My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 139 Christmas Action

Soon Thatcher from the Welfare family went back. After all, the elves still had to follow their masters, except for Dobby, who was a rebellious cub.

Richard led Phoebe to the living room, introduced his father and mother to her, and told Phoebe to listen to the Harris couple when she was not at home. At the same time, he also asked her to show her abilities and told Parents, Phoebe, would stay in the living room of her home from Monday to Friday, and when she was sleeping, she would go to the attic. That's right, the attic was treated the same as Harry Potter.

Phoebe was very excited when she heard that she still had a room. If it wasn't for Richard's order, Phoebe would definitely give them a few knocks.

After explaining, Richard asked Wilson to take him to see the underground fortress, and Olivia took Phoebe to get acquainted with Harris's house.

After Richard followed Wilson to the basement, he saw that the original big iron door was gone, replaced by a display rack displaying red wine, and after turning a specific wine bottle, there was an elevator leading to the underground fortress, and the elevator start button here was also After fingerprinting, only Harris and his wife, plus Richard who came to record fingerprints today, can start.

Entering the underground fortress is the same as before. As for the other exit, it is exactly as Richard said, the two gates are completely destroyed first, and then the unstepped shaft is poured with concrete and steel bars.

Seeing that the entrance and exit doors have been fixed, Richard first put the beds in the rest area, and then put some re-purchased compressed food into the warehouse area. As for the diesel and other things, Wilson has already re-prepared, although he does not know that his son What to do, but anyway, the Harris family now has the cash cow of Harrods, and there is no shortage of money at all.

And after seeing his son's ability, Wilson paid more attention to the news that Richard told him at the beginning. Without informing anyone, Wilson mortgaged all the assets of the family, even 140% of the Harris farm, all The funds then participated in the money game, and of course it was full in the end. Only Wilson and Richard knew the specific amount. The current Harris family can truly be called a family in terms of the amount of funds.

After everything was ready, Richard resumed his lazy life. Now it is too cold in winter, and his morning exercise is temporarily stopped. He sleeps until he wakes up naturally every day, and then prepares Christmas gifts, but now he has Harrods, you don’t have to worry about gifts at all. Of course, you still need to spare a day to go to Diagon Alley to see and buy some things. After all, not everyone accepts Muggle things.

Time passed day by day, and Christmas finally came. Inside Hogwarts Castle, Harry's trio's Christmas plans had been fully prepared, and they would be implemented after the dinner.

At the Christmas dinner, Harry and Ronald had just finished eating the third Christmas pudding, and Hermione had just hurried over, took some food casually, and said to the two of them after swallowing quickly.

"We also need something about the people we're going to be, according to our plan you need to be Goyle and Braque, and I need to be Millicent." Hermione said lightly, as if she was sending them to the supermarket Go buy laundry detergent.

"I've got everything planned."

She continued speaking in one breath, ignoring the stunned expressions on Harry's and Ronald's faces, Hermione knew how unreliable these two guys were, if only Richard was here, oh so tired.

She held up two chocolate cakes.

"I've put ordinary sleeping pills in here. You just have to make sure Crabbe and Goyle find them. You know how hungry their mouths are, and they'll gobble them up. As soon as they're both asleep, pull them out. Take a few hairs out of both of them, and hide them in a drug cabinet." Harry and Ronald looked at each other in disbelief.

"Hermione, I don't think that's a good idea"

"Yes, that could be a big mistake."

But Hermione's eyes had an iron-like gleam, quite similar to Professor McGonagall's eyes sometimes.

"Without Crabbe and Goyle's hair, the potion wouldn't work."

she said without hesitation.

"Don't you want to end this thing?"

"Yes, this matter should be over," Harry said.

"But what are you going to do? Are you going to stun Millicent too? She shouldn't be so greedy!"

"I've got mine!" said Hermione happily, pulling a small bottle from her pocket and showing them a hair inside.

"I found it from her old clothes in the laundry room, no need to stun her."

After Hermione finished speaking and rushed to check on the Polyjuice Potion, Ronald turned to Harry with a look of imminent disaster.

"Are we really going to do this? You know that if you get caught, you will definitely be fired."

Harry thought about the criticism others had given him these days, of course he didn't know that if it wasn't for Richard's secret manipulation, the treatment he received now would be at least ten times worse.

