My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 177: The Forgotten Text

It was evening, and after dinner, the Grangers came and brought Hermione back.

Richard went back to his room alone.

Because of yesterday's incident, after Richard came back, he hadn't packed the things he brought back properly. Although there were not many, Richard still took the trouble to take out one by one from the storage.

After returning to their respective positions, Richard, who saw the whole room full, was satisfied.

Lying on the bed, Richard casually flipped through the sundries in the storage.

Some of them came from Richard’s first year in the Room of Requirement. At that time, he was just exposed to the wizarding world, and he was very curious about many things. Now it’s different.

"This glasses, um, seems to be able to grow a beard by wearing it, but it can only grow one side of the beard. Forget it or not, but it can be given to Brother Weasley."

"This stool, um, should only be able to put things on, not sit on people. As long as people sit on it, they will definitely fall down. It feels pretty good. Forget it, give it to them."

"What is this."

While talking to himself, Richard took out a box, shook it, and there seemed to be something inside, and an important item was attached to it.

After opening it, Richard saw a few photos, and wondered when he got this thing and why the photos are so important.

After Richard approached, he suddenly found that several photos were exactly the same, with four large characters "rune characters" on them.

At this time, a dusty memory slowly awakened in Richard's mind.

All kinds of things during last year's holiday also made him remember 20 fresh.

Richard sat up quickly. This thing is a bit interesting. At that time, he tried every means to prevent it, but he didn't expect that he would forget it. And the Fuli family has never mentioned this matter. It seems that they must be right.

Richard first copied all the photos directly, and then pasted them in the whole room.

Of course, Richard also ran out specifically to find Wilson, and reminded him to tell himself the four words 'rune text' tomorrow morning.

For Wilson to remind himself, Richard mainly wanted to see if the magic power of this kind of text would have any effect on ordinary people without magic power. Not only Wilson, but even Phoebe, Richard also reminded him to remember the four words he told himself tomorrow. Character.

After everything was arranged properly, Richard went back to sleep directly. If he still made himself forget, then he really had no choice but to resign himself to fate.

Thinking of this, Richard fell asleep without any psychological burden.

On the second day, Richard miraculously remembered the runes clearly, which made Richard a little confused, why?

Then Richard went downstairs after washing up, because it was still relatively early, Olivia and Wilson hadn't come down yet, and Phoebe had already started preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

"Good morning, Phoebe, by the way, do you remember what I asked you to do yesterday?"

"Good morning master, Phoebe remembers that yesterday the master asked Phoebe to remind the master of the four words 'rune text' today. ’ Phoebe replied right away.

Phoebe remembers too, ask Wilson later.

Richard first asked Phoebe to heat a glass of milk for himself, and then came to the living room and read the newspaper (the newspaper of ordinary people), while drinking the milk very leisurely.

After a while, Olivia went downstairs with Arianna and Wilson in her arms.

"Mom, are you starting to sleep in now?"

"Oh, there is no way. Since I have Phoebe, it is so convenient, and it can do a lot better than me. Of course, I don't need me."

Richard teased Arianna for a while, then pulled Wilson aside, and asked him what he had reminded him of last night, but he didn't expect Wilson to remember it.

Having no clue, Richard asked Phoebe, who had already prepared breakfast, to go to the Foley family and tell him that he would be there around nine o'clock.

After breakfast, Richard took the backed up photos with him, followed Olivia and Ariana to watch TV for a while, and seeing that the time was almost up, he asked Phoebe to apparate to the Foley family with him.

After a crackling sound in the open space in front of the house of the patriarch of the Foley family, Richard and Phoebe appeared on the spot.

"Richard, welcome to the Foley family."

"Chief Rhodes, sorry to bother you."

"There, it's too late for us to welcome you. By the way, I read the "Daily Prophet". It really is a heroic boy, and he won the second-class medal at a young age.

This is the youngest ever recipient of the bar in The Witcher. "

After admiring each other, the two came to the reception room of Rhode's house.

"Chief Rhodes, do you remember that I wrote you a letter after visiting Welfare Village last year.

"Letter? What letter, why don't I remember receiving your letter." Sure enough, Rhodes had completely forgotten about it.

