My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 180: What Happened To Richard In Front Of The Pyramid

Egypt, Cairo, before an unknown pyramid.

"Is this the pyramid?" Richard asked a middle-aged man,

"That's right, Mr. Harris. According to the information Mr. Joseph gave us, it is this pyramid. However, because this pyramid has just been excavated not long ago, the inside is not open to outsiders, so we may have to come here at night."

"Haven't you communicated with the Egyptian Ministry of Magic?" Gemma took the topic ~ and asked.

"Miss Gemma, we have already confirmed with the Egyptian Ministry of Magic. They said that as long as we are not discovered by Muggles and do not cause damage to the pyramid, they can let us go in and explore, and allow us to use magic wands."

"As for the Muggle government, but you also know how stupid the Muggle government is. They said that they need to hold a meeting to study it. I have already reported it to the owner. The owner told us not to worry about the Muggle government. As long as the Ministry of Magic agrees -Go ahead and explore."

Just now, the plane that Richard and the others took landed at Cairo Airport, because the airport is not very far from the pyramid, so after Richard and the others got off the plane, they went directly to the pyramid in Egypt on a camel .

Riding on a camel and riding on a horse are two different feelings. As the camel's feet step on the soft sand, the ups and downs are constantly bumping. The hump behind him and the blankets under his body made Richard feel very comfortable, at least much more comfortable than riding a horse.

The camel suddenly grunted, just like the sound of the horses drinking water in the Harris farm, and then the camel stopped not far from the pyramid.

A middle-aged male wizard walked towards them, it was the middle-aged man that Richard had met a few times, and then the above-mentioned conversation began.

Looking at the pyramid in front of him, Richard recalled the pyramid he had just seen in the documentary, and had to say [the documentary cannot reflect the magnificence of the pyramid at all.

The pyramid in front of me is like three golden mountains floating in the sea. It seems that all the golden light sources are emitted from it. The sky and the earth are yellow and golden, a dazzling hue, which is presented in the sunset. An alluring shade of gold.

According to data, the pyramid is composed of about 2.3 million limestone and granite stacks, without any adhesive material in the middle, and the stones fit seamlessly. Not even a sharp knife can be inserted between the stone cracks.

Each square stone has an average of 2.5 tons, and the heaviest reaches more than 100 tons.

With the labor force of the ancient Egyptians at that time, how did they mine the huge stones and transport them here? How did they build them up? How did they resist the erosion of time until today? Moreover, the four sides of the bottom of the pyramid are almost facing the square. East, due west, due south, due north, the error is less than one degree.

How did the ancient Egyptians calculate this accurately? For many years, the Great Pyramid has been a mystery that people have been exploring but cannot be confirmed. Not knowing how to explain these phenomena, modern man has exhausted his imagination and powers of reasoning.

Some people say that the pyramids were built by aliens as a landing point for them to come to the earth, and others say that the pyramids were built by the lost ancestors of Atlantis Island.

However, the wizard community has always believed that the pyramid must be built by wizards, and it is the result of the cooperation of many wizards. At first, Richard always thought that this was just a prince selling melons and boasting, but when he came here, he also began to think that if it was built by wizards The pyramid so many things have been said in the past.

"Mr. Harris, Miss Gemma, it's still some time before it gets dark. Do you think we should go back to downtown Cairo to live first, or just set up a tent near here."

Richard and Gemma discussed it, and there was no need to waste time going back, just set up a tent here.

"Walson, just set up a tent here."

Hearing Gemma's order, Walson immediately called the staff to take action.

With the help of the magic spell, the three tents were quickly set up. Because of the existence of the traceless expansion spell, it didn't need much, and it was quite spacious for the two of them to live in.

After setting up the tent, Walson began to cast Muggle repelling spells around it to prevent Muggles from straying into it.

"Mr. Harris, Miss Gemma, the tents have been set up, you can go to rest first, the tent in the middle is for you, we live in the tents on both sides.

Richard and Gemma came to the tent in the middle. The space inside is quite large, like a super large flat with more than a dozen bedrooms. Not only the bathroom and kitchen are all available, but there is even a rockery fountain in the living room. The only thing that has really been achieved is unexpected, nothing is impossible, and the temperature inside the tent is suitable, which completely isolates the hot and dry outdoors.

