My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 116 Alchemy (Seek All Data Support)

After Lucius and Narcissa left Hogwarts, they directly apparated back to Malfoy Manor.

"It's finally over this time." Lucius first said with emotion and then angrily.

"Damn Richard, I'm sure I'll make him regret it."

"Okay, Lucius, let's not provoke him, after all." Although Narcissa didn't finish speaking, Lucius knew what she meant.

In fact, he has nothing to do with Richard, just now he was just incompetent and furious.

At this moment, a house elf came to the living room. This house elf was as tall as a baby, with bat-like ears, a slender nose, and protruding green eyes the size of tennis balls. He wore only a long pillowcase all over his body.

"Master, someone is visiting outside, and he said his name is Joseph Foley."

"Joseph Foley?" Lucius was also surprised when he heard the name.

"Take him to the front hall, I'll be there right away." Lucius thought for a moment.

"Forget it, you go and prepare refreshments, I'll go there by myself."

As Lucius said, he walked towards the gate. He knew about the Welfare family, which had a long history and profound heritage. If it weren't for the strange curse, the layout of the Wizard Temple would be different now.

And even so, as far as he knew about "Four Two Three", there were shadows of the Welfare family behind some important departments of the Ministry of Magic all the year round. Why did they come back to find him? He didn't provoke that family.

Joseph Foley, isn’t that the elder brother of the patriarch of this generation of the Foley family? Thinking that every time a direct line member of the Foley family leaves the village, something big will happen.

Lucius' scalp felt numb for a while, and he quickly walked a few steps.

When I came to the door, I found that only one person was relieved.

Lucius was about to exchange some pleasantries when he was interrupted by Joseph.

"Are you Lucius Malfoy? I'm Joseph Foley. You should know my name. I don't have much time to talk nonsense with you. I'm here to tell you that if Mr. Harris has any Unexpectedly, your whole family has to be buried with him."

"You may have misunderstood, Mr. Foley, I don't have any ideas about Richard Harris. You should know what happened today. I went to Hogwarts with my wife just now, and I also talked to Richard Harris. After that, we all agree to stop here, and no one will pursue it further.

"That's the best, okay Mr. Malfoy, I'm leaving."

After finishing speaking, Joseph directly used Apparation and left.

Seeing Joseph leave, Lucius also returned to the living room, where Narcissa was already waiting.

"Why are you alone, and Joseph Foley? By the way, what is he doing here?"

"He came to warn us not to move Richard Harris."

"What?" Narcissa looked in disbelief.

"Take such a big risk and come out just to keep us from touching that Richard?"

"Yes, it seems that there are still many secrets in this."

"Did you say it was because of the mysterious man?" Narcissa suddenly thought.

"Okay, don't say any more, I said don't mention that person in this family." Lucius became angry.

"Who's there?" Lucius suddenly roared into the corner.

"Master, I'm here to serve refreshments." A cautious voice came from the corner.

Lucius walked up to the house elf expressionlessly and kicked it to the ground.

"Dobby, you damned, how many times have I told you not to overhear us.

"Master, Dobby didn't eavesdrop. Dobby just came to set up refreshments."

Lucius knew that he had asked Dobby to deliver the tea, but today's incident really made him too annoyed, so he continued a way to vent.

So Lucius beat Dobby with his cane involuntarily, cursing Richard in a low voice while whipping.

Seeing Dobby wailing in pain on the ground, Lucius let Dobby go.

"Okay, get out, forget it this time, if there is another time, I will definitely cut off your head.

After Dobby heard it, he quickly limped up, and then walked away with a phantom.

"Okay, Lucius, I know you're not happy today, and you've vented it now, don't be angry anymore."

Lucius nodded, and then took Narcissa to the backyard.

When Richard went to have breakfast the next day, he just entered the gate of the auditorium [the originally chaotic auditorium became quiet in an instant.

Then the other three houses on the other side of Slytherin burst into loud applause and cheers.

As for the Slytherin wizards, many glared at Richard, but some of them remained calm.

Richard hurried to sit down at the dining table in his college, and asked Miles on the side.

"What's going on here?"

"As everyone knows, you single-handedly knocked out all the Slytherins."

"There is also a rumor that you beat up Professor Snape." Terry added from the side.

It really is a three-person painting tiger, but now Richard doesn't know how he will compare with Snape. However, if Richard doesn't use system skills, he is definitely not Snape's opponent. As for using system skills, Richard is still a little bit sure.

