My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 167 Pajama Banquet

On the way to the third greenhouse, Richard asked Harry seeing Harry's coy look.

"What's wrong with you Harry?"

"Richard, do you think it's really necessary for me to learn potion making? Snape often said that I have a human body and a troll's brain, so I'm not suitable for potions at all.

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether it's suitable or not. It mainly depends on whether you are interested. Regardless of what Professor Snape said, maybe in his opinion, all little wizards have the brain of a troll." Richard comforted.

"Did he say that to you too?" Harry asked curiously.

"Of course not." Richard was still very confident about this.

Richard could see that the current Harry really had no interest in potions, so he took the initiative to say so.

"If you don't want to go, don't go, after taking the Mandrake from Professor Spratt, you must go to Professor Snape to refine it, and you definitely don't want to go there.

Hearing Richard's words, Harry quickly nodded vigorously, just kidding, Snape doesn't even go to dogs.

"Ronald came back last night and Madam Pomfrey told him Percy would be waking up today, so I wanted to go and see.

Richard waved his hand, telling Harry to disappear quickly.

After Harry left, Richard rushed to the third greenhouse by himself. At this time, Professor Sprout had already packed up the mandrakes. Seeing Richard coming, he said hastily.

"Richard, you are finally here. I have all these mandrakes suitable for me, so hurry up and take them."

Li Cha took the herbs that Sprout handed over, didn't say much, and went directly to Snape's office after saying a few words of thanks.

Snape saw Richard coming with the mandrake, and knew it was a very important matter, so he first asked Richard about the refining method of the resurrection potion.

Richard explained the method perfectly, and Snape let Richard start refining with confidence. However, the difference is that in the past, Snape used to complete a stage regardless of what Richard did. Now Snape is the whole process. Watching from the side, Shin still put some pressure on Richard even though he didn't say anything.

Fortunately, this potion is not complicated, and Richard quickly refined the needed resurrection potion.

The final resurrection potions were all qualified under Snape's inspection,

"Okay, you can go get it to Ms. Pomfrey."

After checking, Snape packed all the potions and handed them to Richard.

Richard came to the school infirmary with the potion, and saw Madam Pomfrey examining Percy, and all the Weasleys came.

Richard didn't bother them, and waited quietly for Madam Pomfrey to come out after the inspection, and then handed the potion to her.

"It's already been refined. The quality is good. Did you make it Richard?"

"Yes ma'am, by the way, please give me a share, I think Filch needs some too, his cat is probably not here.

"That's right, he doesn't worry about others taking care of his Mrs. Norris." Madam Pomfrey took a glass bottle from the side and put some resurrection potions into it.

"That's enough."

"Is it all right after drinking?" Richard asked.

"The little wizard is probably not good enough. He needs to be recuperated. There should be no problem with Filch's cat. By the way, if you are worried, you can let him feed some of this potion." Madam Pomfrey rummaged from the cabinet. Another vial came out and was handed to Richard.

"Okay Ms. Pomfrey, thank you, then I'll go to Filch's first."

After speaking, Richard left the school infirmary with two bottles of medicine and came to Filch's workshop.

When Richard knocked on the door, Filch's sullen voice came from inside.

"who is it?"

"Open the door, Filch, it's me, Richard."

Hearing Richard's voice, Filch immediately opened the door, saw the two bottles of potions in Richard's hand, and immediately reacted.

"Could this be it?"

"That's right, this is the resurrection potion. As long as you feed it to Mrs. Norris, it will be fine soon. By the way, give this bottle of medicine to Mrs. Norris as well. It will be good for it."

With trembling hands, Filch took the potion. Although he wanted to hug Richard very much, he still didn't do anything after thinking about it. He could only thank Richard constantly.

Richard didn't stay here too long, and went directly to the library. Now Hermione must be reviewing in the library.

After coming to the library, Richard saw Hermione in a corner.

"Why are you here?" Seeing Richard approaching her, Hermione asked curiously.

"I heard from Harry that you have a lot of things to do in the morning, don't you?"

"It's all been resolved, and the resurrection potion has been refined and handed over to Ms. Pomfrey."

"Then let's review quickly, too much time has been wasted during this period, and the final exam is one week away." At this time, Hermione fell into pre-exam anxiety again.

Exams? How does Richard remember that the original book seems to cancel the exams for this semester, isn't it now?

