My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 129: The Quidditch Match

At this time, Richard was in the dormitory, carefully browsing the borrowed book.

He never thought that the act of borrowing books by himself would help Lao Deng so much.

Time flies, and the weekend is coming soon.

Originally, Richard didn't want to watch it, but Hermione strongly requested it, and this was basically the last game of this school year, so Richard also came to the Quidditch field.

This match was between Gryffindor and Slytherin. In the original Quidditch match, except for the two schools that played, the other schools were basically only Quidditch teams or extreme fans.

But in this competition, basically all the professors and students from Hogwarts came.

Mainly because everyone has been locked up for so long and finally ushered in a chance to vent, so even those Ravenclaw auditoriums are full.

In addition to the school personnel, there were also quite a few people from outside the school, mainly the parents and family members of the Slytherin Quidditch players.

Richard saw Lucius Malfoy as soon as he arrived at the stadium. It has to be said that even among the bunch of pure-blood nobles, Lucius can be said to be the brightest cub.

Originally, Richard wanted to be on the side of his academy, but Hermione directly dragged him into the Gryffindor auditorium.

"I asked Cuthbert Binns in class last time." Before the game started, Hermione started to update Richard on the progress of the investigation.

"I hear, it looks like you've also pissed off Cuthbert Binns."

"No, it wasn't me, it was Parvati Patil, it was she who had to say that black magic was needed to open the chamber, and that made Cuthbert Binns angry." Hermione explained hastily.

"But Cuthbert Binns didn't say that you told us. I don't know if he didn't want to tell us."

"Whether he doesn't want to tell you or 500 doesn't know, the conclusion now is that you didn't get any useful information from her, and you still have to investigate the rest yourself." Richard concluded.

"It's not you, it's us, why don't you want to know the truth?" Hermione stared at Richard with wide eyes.

"That's right, it's us, a slip of the tongue." Richard quickly changed his words.

"By the way, we found that the spiders in Hogwarts are constantly running out." At this time Ronald also interjected to tell his discovery, in order to prove his usefulness.

"This is an interesting discovery. In fact, we can investigate the natural enemies of spiders. We must know that except for natural disasters, large-scale transfers of animals usually have powerful natural enemies."

Hearing Richard's words, Hermione began to ponder, while Ronald was excited about the usefulness of his discovery.

"Spiders have many natural enemies, such as frogs, toads, birds, etc. These are not monsters.

"That's just spiders in the normal world, the wizarding world we're talking about now."

Speaking of this, both Richard and Hermione looked at Ronald, and Ronald laughed endlessly after thinking about it at the beginning.

"I knew this guy was unreliable. Forget it, I'll go to the library to look it up after the game."

"By the way, we suspect that Malfoy is the heir, or that he knows the inside story of the matter." Hermione continued.

You guys finally got your doubts right once, it’s not easy.

"In order to find out, we plan to use people who have transformed into Slytherins to secretly sneak into their lounge and ask Malfoy." After speaking, Hermione looked at Richard expectantly, as if saying, come and ask me, come on Come and ask me how to change my voice.

"Pollution?" Richard, the straight man of steel, ruined the atmosphere again.

But he quickly noticed this problem and quickly made up for it.

"This potion is not what you should know, and how did you get the formula?"

"Professor Snape mentioned it in class once and I remembered it, but the recipe required finding a copy of Strong Potion in the Restricted Section, so I told Professor Lockhart that because of his book, I needed to find some references in the Restricted Section , and he signed it for me.

Having said that, Hermione showed a look of coming to praise me.

Richard also turned the corner.

"You're so smart, by the way, what about those raw materials? You probably don't have any, do you want me to give you some?"

"How did you have it?" Hermione asked in surprise.

"A few weeks ago, I just made a picture of compound medicine."

"No wonder Snape has ready-made ingredients." Hermione whispered.

"What are you talking about, by the way, do you want it? And do you want me to refine it for you? I'm very skilled."

"No, we'll take care of it ourselves. And if you can make it, so can I." Somehow Hermione didn't want Richard to know that they had stolen the raw materials from Snape, and she wanted to prove that she and Richard were not different so many.

At this time, the entire competition field erupted into violent cheers.

The Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch players are on the scene.

Mrs Hooch also arrived with the Quidditch ball.

She first came to the center of the field and directed the captains of both sides to shake hands as a gesture of goodwill.

Flint and Wood flew out of their respective ranks, glaring at each other menacingly, and clutching each other's hands unnecessarily.

"Look how passionate they are," Richard said suddenly.

