisible function of the car, in order to avoid being discovered, he had to fly into the clouds.

But in order to avoid getting lost, I have to descend from time to time to see the direction of the Hogwarts Express train, and then go back to the clouds.

That's why they appear and then disappear.

At the same time, Professor McGonagall also received a letter from Percy.

Holding the letter, Professor McGonagall hurriedly found Dumbledore.

"Albus, you should check, Harry and Ronald are gone, this is a letter from Percy just now."

"They should be enjoying a wonderful journey, don't worry about Minerva." Dumbledore didn't accept the letter from Professor McGonagall, but said directly with a smile.

"Do you want a cockroach pile?"

"No, I have a lot of things to do, and I can't be as leisurely as you." Professor McGonagall said angrily.

"Ah, it's chili-flavored, so spicy, so spicy." Seeing that Professor McGonagall didn't want it, Dumbledore directly threw a pile of cockroaches into his mouth.

Ignoring Dumbledore's trickery, McGonagall left the headmaster's office directly.

Knowing that Harry and Ronald have nothing to do, Professor McGonagall is relieved. She still has a lot of things to do in the future. With such a principal, everything is done by the vice-principal. It is really unconscionable.

"I must tell my mother how dare he do this and even drag Harry."

As the cars appeared regularly in the air for a long time, Ginny's worry gradually turned into anger, and she said to Hermione angrily.

At this moment, cheers erupted from outside the box, and the little wizards of Gryffindor were all shouting the names of Harry and Ronald.

It seems that the twins told other people about Harry and Ronald's feat, so that all the young wizards in Hogwarts knew that they drove to Hogwarts by car.

Soon, as the sky gradually turned dark, the speed of the train slowly slowed down. At this time, Richard also took the initiative to come outside the box. Now it was time to change his clothes and put on the wizard robe.

Soon, Hermione and Ginny changed their clothes and put Richard in.

Soon the Hogwarts Express came to a complete stop, and a rough voice sounded outside.

"Okay, all the wizards get out of the car, the first graders come to me, hurry up."

At this time all the little wizards got off the train, Ginny walked towards Hagrid, while Richard and Hermione walked in the opposite direction.

Soon they came to a small road, where all the little wizards other than the first grade got on the bus and went to Hogwarts Castle in order.

"It's strange, why don't these carriages have horses, are they powered by magic?" Hermione asked curiously.

"No, there is a magical animal-thestrals in front of every carriage. This magical animal can only be seen by those who have seen death, understand death in a broad sense, and know the meaning of death."

In fact, this is why Harry couldn't see the Thestrals at first. Only when he saw Cedric's death did he really understand the meaning of death. It is also for this reason that I was able to see Thestrals in fifth grade.

At this time, Richard looked at the Thestrals in front of the carriage, and was very moved. If he could extract all these Thestrals, he could almost upgrade a skill, or draw a skill.

I have to say that Richard is a bit drifting. He wants to draw a character with only one skill from the hundreds of magical animals in his entire magical animal store. It can only be said that he is thinking a little too much.

Seeing Richard staring at the front of the carriage, Hermione asked curiously,

"can you see it?"

"Okay." After finishing speaking, Richard regretted it, and if Hermione could see why, how should he answer.

Fortunately, Hermione didn't continue to ask, she thought that Richard must have seen the death of a relative, and Richard had a good relationship with this relative, so he could understand the meaning of death, so the understanding Hermione didn't continue to ask.

"Okay, let's get into the carriage." Hermione said as she pulled Richard into the nearest carriage.

"Can I sit here?" Neville's voice sounded from the side at this moment.

"Of course, come up," Hermione readily agreed.

At the same time, a little wizard named Hufflepuff, whom Richard and the others didn't know, also boarded the carriage. After the four people were full, the carriage was heading towards Hogwarts.

"Hi Richard, I wanted to ask Harry if they're all right?" Neville asked Richard.

And that's what Hermione wanted to know, so she looked at Richard.

"Hello, Neville, Harry and the others are sure to be fine. Ronald's brother has already sent a letter to the school. Since the school doesn't take care of it, nothing will happen. Don't worry.

