My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 183: The Mysterious Woman

Inside a sarcophagus in the main chamber of a pyramid, Cairo, Egypt.

When Richard saw the mysterious woman who had dissipated into smoke, he didn't relax his vigilance. Although his system skills did cause some damage to the mysterious woman just now, it was definitely impossible to eliminate this person directly.

Although Richard can directly enter the Shenyin space and leave here, but where will he find the answer after leaving here?

Now I can only fight her, just wait here.

Thinking of this, Richard sat cross-legged on the ground, then closed his eyes, as if taking a rest.

Although Richard's eyes were closed, he diffused his mental power.

He first diffused his mental power to the maximum, and then observed every move around him, but this situation did not last for too long, after all, the consumption of doing so was too great

So Richard withdrew his mental power and only kept it within a distance that allowed Richard to react and activate the hidden spirit.

Then Richard began to meditate, and the spiritual recovery and diffused spiritual power brought by meditation became a perfect closed loop.

I don't know how long it took, but at a place not far from Richard, the mist surged, and then a white and flawless arm slowly stretched out from the mist, and slowly moved towards the place where Richard was sitting cross-legged. Float over.

Seeing that this hand was about to touch Richard's neck, suddenly a white and flawless lightning shot out from Richard's back and wrapped around his hand.

Sudden injury caused the mysterious woman to howl suddenly, the sound of howling could not stop coming from all directions, and the surrounding fog boiled like boiling hot water.

Seeing this sign, Richard suddenly had an idea.

Could it be that the surrounding fog is part of the mysterious woman?

Thinking of this, Richard divided the purification lightning into several small lightning bolts, allowing the surrounding fog to continuously attack.

Sure enough, whenever Richard's lightning touches the fog, Yuan Howling's voice can be heard in the space.

Soon, more than half of Richard's physical strength was consumed, and the surrounding fog also dissipated a lot.

At this time Richard's attack stopped, he must retain the physical strength to open the hidden space.

Richard took out the potion for recovering stamina that Ms. Pomfrey had given him from the storage box, drank it all in one gulp, and then said to the surrounding mist.

"As long as you show up and tell me everything, then I will stop attacking you. From then on, we will never cross the river. You go your way, and I cross my single-plank bridge."

"Dream, although I don't know why you can cast that strange spell, but you must not cast it endlessly, and when you can't cast it again, I will definitely tear you to pieces..."

Seeing that this thing was so stubborn, Richard didn't give her time to continue scolding himself, so let's continue to attack with Purified Lightning.

As the mysterious woman continued to howl, the surrounding fog began to shrink again.

When the surrounding fog reduced to three quarters of the initial volume, Richard's physical strength was consumed by half again.

At this time, he took out a bottle of medicine and drank it directly, and then continued to ask around.

"What do you say now, do you want to confess~?"

"I can't believe you still have a lot of potions!"

"That's right, I don't have a lot of potions, but it's enough for me to wipe out all the mist." As he spoke, Richard took out more than twenty bottles of potions from the storage, and immediately refilled them.

Then began to cast the Boring Purification Lightning again.

Still the same recipe, still the same taste, and the wail is exactly the same.

When the fog had dissipated halfway, Richard also stopped, then took out another bottle of potion, and drank it down.

This time Richard didn't say anything, and started to cleanse the lightning again.

"Wait, wait first." At this time, the mysterious woman obviously couldn't hold on anymore, and shouted directly.

The corner of Richard's mouth raised slightly, but just in case, he directly cast a purification lightning.

"Damn, I said wait, can't you hear me? Didn't you want to chat with me, oops...."

"Ah? I'm really sorry, I'm used to it, it's fine, don't worry about me, I can't live.

At this time, the image of a woman slowly condensed out of the mist.

And now this woman has long since lost the gentleness and virtuousness she had just now, but she doesn't have any expression of fear either.

"Come on, what do you want to talk about?"

"There are still those questions, who are you, where is this place, and why can't I use ordinary spells."

The woman looked at Richard with a constipated look.

"Didn't I tell you? I don't know who I am. I have been sealed here since I became conscious. I just remember that someone took out a mirror and sealed me inside."

