My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 136 Fate! Wonderful

When Richard woke up the next morning, he found that the sky outside was still dark. He went to the window and looked out. The light snow that started to fall last night has not stopped until now, and has turned into a violent snowstorm. .

Looking at the weather outside, Richard went back without any hesitation, feeling that any hesitation would be disrespectful to the blizzard.

At this moment, there was a "bang, bang, bang" knock on the door.

After thinking for a while, Richard immediately covered his head under the quilt, pretending not to hear.

Fortunately, the knocking on the door stopped soon, and the people outside seemed to give up trying to wake Richard up.

However, Richard lying on the bed had no sleepiness at all, and the reason why he didn't want to get up was only because the bed was warmer.

After posting in a daze for a while, Richard couldn't lie down anymore, so he got dressed and got up.

There was supposed to be a flying lesson in the morning, but in this kind of weather, it is definitely not possible to take it, and even Richard often does not go to the flying lesson, and after Mrs. Hooch notified Professor Flitwick several times, he gave up. Not all little wizards have to go to bed, and some even become unconscious as long as their feet are off the ground for a few minutes.

So Richard was free, and went out dawdly to the auditorium "683". After breakfast, Richard returned to the dormitory, took out the "Toxic Magic", and began to browse.

Originally, he had already read almost the entirety of this book, and now he just took it out to read the last bit of content, but it was basically the same as what Guan Guan told him, there was nothing special about black magic, and the main thing was emotion-driven magic spells.

Just when Richard was still considering whether to start learning from Guanguan or looking for a few books to read.

On Gryffindor's side, because of the blizzard, herbal medicine classes were also suspended.

Hermione and Ronald were playing magic chess in the common room, while Harry was fidgeting.

"If you really care about this matter so much, you can go to Justin and make it clear." Hermione was a little annoyed by Harry's uneasiness, and said directly to him.

"Then where can I find him?" Harry asked.

"They should not be in class like us. They are either in the lounge or in the library at this time, but I don't suggest you go to their lounge to find him, so you go to the library directly. If there is no one in the library, you can Come back." When Ronald played Magic Chess, it was like a different person.

Harry glanced at Ronald in surprise when he heard Ronald's analysis, and then walked out of the Gryffindor common room.

When he came to the library, he actually saw Hufflepuff's little wizard in the second grade there.

When Harry came to them, he heard them still talking about him.

"So, anyway," said a tall boy, "I told Justin to hide in our dormitory. I mean, if Potter is going to kill him, he'd better Going undercover for now. Of course, Justin has been expecting this to happen ever since he accidentally let Potter know he's a natural Muggle.

Justin actually told Potter that he had gone to Eton. That's not something you can say about the descendants of the Slytherins, is it?"

"So, Ernie, are you sure it's Potter?" a girl with a blond ponytail asked eagerly.

"Hannah," said the big boy seriously, "he's a Parseltongue. Everyone knows that's the mark of a Dark wizard. Have you ever heard of a decent wizard who could talk to snakes? They call Slytherins themselves Snake language is clear."

Harry couldn't take it anymore. He cleared his throat and stepped out from behind the bookshelf.

If he didn't feel so angry, he would find the scene in front of him very funny. At the sight of him, every Hufflepuff was frozen with horror, and Ernie's face suddenly turned pale.

But Harry didn't intend to say anything to them, he knew that no matter how he explained, they would not believe it, just like what Richard said, only by arresting the person who opened the secret room can these matters be completely resolved.

Harry left the library with his head down. He didn't want to be seen anymore, so he didn't pay attention to where he was going.

As a result, he bumped his head against something big and strong, which pushed him backwards and fell to the ground.

"Oh, hello, Hagrid." Harry said, looking up to see the huge creature in front of him.

"Hello, Harry, why aren't you in class?" Hagrid was holding a dead chicken in his hand.

"It's snowing too much, so we're canceling classes, what are you?"

"You said this?" Hagrid lifted the dead chicken in his handle.

"This is the last chicken. I don't know if it was killed by a fox or some other animal. I'm about to ask Headmaster Dumbledore to put a banishing spell around the chicken coop or something."

Saying that, Hagrid patted Harry and walked straight forward.

Harry doesn't know where he should go or what he should do now, he feels that no matter where he is, someone will talk about him behind his back.