However, whether or not to take the test has little effect on Richard, anyway, he will not forget the things he memorized, but in view of Hermione's anxiety, Richard just picked up a book and read it.

The time quickly passed while they were reading books, and the sky had dimmed before they knew it.

At this time Harry and Ronald also ran over.

"I knew you must be here, but the celebration dinner is coming soon, don't you need to prepare?"

At this moment, both Richard and Hermione felt a little strange. Isn't the dinner just a more grand dinner? What else do you need to prepare?

"Don't you guys know that the theme of this dinner is pajamas, which means we need to wear pajamas to attend."

No, wasn’t the pajamas dinner held because it was too late at that time? Now that the time has come, why do we still have a pajamas dinner?

"That's right, Professor McGonagall specifically said that everyone should put on their pajamas and go to this dinner."

Hearing this, Hermione finally became anxious. Girls always need to dress up well, even in pajamas.

Hermione ignored the three of them and hurried back to the dormitory.

Seeing that it was almost time, Richard went to the dormitory to change into his pajamas, and then went to the auditorium.

At this time, the little wizards of Hogwarts had almost arrived. Although everyone put on their pajamas, they didn't seem to relax too much.

It's strange that they don't know that the matter of the chamber of secrets has been resolved? But Richard felt relieved when he thought that Ronald should stay in the infirmary all the time. Know.

"Richard, do you know why everyone came in their pajamas for this dinner? And why are you hosting this dinner?" Penello senior sister came to Richard's side at some point, looking at Penello wearing pink and white ice silk Floral pajamas, and because Penello was close to a virgin fragrance also floated towards Richard.

Immediately, Richard's eyes became straight, not to mention that Hermione at this time is still slightly inferior to Penello, not to mention, the difference in bust is more than a notch.

Penello didn't get a response from Richard, glanced at him, and found that Richard was looking straight at him at this time, smiled with satisfaction, and then said.

"Does it look good?"

"Ah? What did you say? I didn't look at you." Richard blushed and argued.

"Okay, why do you want to hold this dinner?" Penello asked again.

"This is a secret, let's see what Dumbledore has to say later." Richard didn't tell Penello directly, he knew that if he said it, he would definitely be in trouble later, so let's wait for Dumbledore to say it, and it will take a while to clear up.

Soon, Principal Dumbledore in pajamas brought all the professors in pajamas to the auditorium and took the professor's seat.

"I'm very glad that everyone can come to this dinner party. There are two main aspects to holding this pajamas dinner." Dumbledore, who was wearing a large pajamas, stood up and said to the little wizards below.

"First, 547 would like to apologize to everyone. Due to various reasons, this school year has made everyone unable to study with peace of mind, and to those students who were attacked, especially Miles Bletch, Pansy Parkinson and us Professor Lockhart, the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, I am deeply ashamed of the deaths of these people, first of all, let us observe a three-minute silence for these victims." Dumbledore took off his nightcap first, and then lowered his head , the young wizards in the audience also fell into grief, and several young wizards in Slytherin shed tears.

Three minutes passed, and Dumbledore put his nightcap back on, speaking loudly.

"The dead rest in peace, and the living must muster up the courage to face life again. Then I will say the second point. This is an exciting and good news. After Richard Harris of Ravenclaw, Harry Potter of Gryffindor, Ronald Weasley , Hermione Granger, thanks to the efforts of these four people, the Chamber of Secrets incident has been completely resolved, and the monsters in the Chamber of Secrets were beheaded by Richard Harris himself, and Hogwarts will never be attacked again. I will reward Richard with 400 points, and Harry, Ronald, and Hermione with 200 points each, and together they received the Hogwarts Special Contribution Award."

Hearing Dumbledore's words, the little wizards in the audience were completely blown away, and the emotions that had been suppressed for so long were released. Ravenclaw's side was fine. A group of little witches would rush up to hug Richard, but Richard was caught by Penello. Hold it in your arms.

On Gryffindor's side, Harry and Ronald had already been thrown up by the other little wizards.

At this moment, Dumbledore didn't calm down the students, he knew that this was a good time to vent, so he planned to pour oil on it again.

Dumbledore cast the Loud Voice Charm on himself.

"And I announced that all exams for this semester will be cancelled. Adding the scores just now, the Academy Cup winner for this school year is Gryffindor. In the end, there is no limit tonight, as long as you want, you can stay in the auditorium until tomorrow."

"Okay, let's start the banquet."

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