Seeing that Richard was about to make a move, the woman hurriedly continued.

"However, I do know why you can't use the magic spell, because there is a magic circle here, so all the magic power will be gradually extracted and integrated into the magic circle, so you can't use the magic spell at all?"

"Yes, I can't use charms at all."

"This is very strange. It should be possible to use the spell, but the magic power in the spell will be absorbed into the magic circle, making the spell invalid."

Richard thought for a while, what is the difference between himself and ordinary wizards, then Richard suddenly thought that he has a memory, and the magic power is the expression of spiritual power communicating with external factors in the world, and spiritual power It is stored in the brain, could it be that the memory protects itself???

The more Richard thought about it, the more he felt that his guess should be correct. Of course, he would not tell others about these things, so Richard changed the subject and asked

"Where is the magic circle?"

"I don't know about this, but I'm sure it's not here, it should be outside."

At this time Richard suddenly thought of his dream and asked.

"Did you summon me before this, and let me come here in a dream?"

"What? You have been here in a dream?" The mysterious woman looked very surprised and asked hastily.

Seeing this woman's appearance, Richard also knew that it should not be her, so why did he come here suddenly?

Is there anyone here besides women?

"Has anyone else been here besides me?"

"Yes, very few people were able to come in a long time ago. As time goes by, more people have come in in recent years than before."

"What happened to those people who came in?"

"They? They were all directly sucked out of their magic power, and then their vitality was also sucked up, and then they all turned into smoke around here. By the way, why hasn't your vitality been sucked away?"

My magic power has not been sucked out at all, how can I absorb life force.

And when Richard heard that the magic power was extracted first, and then the life force was extracted, he couldn't help being stunned. Isn't this the situation in Welfare Village? It's just that the Welfare people in Welfare Village didn't attack so quickly.

At this moment, a thought suddenly appeared in Richard's mind, could the runes in Welfare Village not be harming them but protecting them?

Now Richard and the others can be said to know nine out of ten about runes, and none of them.

Thinking of this, Richard took out the picture of Welfare Village that he had taken earlier, but after taking it out, he hesitated again. It would be fine if this woman knew the runes, but what if she didn't?

After struggling for a long time, Richard still took the photo back. By the way, the mural, you can try using the runic characters on the mural.

Since the mysterious woman said that many people have been here before, they must have seen the murals, so the text rule should not be triggered.

Thinking of this, Richard decided to go out first, then develop the photos and come back to find her.

"..." I have something to do, I have to go out for a while, I will come back later, you wait here first. "

After speaking, Richard planned to directly enter the Shenyin space.

"Wait a minute." Suddenly the mysterious woman said, "Can you take me out with you?"

"Take you? Why take you away?" Richard asked curiously.

"I remember that person took the mirror out of his clothes, so this mirror must not be big, so you can just take the mirror with you.

The mirror is not big!! Almost!

Richard thought, the mirror that he saw in his dream was almost twice his height, do you call this (Lee's) big?

You must know the crown at that time, thinking of the crown, Richard suddenly frowned.

Why do I feel that this mysterious woman is so similar to the diadem, but the diadem is Voldemort's Horcrux, so this mysterious woman?

At this time, Richard suddenly had a bold idea, do you think this mysterious woman is also a Horcrux?

No, how could it be a horcrux? The difference between this and a horcrux is too great. Voldemort is already a top dark wizard, even his horcrux is not so exaggerated. This is a magic circle, and it is What kind of wizard needs to be able to turn into water mist? Don't look at Richard who seems to be able to subdue this mysterious woman very easily. Intelligence is suppressed.

In fact, the last bottle of potion that Richard drank was not used to restore physical strength. On the one hand, Richard only had two bottles, and the rest were the share that Snape gave him when he practiced making potions with Snape.

On the other hand, the potion for restoring physical strength is not something you can drink casually. Two bottles are already the limit that Richard can accept.

It can only hurt his foundation.

Fortunately, this woman may have become stupid when she stayed here alone, and she didn't realize it. How could there be a magic potion that can be drunk without limit?.

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