Ronald looked confused, but Hermione actually understood and shot Lu directly.

"Listen to my whistle," Mrs. Hooch said. "Three, two, one."

In an instant, louder cheers erupted from all directions.

All the players flew to their positions according to their respective responsibilities and formations, while Harry and Malfoy flew to the highest place to ensure that they had a wide field of vision and could be the first to see the Snitch.

Mrs. Hooch directly opened the box at this moment, and the Snitch flew away without a trace in an instant, while the other two Bludgers flew towards the two teams, and the Quaffle flew vertically to the two teams. middle.

The game started in an instant.

But obviously Slytherin's broom played a huge role, the Quaffle was controlled by the Slytherin players at the beginning, (cacc) and then quickly attacked towards Gryffindor's position.

With quick batting passes, the Gryffindor players simply couldn't get close to the Slytherin players.

Soon the Quaffle was passed very close to the goal.

Gryffindor's captain and goalkeeper, Wood, was staring intently at the Quaffle.

Suddenly, in his peripheral vision, a round object was rapidly impacting towards him, it was a Bludger.

In order to avoid being hit by the Bludger, Wood had to distract himself and dodge. At this moment, the Slytherin player threw a throw, and the Quaffle flew into Gryffindor's goal in an instant.


"Slytherin goal, 10:0.

Seeing that his goal was captured, Wood was very angry. The bludger came at a bad time. What about the batter?

Wood looked around and found that Gryffindor's batsmen George and Fred were surrounding Harry at this time, hitting the ball non-stop.

The Seeker is indeed more important. It is normal for the hitter to ensure the safety of the Seeker first.

"Come on, attack once according to our training." Wood called out to other players.

This time, Gryffindor took the lead in attacking, but unfortunately, he was cut off by Slytherin's double-teaming before passing a few times, and then he quickly counterattacked. The fly ball was intercepted.

At this time, Harry was still avoiding the Bludger's attack.

A heavy black Bludger flew at him suddenly, and he narrowly dodged it, feeling the ball brush his hair as it flew by.

"That's awesome, Harry!" George said.

Bat in hand, he galloped past Harry, ready to hit the Bludger on the Slytherins.

Harry saw George hit the Bludger hard towards Derian Pussy, but unexpectedly, the Bludger changed direction midway and flew straight towards Harry again.

Harry ducked down to dodge, and George slammed it hard at Malfoy again.

However, like a boomerang, the Bludger turned around again and went straight for Harry's head.

Harry suddenly accelerated, whizzing towards the other end of the arena. He could hear the Bludgers whizzing after him behind him.

How is this going?

Fred was waiting for the Bludger at the other end.

Harry ducked his head sharply, and Fred hit the Bludger with all his strength, and the Bludger was knocked aside.

"That's it!" Fred exclaimed happily.

But he was wrong, the Bludger seemed to be magnetically attracted around Harry, and flew after him again, Harry had no choice but to speed up and escape desperately.

"Is Harry playing super dodgeball? Why does that ball keep following Harry?" Richard asked curiously. To be honest, he didn't know anything about Quidditch, but what he saw now felt a little abnormal .

"No, very wrong, there's something wrong with that Bludger." Ronald saw at a glance that the Bludger that kept attacking Harry was too weird.

It began to rain slowly in the sky, and it was getting heavier and heavier.

At this moment, Mrs. Hooch's whistle blew, and Bijae paused for a moment.

"Isn't it raining?" Richard first cast a waterproofing spell on the heads of him, Hermione and Ronald. After the rain came over them, it automatically split to the two sides, which also caused the three of them to be surrounded by A vacuum zone is formed.

"No, it was Gryffindor who called timeout." Ronald poked the upper aperture curiously, and then returned to Richard's question.

"This is really convenient." By the way, he said with emotion.

Sitting in his seat, Richard could only see the Slytherin players pointing and pointing at the Gryffindor players, and occasionally laughing.

And there seemed to be some dispute on Gryffindor's side. George was talking to Wood loudly, but the distance was too far and the sound of the electric was too loud to be heard clearly.

Not long after, Mrs. Hooch blew the whistle, and the players on both sides began to fly upward again.

At this moment, Harry kicked his feet and flew into the sky. He heard a whizzing sound behind his head, and knew that the Bludger was chasing him again.

Harry rose higher and higher, turning corners, spinning, turning sharply down, circling up, and turning eastward and westward, taking a "zigzag" route.

Richard, who had been staring at Harry, felt motion sickness. Is this how things are played? Wouldn't it be a waste of money sooner or later? Fortunately, he has no feeling for Quidditch. .

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