Before he knew it, Harry was in Myrtle's bathroom again.

Forget it, it's all here, let's see how the potion in the crucible is doing, it's better to be quick, so that all problems can be solved.

Thinking of this, Harry climbed over the rope and walked in.

Halfway there, Harry found a diary on the ground.

Could it be that someone has been here? Harry was startled and hurried to the room where the potion was refined. Seeing that the crucible was still intact and the potion hadn't changed, he felt relieved.

"Myrtle, Myrtle, are you there?" Harry whispered to Myrtle.

"Who are you?" said Myrtle in a miserable gurgling voice, "throwing something at me again?"

Harry walked to her private room and said, "Why did I hit you with something?"

"Don't ask me," cried Myrtle, bursting out, and splashing a still larger jet of water on the already soaked floor, "I'm here to stay and think about my own problems Somebody thought it was funny to throw a book at me."

"Even if someone throws something at you, it won't hurt you." Harry said rationally, "I mean, that thing can go straight through you, can't it?"

Myrtle puffed up at Harry's words and screamed, "Let's all hit Myrtle with books, because she won't feel it! If you hit her in the stomach with books, it's going to be a big deal." ! Fifty points if you hit her head! Very good, ha ha, ha ha! What a cute game, I can't see it!"

"So who hit you with the book?" Harry asked.

"I don't know, I just got out of the toilet when the book went through my head."

"Then has anyone come in?" Harry asked hastily..0

"Of course there is."

Harry's heart was in his throat.

"Who is it? Do you know him?"

"Aren't they the two people who came here with you? But they also brought a very beautiful little wizard." Myrtle twitched when she said this.

"Can you get him to do it again? I can share a toilet with him."

Harry, who has always been depressed, felt like laughing for the first time today.

"I'll ask him." After saying that, Harry took the diary and left the bathroom.

Harry hurried back to the Gryffindor lounge and told Hermione and Ronald about the bathroom.

The two were also terrified when they heard it, but Ronald was even more terrified when he heard that Harry had brought the diary back.

"How dare you bring it back!"

Seeing Harry and Hermione's indifference, Ronald said hastily.

"My dad told me that there are some books confiscated by the Ministry of Magic, and one of them will burn your eyes out. Anyone who has read the book "The Wizard's Sonnet" can only use the doggerel for the rest of his life. Talk. An old wizard in Bath had a book that you could never put down! You buried your face in it everywhere you went and had to learn to do everything with one hand. And.. ..

Before Ronald could finish speaking, Harry interrupted him directly

"Okay, I've got it. But I've brought this back, and it's not just a diary."

As he said that, Harry directly opened the diary, and there was a name on the title page, Tom Riddle.

"I know the name, Riddell received an award for exceptional service to the school fifty years ago."

Seeing that Ronald took Hermione's job by virtue of his strength, both Harry and Hermione looked at Ronald with strange eyes.

"Because Filch punished me for labor detention and asked me to wipe his medals. I wiped his medals about fifty times. Whoever wipes it so many times will remember it."

Hearing this, Harry and Hermione remembered Ronald's tragic experience. The hard work of cleaning the trophy every day until late at night still seems to be effective.

Harry tore 4.8 sheets of wet paper, each page was completely blank, without any trace of writing,

"He didn't write a single word," Harry said disappointedly.

"I don't understand why anyone would throw it away," Ronald said curiously.

Harry turned to the back cover and saw the name of a newsagent in Vauxhall Road, London printed on it.

"Riddle must be a Muggle," said Harry thoughtfully, "that's why he bought the diary on Vauxhall Road.

Then Hermione suddenly became interested, "Oh, there might be a spell hidden in it."

After speaking, Hermione took the diary from Harry and began to observe carefully.

After observing for a while, I found nothing. It looked like an old diary.

At this moment, Neville's voice suddenly appeared in the lounge.

"Isn't there a transfiguration class today? Could it be that I misremembered?"

At this time, the three of them suddenly remembered that there was a Transfiguration class taught by their headmaster in the morning. They quickly put down their diaries, found out the textbooks, and ran towards the classroom in a hurry.

But before leaving, Harry still worriedly put the diary in his schoolbag.

"Hurry up Harry, if we're late this time, Professor McGonagall will definitely turn the two of us into pocket watches."

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