My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 146 Third Grade Course Selection And Transfiguration Club

The pleasant and joyous day finally came to an end, and at night Harry lay alone on the bed and silently wiped away the insulting tears.

Thinking of the tough training tomorrow, the four characters of life are like a beacon, illuminating Harry's way forward.

As for Richard, he also fell into a sweet dreamland, but the world in the dream was a bit scary.

At this moment, Hermione was on the left, and Penello was on the right. Of course, they didn't hug each other from left to right, but the two of them pulled Richard's arm desperately towards him.

"Richard likes me the most, he must be with me."

"No wonder, Richard's favorite person is me."

In this way, Richard was pulling all night, until the next day, when Richard woke up, he felt that his hands were not his own.

Then Richard saw the two scarves hanging on the head of the bed, and couldn't help thinking about which one to wear today.

Alas, the choices in life are really difficult.

The peaceful life continued, and the Easter holiday came unknowingly.

During the Easter holidays, the second graders had new things to think about.

It's time for them to choose third-year courses.

There are six elective courses in the third grade, namely: the patron saint of "five zeros" strange animals, alchemy, arithmetic and divination, divination, Muggle studies and ancient runes.

As for the elective course, Richard has already decided that protecting magical animals must be chosen, which is related to his system. Since he helped Hermione make a necklace, Richard felt that leveling was too boring, so he gave up. Give up all divination, don't ask why, don't learn divination without that gene, Muggle research? As long as Richard's brain is not broken, he will not choose this thing.

The last ancient rune, Richard didn't want to learn it at first, but for some reason, seeing these words, Richard always had a special feeling, so Richard still chose this one.

In this way, Richard's choice is: to protect magical animals and ancient runes.

Compared to Richard's casualness, Hermione was much more cautious.

She specifically called Richard to the Gryffindor common room, carefully studied the list of new courses, and made marks on them from time to time.

"It affects our entire future."

"Richard, you have too few choices. Do you want to take another divination class?" Hermione said to Richard.

"No, I don't know how to learn this, people who learn this are gossips, you see Professor Trelawney, she is a typical example.

Hearing Richard's words, Hermione couldn't help thinking.

"I don't want to take any classes, I just want to give up Potions." Harry said, looking at the class list.

"Impossible, I have to take all the original subjects, otherwise I would have thrown away the Defense Against the Dark Arts class long ago."

"But that class is important!" Hermione said in surprise.

"But look, the professors of our Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the past two years, a Quirrell and a Harold, what have they done, and what have they taught us?"

Hearing Ronald's words, Harry immediately nodded in agreement.

At this time, Richard really wanted to pull Dumbledore over to listen to the voices of the students.

In the end Hermione didn't follow anyone's advice and signed up for all subjects.

Seeing a few little wizards choosing courses, Ronald's elder brother Percy Weasley knew that Ronald and Harry were going to start choosing courses, so he came here to guide them under the order of his mother.

Although Ronald was not interested in Percy's guidance at all, the confused Harry just hoped that someone could teach him at this time, so he looked at the mung beans and met his eyes.

"Senior Percy, I don't know what course I want to change, can you help me?"

"Of course Harry, in fact, the choice of courses depends on where you want to go and what job you want to do in the future. I recommend divination to you, which is more useful in many places."

"People say it's stupid to choose Muggle studies, but I personally think that wizards should have a thorough understanding of non-magical society, especially if they want to work closely with Muggles, like my father, He has to deal with Muggle affairs all the time. And my brother Charlie has always liked the outdoors, so he took Care of Magical Creatures."

"Harry, you should think carefully about what you are good at now and what you want to do in the future? Then you can make the right choice.

"It's the same with you Ronald, think about it."

After speaking, Percy walked away as if he had completed the task.

And Harry began to think about what he was good at.

After thinking about it, Harry told the group that the only thing he felt he was really good at was Quidditch.

In fact, Richard thinks that without Voldemort Harry, he can really consider Quidditch, even if he can't play in the game, he can be the mascot of the English Quidditch team!

In the end, he chose the same two new subjects as Ronald, Divination and Protection of Fantastic Beasts.

In this way, the courses for the few people were finally selected, so Richard also decided to leave quickly, after all, it doesn't look like a Ravenclaw staying in the Gryffindor lounge all the time.

