My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 172: A Trip To The Ministry Of Magic

britain, surrey, harris farm

At this moment, Dumbledore and Richard stood at the door and did not go in.

Richard told Dumbledore what happened just now, of course he still insisted that Phoebe put the spell on, although his relationship with Dumbledore is still good, but Richard's intuition told himself that this matter should not be too serious Many people know better.

After listening to Richard's words, Dumbledore tugged at his beard and asked Richard, "Then is your wand detectable? What was the last spell you cast?"

Richard was taken aback? Holding the last spell cast by the wand? I really don't remember this, and I have been habitually casting spells without a wand recently.

After racking his brains to think, Richard was reluctant to confirm that the last time he cast a spell with his wand was at the Dueling Club, when he was facing off with Flitwick's Cult, he cast a curse at the end.

"It should be a thunderbolt explosion, or it was used when performing with Professor Flitwick." Richard said.

"Have you not used a wand for such a long time?" Dumbledore asked in amazement, you know this time is not short, how could someone not use a magic spell for such a long time?

"At the beginning, I also thought holding a wand was cool, but for some reason later, I found it a bit silly to point at people with a small stick, so I generally don't use the wand except when fighting. "

Hearing Richard's words, Dumbledore didn't know what to say. Is this what people say? You must know that casting spells without a wand is very difficult and consumes a lot of magic power. If you are a fool with a magic wand, you will always cast spells without a wand. Can you really do whatever you want if you have a high talent?

"If this is the case, then you can give me your wand first, and I will take you to the Ministry of Magic tomorrow morning to make it clear."

Richard obediently handed the wand to Dumbledore, and Richard said.

"Would you like to come in and see Ariana?"

Hearing the name, Dumbledore froze for a moment, then realized that Richard was talking about his sister Ariana.

"Forget it, I'll contact a few old friends first, and come to see her after I go to the Ministry of Magic tomorrow."

Saying that, Dumbledore immediately Apparated away.

Seeing that Dumbledore was gone, Richard also returned to the room.

"Well, I saw Headmaster Dumbledore coming too." Hermione hurried forward and asked.

"It's nothing, just go to the Ministry of Magic and explain it tomorrow." Richard said in relief.

After hearing Richard's words, Hermione didn't say anything more, since Dumbledore has come, there should be nothing wrong.

Then the two went to see the baby.

Soon the Grangers also came over. Under Olivia's command, Phoebe quickly prepared a big meal. After the guests enjoyed themselves, Mr. Granger drank too much, and Richard was also dumbfounded. Didn't it mean that doctors, especially those who need to operate a scalpel, should drink less alcohol to avoid shaking hands? Why is Mr. Granger so often drunk?

In the end, the Granger family stayed at Richard's house, but it will be much more convenient now that there are house-elves.

In the evening, Richard and Hermione first played with Arianna for a while, and did not return to his room until Arianna fell asleep.

Dumbledore came over around eight o'clock the next morning, and first greeted the Harris couple and the Granger couple,

The parents didn't know what happened yesterday until they saw Dumbledore. Fortunately, Dumbledore said that this was just a small problem, just explain it.

Soon Dumbledore took Richard and Phoebe to the Ministry of Magic.

On a bleak side street in London consisting of a few seedy-looking offices, a tavern, and a dump truck almost overflowing, there was a crackling explosion in the air, followed by a big, two small , or in other words, three figures, one big, one small and one smaller, appeared on the street.

"Is the Ministry of Magic here? It's hidden enough." Richard said, looking around.

"There's no way, there are too many people in the city, but there are fewer people here." Dumbledore continued as he walked forward, "I could have taken you directly to the Ministry of Magic, but this is your first time here, It's more interesting to walk through it in its entirety."

While talking, Dumbledore took Richard and Phoebe to a red telephone booth with several pieces of glass missing and behind ten walls that were smeared in a mess.

Dumbledore didn't pick up the receiver, but directly dialed the number on the phone. As the dial whirred back to its original position, a woman's indifferent voice sounded from the phone booth. It was loud and clear, as if a man watching The missing woman stood beside them.

"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic, please state your name and what you are going to do."

"Albus Dumbledore, who accompanied Richard Harris, was asked by the Ministry to stand trial.

"Thank you," said the woman's indifferent voice, "Guests, please pick up the badge and pin it on your clothes."