"Let's take a rest first, we should enter the pyramid at night." Gemma said to Richard.

Then she directly chose a bedroom and walked in.

Richard also randomly chose a bedroom. After entering, Richard took a shower in the bathroom first, then lay on the bed, and took out the torn book from the storage box. Although he couldn't read it, he still read it. Comparing the characters in the broken book with the characters in the literature one by one, after reading it for a long time, I can only see that those characters are indeed the same, but Richard has no idea what the specific meaning is. way.

Richard lying on the bed slowly fell asleep.

Suddenly, Richard heard a burst of shouting, which seemed to be coming from far away, and he couldn't understand what the shouting was about.

Although Richard tried his best to listen, it was still useless, he had no choice but to swim towards the place where the sound came out.

That’s right, it’s swimming, I don’t know why this time when Richard woke up, he found himself floating in the air, and the air around him was like water with quality at this moment, so he couldn’t stand and run, so he could only rely on The primitive instinct swam towards the place where the sound came from.

Richard swam and swam in the air, I don't know how long he swam, the sound was still so hazy, it seemed to be here soon, and it seemed to be far away, Richard could only just swim like this, gradually he felt that he was getting more and more Getting more and more tired, my limbs seemed to be filled with lead, getting heavier and heavier.

But Richard didn't want to give up. He always felt that as long as he could see that person a little bit ahead, he could know what he/she/it was calling. Richard, who has never been stubborn, didn't know why it was like this at this moment persistence.

Just when Richard was about to lose his hold, suddenly he found that the voice became clear.

0 looking for flowers...

"Go, get out of here, stay here and he will notice you, go away, get out of here, stay here and he will..." The voice repeated this sentence over and over, although Richard didn't understand What does it mean, but the clear words undoubtedly gave him hope and strength again, making him seem to be born again, and his limbs became much easier immediately, so Richard immediately accelerated to swim in the direction of the sound.

Not long after, Richard saw a small house in front of him, or maybe a box is more accurate, because this house has neither doors nor windows, just a square box, and the sound seems to come from inside .

Soon Richard swam to the vicinity of the small house. He circled around the small house, but it seemed that there was no way to get in. Unwilling, Richard put his hand on the wall, trying to see if he could push the small house.

But the moment Richard put his hand on the wall, he immediately felt that the wall seemed to have a kind of suction, trying to suck Richard in, Richard immediately struggled as hard as he could, but for some reason, it was like falling into a swamp Normally, the harder you struggle, the faster Richard will sink in. Soon Richard's hands are completely sucked in, and the next thing is the arms. Seeing that Richard's face is about to be pressed against the wall, although I don't know what will happen Things, but it always gave Richard a bad feeling.

But just then Richard seemed to suddenly remember that he is a wizard, he can try the spell.

"Torn apart." There was no response.

"Thunderbolt Explosion", "Blazing Flame", "Shenfeng Wuying". Richard cast several spells in succession, but there was still no response.

No, Richard also reacted at this time, not because he didn't react at all, but because he didn't cast a spell at all, or he didn't even have magic power.

It wasn't until Richard's face was within a centimeter of the wall that he realized that he still had system skills.

"Shenyin" launched.

Immediately, the feeling of being stuck in the quagmire just now disappeared, and a sense of relaxation struck.

Richard immediately pulled his hands out of the wall, and then lifted the aura.

So what should we do now? Richard crossed his arms and thought about it, the voice still came from the small house without stopping.

Richard was very curious at this time, if he was told to give up now, he would definitely not do it, why don't you go in and have a look?

Thinking that I have hidden spirits, there is no danger.

Thinking of this, Richard activated the hidden space, entered the hidden space, and then walked towards the small house.

Without the slightest obstacle, Richard entered the small house in one go.

After entering it, it was not pitch black. On the top of the small room, there was a bead suspended in mid-air emitting a faint blue light. This blue light was very similar to the light emitted by Ms. Gray, but the color was slightly lighter.

Catching the blue light, Richard quickly saw the surrounding scene clearly. In fact, there was nothing there. Apart from the pillar, there was only a mirror inside, a bit like the Mirror of Erised, but there were runes around the Mirror of Erised. And the surrounding of this mirror is indeed engraved with runic characters.

That's right, the runes. Seeing these words, Richard knew that he hadn't wasted his time. There should be something he wanted here. .

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