"Yes, that's what we have to do."

Seeing the determined Harry, Ronald could only compromise.

But to Harry and Ronald's surprise, the first phase of the operation, as Hermione said, went very smoothly.

After Christmas tea, they sneaked into the empty hall to wait for Crabbe and Goyle, left alone at the Slytherin table, wolfing down their fourth muffin.

Harry used the Levitation Charm to levitate the chocolate cake in their path.

Harry and Ronald hid behind a suit of armor next to the main entrance when they saw Crabbe and Goyle coming out of the Great Hall.

"How stupid and stupid you are!" Ronald said ecstatically.

He saw Crabbe happily pointing to the cake, showing it to Goyle, and grabbing it in his hand.

They grinned silly and stuffed the cake whole into their big mouths. For a moment, the two chewed greedily, their faces looking triumphant.

Then, seeing no change in their expressions, they rolled over backwards and fell to the floor.

And just like that, Goyle and Braque's hair is done.

When Harry and Ronald came to the bathroom, Hermione was still stirring the cauldron in the cubicle, and from the cauldron was emitting thick puffs of black smoke, making it almost impossible for them to see anything.

"Got it?" Hermione asked breathlessly.

Harry showed her Goyle's hair.

"Very well. I stole the change of clothes from the laundry room," said Hermione, holding up a small cloth bag. "When you become Crabbe and Goyle, you need to wear oversized clothes."

After speaking, Hermione took three potions out of the cauldron, gave each of Harry and Ronald one vial, and kept one for herself.

After the three of them glanced at each other, they put in the hair they had prepared. After shaking for a while, they looked at each other and found that the color of the master's personal medicine bottle was different.

The compound potion Harry put on Goyle's hair showed a tank-like khaki color, Ronald's compound potion on Crabbe's hair was a dark dark brown, and Hermione's potion showed an indescribable color. ugly yellow color.

After the three of them glanced at each other, they just wanted to drink it cruelly.

"Wait." Harry stopped them immediately.

"I don't think we can just drink here, you know they are not small, it's better to change into the clothes you have prepared. M

Hermione agreed to come down first, and quickly came to a compartment, followed by Ronald and Harry, each occupying a compartment.

"Three, two, one." Harry shouted the slogan, and the three drank the potion one after another.

Immediately, vomiting sounded one after another.

"I've never had anything so nasty," Hermione said.

After a while, the three of them couldn't hold the medicine bottles in their hands and fell to the ground one after another, and then groaned in pain.

"Are you all okay?" A thick voice came from Harry's cubicle.

"It's all right," Crabbe murmured thickly from his right.

Soon Harry and Ronald came out, no, it was Goyle and Braque who came out, they looked at each other, and sighed from the soul together.

"It's just amazing."

Seeing that Hermione hadn't come out, Harry came to her cubicle and knocked on the door.

A shrill voice answered him: "I really don't want to come out, you go by yourself.

"Hermione, we know Millicent is ugly, and no one will know it's you."

"No, I really can't, I don't think I can come. You two hurry up, don't waste time, there is only one hour in total."

Hanli and Ronald opened the door of the bathroom carefully, saw that no one was around, and set off.

They descended the marble stairs. Now, all they needed to see was a Slytherin student, and they could follow him to the Slytherin common room, and there was no one around.

"Any ideas?" Harry asked in a low voice.

"Slytherins always come out there for breakfast," Ronald said, nodding toward the entrance to the dungeon. He hadn't finished speaking when a very annoying voice sounded from behind them.

"Have you two been eating and drinking in the auditorium? Why are you still here? I've been looking for you, come back with me.

Malfoy walked over with a look of disdain.

Harry and Ronald didn't dare to say a word, they could only nod desperately.

Perhaps already accustomed to Goyle and Braque's stupidity, Malfoy didn't say anything, and led the two to the door of the Slytherin common room.

"What's our new password?" Malfoy said to New Goyle.

Harry squeaked and didn't know what to say.

"Oh, by the way, the new password is - purebred." Malfoy didn't listen to what Goyle said, and shouted out the password directly talking to himself.

I saw a stone door hidden in the stone wall slowly open. Malfoy strode in, followed by Harry and Ronald. .

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