"Rune text." Richard said directly.

At this moment, Rhodes was at a loss for a while, then slowly came to his senses, and stood up abruptly.

"How come, how could I suddenly forget such an important thing, and I don't have any memory at all, Richard, wait a moment, I'll go and call Joseph and Frank over, they should have known about it at the time."

After Richard sent Phoebe to find Thatcher, he visited the meeting room.

After a while, Rhode brought Joseph and Frank over.

"They all forgot too. We all went to see it after I reminded it just now, and the copied letter mysteriously disappeared."

"Sure enough, if I hadn't kept these things in a special place, I should have completely forgotten about them."

"Then why are the trees in the village and the characters formed by the trees preserved?" Frank asked a question that puzzled everyone.

At this time, everyone present fell into silence.

"Let's not talk about this issue for now. The first problem we need to solve now is how to write down the name of the runic script, so as not to forget it." Richard said after taking a sip of tea.

"That's right, now we can't even remember, let alone decipher the content." Rhodes affirmed Richard's words.

"By the way, I tried it yesterday. I told my dad and Phoebe the information about the 'Rune Text', and they didn't forget it today. 11

Hearing Richard's words, the older Joseph first frowned, then suddenly his eyes lit up, and he made a hypothesis.

"I remember reading some literature, and there is an interesting hypothesis. In ancient times, words were all magical, and the gods made special restrictions in order to control the power of human beings. The spread of words cannot exceed the limited number of people. If If the number exceeds this number, then everyone will forget everything related to it, you said, is there any limit to this runic text?"

Hearing Joseph's words, the eyes of the rest of the people lit up.

"It's possible. I learned from some sources that Voldemort also explored this text back then, and there were a few people in the wizarding world who knew this text. Could it be that the number of people exceeded the limit because of my accidental joining?"

Rhodes said after thinking for a while.

"It shouldn't be. I remember that when you came to Welfare Village, you first saw the shape of the trees in our village and realized the runes. But didn't you forget it when you left the village?"

Ronald thought for a moment and continued.

"If you are beyond, then when you forget, everyone who knows begins to forget, and you tell us after you remember, then we should be the new rememberers, and we should not forget Right. So I don’t think it’s a question of the number of people, you say it’s a question of odd and even numbers.”

Richard was also quite surprised to hear odd and even numbers from the mouth of Rhodes, a member of the wizard family.

And Rhodes 670 saw Richard's surprise [explained.

"Although our Foley family is a wizarding family, we are not those old antiques. We study many Muggle sciences, especially mathematics."

After Frank smiled wryly, he interjected.

"Anyway, I'm trapped in the village, so learn more and just pass the time."

Hearing their explanation, Richard also gave up on connecting with Rhodes, "odds change and evens stay the same, symbols look at the quadrant", which is a secret phrase of the traversers.

"This possibility is more likely. Yesterday, I, my father, and Phoebe knew about it. Is it possible that only an odd number of people can remember it.

"It is very possible that the insiders of this text have always been in the range of odd numbers, and because of your sudden addition of Richard, the odd number has become an even number, so the text limit has been triggered, making this text want to disappear again. in history." Joseph also analyzed

"That's right, it should be like this. Now let's assume that the number of people who knew it before is an odd number. Add me, the three of you, Chief Rhodes, and Hagrid, so that it happens to be an even number. Yesterday, there were only three people who knew it, which is an odd number. So it's not forgotten."

"Then what now? Now there are three on Richard's side and three on our side, and it becomes an even number again, so we need to notify one person."

"Tell Gemma." Joseph and Frank said in unison.

"Gemma will be the next patriarch, and I think she should know some things." Yue said to Rhodes.

After thinking about it for a while, Rhodes also agreed.

"Then I'll call Gemma over first."

"I'm going to ask Phoebe to take me back first, and tell Dad, I can't tell anyone else about this."

Everyone else nodded after hearing Richard's words.

"Phoebe," Richard called out.

Immediately Phoebe was directly in front of Richard's eyes.

"Take me back." Phoebe immediately helped Richard disappear from the Foley family. .

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