Richard had a very restless breakfast. From time to time, wizards from Gryffindor came to talk to Richard. Even Colin, Harry’s die-hard fan, came over to take pictures of Richard, but Richard refused. He didn’t want to be bored to death in the future. This Colin He has no sense of boundaries, as long as he agrees once, he may take pictures at will for countless times afterwards. Although he is not Harry, he must not make this kind of mistake, and he must solve it from the root cause.

Richard couldn't take it anymore, so he had to run away from the auditorium.

At this moment, Snape asked Professor Flitwick at the professor's seat in the auditorium.

"Filius, how do you plan to arrange Richard's confinement, can you let him come to me to prepare ingredients for potions.

"Excuse me, Severus, Hagrid told me yesterday that it is troublesome for him to patrol the Forbidden Forest alone, and I hope Richard can join him, and I agreed."

Hearing Professor Flitwick's answer, Snape couldn't say anything more, so he just nodded.

After Richard came out of the auditorium, he originally planned to go to the library, but considering that it might not be peaceful to go to the library now, he might be kicked out by Mrs. Pince.

In the end, Richard decided to go to the Room of Requirement, because there happened to be a matter that could be resolved in the Room of Requirement.

Arriving on the eighth floor, Richard kept thinking about the need for a place to make things, and then walked back and forth three times. After the mysterious door appeared, Richard pushed the door and entered.

Alchemy is a branch of magic and an ancient science that studies the composition, structure and magical properties of the four basic elements, as well as the transmutation of matter. It has strong ties to potions, chemistry, and transmutation magic. Alchemy can be traced back to ancient times. Although Muggles believe that alchemy is just rough and primitive chemistry, there are still wizards who actively learn and practice it in the 20th century..0 Alchemy is an elective course in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Only students in grades 6 and 7 can take it as an elective. But I have to admit that alchemy has declined now, and there has been no master alchemist since Nicole May

Richard once again intends to use alchemy to make a necklace, a necklace that can prevent the basilisk from attacking and will not be petrified.

Of course, this did not happen overnight. Although Richard was decadent during the summer vacation, he also learned a lot of alchemy knowledge from Guan Guan. Welfare is gifted by the family, so it has to be successful.

When he came to the production stage, Richard first took out all the drawings prepared in advance and related materials.

According to Richard's design, the necklace is made of mithril, and the jewelry given by the welfare family is ready-made, and the pendant is an extremely rare amethyst, which is Richard's main work today.

Amethyst has a long history of using magic. It was first used to hangover and prevent drunkenness. However, through the development of alchemy, alchemists gradually discovered that amethyst can improve the quality of the soul, inspire wisdom, and have the power of soul. Aspects of protection against dark and negative influences, even Nicolas May has a research report on amethyst.

However, it can be said that it is quite difficult to stimulate the quality of the soul of Amethyst to listen to sounds and the ability to inspire wisdom. At least Richard can't do it now, and it can even be said that according to the current decline of alchemy, only Nicolas May has it. possible.

Fortunately, Richard just wanted the soul protection ability of amethyst, because the petrification of the basilisk is actually a kind of petrification of the soul.

It is not difficult to activate the protective ability of amethyst. You only need to paint an alchemy circle on the surface, and then use alchemy to integrate the magic circle into the gemstone. As long as you often use the mithril necklace to wash the calendar.

Although Richard has practiced many times during the holidays, after all, there is only one rare amethyst, and now Richard has no suitable way to purchase it, so it is necessary to practice a few more times for 2.7.

Richard took out a man-made crystal similar in texture to amethyst, and began to carve it carefully.

Soon the first man-made crystal made a mistake, and Richard's speed was a bit too fast, which caused the joint to be scratched accidentally.

Richard took out the second man-made crystal, he didn't start it directly, but closed his eyes first, and slowly recalled the feeling when the carving was successful during the holiday, and then started to carve, this time the speed was obvious and dropped a lot, Richard Carved more carefully.

Unfortunately, it failed. This time, it was because the speed was so slow that when Richard reached the back, he could no longer complete the engraving. After all, the engraving of the magic circle must be formed once and cannot be engraved repeatedly.

Richard was not discouraged, so he closed his eyes and slowly recalled the mistake just now.

Then he continued to take out the third artificial crystal and carved it. This time the carving went very smoothly, and finally the carving was successful in one go.

Richard continued to close his eyes and recall the technique and feeling of carving just now, took out another artificial crystal, and continued to carve, which was still a success.

This time Richard didn't close his eyes to remember, he took out the amethyst directly, took a deep breath and started the formal carving. .

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