After leaving Gryffindor's lounge, Richard came to the library again, and took out the homework assigned by Professor McGonagall. Looking at the homework in front of him, Richard's thoughts came to the afternoon of Valentine's Day.

When Richard came to Professor McGonagall's office, Professor McGonagall asked him if he was interested in Transfiguration.

What can Richard say when his subject professor asks if he is interested in his class.

It must be quite interesting, so Professor McGonagall let Richard join the transfiguration club she prevented.

Originally, Richard would join if he wanted to, and it didn't matter anyway, but after the first club meeting, Richard realized that he was young after all.

Normally, Richard was exempted from homework in normal classes, but he even assigned homework for himself after joining this club.

The first homework was relatively simple. It may be that Professor McGonagall saw that he was a newcomer, so he didn't set too difficult questions for himself. He just let Richard play freely and write about his knowledge of transfiguration. The number of words is not limited.

For a time traveler like Richard who has experienced the information explosion, an article like this with unlimited formats and words is quite simple, so Richard relied on recalling all kinds of information he saw on the Internet in his previous life, so that he could write freely. wrote a long article.

But I didn't expect that after Professor McGonagall finished reading it, although he was not shocked, he was quite satisfied with Richard, and he was almost accepted as a closed disciple.

Finally, Professor McGonagall also brought up the joint use of ancient runes and transfiguration mentioned in Richard's article, and asked all of them to write some research reports, and to discuss dialectically in the next club event Feasibility..0

And the next club event is tonight.

Thinking of this, Richard couldn't help but put on a mask of pain, it would kill him.

To be honest, the last time Richard wrote something like this kind of thesis was the last time, that is, the graduation thesis required for graduation from the university in his previous life, and he has never touched it since then.

But that is not the same as the current magic revision paper.

Originally, Richard wanted to learn from Penello (she was also in the club)'s thesis, but Penello was quite dissatisfied with the scarf he gave him every other day, so he didn't lend it to Li Mi at all.

There was no way, the hard-pressed Richard could only read the relevant books, while desperately recalling the content he saw on the Internet in his previous life, and finally wrote this paper out before dinner.

After dinner, Richard found Hermione first, and took back from her the book on Transfiguration that he had borrowed from Professor McGonagall last time.

Then I came to the classroom of the Transfiguration Club. This classroom is located on the third floor of the main building of Hogwarts Castle. There is a picture frame hanging at the door of the classroom. There is a tabby cat inside. Of course, it will also visit sometimes. At least, Richard had seen the same painting in Professor McGonagall's office.

After pushing the door open, Richard saw that everyone who came last time had already arrived.

In this club, I don't know if Professor McGonagall did it on purpose or it was just a coincidence that there are two people in each college, one male and one female.

Richard and Penelope for Ravencallaw, Percy and Orianna for Gryffindor, Cedric and Karina for Hufflepuff, Gemma and Alex for Slytherin

Except for Erics from Slytherin, the others greeted Richard warmly when they saw Richard coming in.

Percy seems to have given up on Penello a long time ago, or rather, Percy also understood that he and Penello were wishful thinking from the beginning, so his relationship with Richard is okay now, after all, the relationship between Richard and his three younger brothers Both are better than 5.5.

As for Slytherin's Alex, as a qualified Slytherin, it is impossible to have a good relationship with Muggle-born wizards, especially Richard, the chief culprit who interrupted their seven consecutive championships.

Not long after Richard entered, Professor McGonagall also rushed over. After copying everyone's papers, it was time for everyone to communicate.

At this time, Professor McGonagall was reading the paper while listening to the little wizard's point of view.

The inexplicable Richard felt nervous, and this feeling was like defending a thesis in his previous life.

Professor McGonagall is not very satisfied with the content of today's thesis. She feels that these students are not as flexible as her old lady in terms of thinking.

After everyone finished speaking, it was finally Richard's turn. As the last person to join the club, everyone took good care of Richard, usually letting him listen to others first, and then let him speak at the end.

Professor McGonagall took Richard's paper and set his sights on the topic.

Sure enough, Richard still gave himself something new.

"The title of my thesis this time is, On the Operability of Wizard Clothing and Equipment Transformation. It can also be called Transformers."

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