Ding Lingling, clattering, saw something slipping out of the metal chute that is usually used to withdraw coins.

He picked it up, a square silver badge that read: Richard Harris, on trial. He pinned the badge on the front of his T-shirt, and the woman's voice sounded again.

"Visitor of the Ministry of Magic, you will need to be checked and register your wand at the security desk. The security desk is at the end of the main hall.

The ground of the phone booth trembled suddenly. They sank slowly into the ground.

Richard watched the sidewalk rise higher and higher outside the glass window of the phone booth until it was dark above them.

He couldn't see anything anymore. Song could hear the monotonous, harsh grinding sound of the phone booth as it sank into the ground.

After about a minute, a thin golden light hit his feet, and then the golden light gradually widened and expanded to his body, and finally hit his face directly, and he had to blink his eyes hard to keep the tears from flowing.

"The Ministry of Magic wishes you a pleasant day," said the woman's voice.

The door of the phone booth slammed open, and Dumbledore walked out with Richard and Phoebe.

In the Ministry of Magic, Richard had never been here before, and he was quite excited when he came here for the first time, without the anxiety and uneasiness that a person under trial should have at all.

At this moment, they were standing at the end of a long, resplendent hall with a polished dark wooden floor.

The peacock-blue ceiling is inlaid with gleaming gold symbols, constantly moving and changing, like a giant high-altitude bulletin board.

The walls on all sides were paneled with dark, glossy black wood, and many gilt fireplaces were built into the wood panels.

Every few seconds, with a soft pop, a wizard popped out of one of the fireplaces to the left.

And on the right, there are several people waiting to leave in front of each fireplace.

In the middle of the foyer is a fountain. A group of pure gold statues stood in a circular pool, bigger than real people. The tallest of them all was a dignified wizard, with his wand raised high, pointing directly at the sky. Surrounding him are a beautiful witch, a centaur, a goblin and a house-elf. The centaurs, goblins, and house-elves all looked up at the two wizards with admiration. Glittering jets of water shot from the tip of the wizard's wand, from the centaur's arrow, from the tip of the goblin's hat, and from the ears of the house-elf. There were ding dong ding dong, splashing water, popping and popping apparition figures, and the chaotic footsteps of hundreds of witches and wizards. With the dead morning expression on their faces, they strode toward the set of golden doors at the far end of the hall.

"This way," Dumbledore said.

They joined the crowd, and the already very crowded crowd flowed out of the aisle in the middle without knowing when.

"It's Professor Dumbledore, get out of the way." Richard heard such voices from the crowd on both sides from time to time.

Dumbledore, on the other hand, kept saying hello to the people on both sides.

When passing the fountain, Richard saw many sparkling silver Sickle 573 and copper Nat at the bottom of the pool, and a small stained sign next to it read: All proceeds from the Magic Brothers Fountain are donated to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries .

Soon they were leaving the stream of Ministry staff heading for the golden gate.

At a table on the left, under a sign that said "Security Check," sat a very unclean-shaven wizard in peacock-blue robes.

As they approached, he looked up and put down the Daily Prophet.

"Professor Dumbledore, why are you here?" The security wizard quickly put away the newspaper, then stood up and saluted Dumbledore

"I've brought a guest." Dumbledore pointed to Harry.

"You can just go there directly, there is no security check, after all, the person you brought will definitely not have any problems." The security wizard said courteously.

Dumbledore glanced at him twice, then nodded without refusing, and took Richard away.

Pass through the golden gate and come to a smaller hall over there.

There were at least two dozen elevators there, blocked by elaborate golden grille doors.

Dumbledore and Richard walked into the crowd surrounding an elevator.

When the wizards standing in front of them saw Dumbledore approaching, they quickly stepped aside and saluted Dumbledore respectfully.

Soon, with the sound of Ding Ding Dang Dang and rattling, an elevator descended in front of them.

The golden grille door slid open slightly, and Richard and Phoebe followed Dumbledore into the elevator, but none of the wizards who had just stood by the elevator came in, it seemed that they didn't intend to take this elevator.

The gate slammed shut, and the elevator slowly ascended, its chains rattling.

"Professor Dumbledore, it seems that your prestige is still very high." Richard said to Dumbledore teasingly.

"If you've been a professor for decades, or headmaster for fifty years, they'll treat you the same way." Dumbledore said indifferently. .

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