Hearing what Richard said, He and Neville felt relieved.

Soon the carriage stopped, and after a few people got off the carriage, they found that they had arrived at the gate of Hogwarts Castle.

After passing through the gate, Richard and Hermione parted, one towards the Gryffindor dining area and the other towards Ravenclaw.

When they came to Ravenclaw's dining table, the wizards of the academy greeted Richard one after another.

Richard came to sit next to Terry.

"What's up Terry, did you have a good vacation?"

"That's it, except for a visit to my uncle in Germany, just stayed at home, nothing (cafg) to do, very boring, by the way, do you know what happened to Harry Potter? Why did Gryffindor Everyone's talking about Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley driving to Hogwarts."

"I don't know the specifics, I just heard that they didn't catch the train and came here by car."

At this time, a beautiful shadow suddenly came to Richard's side, and continued to do it next to Richard.

"Hi Richard, how was your holiday?"

"Hello, Senior Sister Penello, it's just like that, it's normal."

At this moment, Professor McGonagall rang the wine glass as usual, and the noisy hall became quiet.

"Why isn't Professor Snape on the professor's chair?" Penello approached Richard and whispered in Richard's ear suddenly a gust of fragrant wind blew by.

It was a bit itchy, Richard tried not to scratch his ears, and looked towards the professor's chair, sure enough, Snape wasn't there.

"Who knows, there might be something going on."

"Then you said it might have something to do with Harry Potter and the others?"

At this time, Richard couldn't help but scratched his ear, feeling a little more comfortable in an instant. It seems that every woman has a gossip physique.

Richard didn't hear what Professor Dumbledore said, and went directly to the sorting session.

It was at this moment that Richard saw Harry and Ronald limping into the Great Hall and sneaking down at the end of the Gryffindor table.

Seeing Richard looking at them, Harry felt embarrassed, but also a sense of pride rose from his heart.

Holding a glass of drink, Richard raised his hand to Harry, and ignored them and continued to watch the sorting ceremony.

At this moment, Harry also noticed that Professor Snape was not on the professor's chair, and nudged Ronald with his elbow.

"Look, Snape's not up there."

"Maybe he's sick?" Ronald said expectantly.

"It's also possible that he was transferred." Harry also began to let himself go.

"It's best if he gets fired." Ronald said what he had been waiting for for a long time.

"There is also a possibility that he is right behind you, waiting for you to tell him why you came by car."

"It's impossible, he won't know." Hearing a strange voice from behind, Ronald immediately retorted.

Harry suddenly felt that the voice was so familiar, he looked back quietly, his heart rose in his throat in an instant, and he stood up immediately.

"Harry, what are you..." Ronald saw Harry standing up and was about to turn around to ask what happened to Harry, when he saw Professor Snape standing behind them, this time he realized that that was what Snape said just now, suddenly A desire to urinate surged from the bladder, and Ronald quickly squeezed it.

Just like that, Harry and Ronald fell into Snape's clutches.

Still the same as the original, Gryffindor has another red-haired Weasley, Ginny Weasley.

And Ravenclaw also got their crazy girl, Luna Lovegood.

When Luna walked towards Ravencallaw, Richard focused on this popular supporting role in the original book.

Silver eyes, dark golden brown hair, pale complexion, very light eyebrows. Wear a pair of turnip earrings and a necklace made of butterbeer corks.

But I have to say that the real Luna is far more beautiful than the Luna in the movie.

And looking at her, Richard's heart was calmed down just now because of Penello's slight agitation.

Just when all the little wizards had completed their branching, Snape appeared on the professor's seat, came to Professor McGonagall's side and said something to her, Professor McGonagall straightened his face instantly, got up and followed Snape out .

Dumbledore didn't see much after seeing it, and he regulated the behavior of the little wizard as usual, and then directly announced the start of the dinner, and then left the seat and walked out.

"What happened to them?" Penello asked Richard curiously.

"Probably dealing with Harry Potter."

"Then why Professor Snape in the first place?"

"I think it's probably love."

Hearing what Richard said, Penello froze for a moment, then said with a smile.

"Yes, we all love the Savior."

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