My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 197: New Semester, New Curriculum

Britain, Hogwarts, Transfiguration classroom

Just after Richard refused the request of several young wizards to be at the same table, one minute before the class was about to start, well, no more than two minutes at most, Harry and the others finally came to the Transfiguration classroom.

Seeing Hermione walk into the classroom, Richard quickly looked for her hand, and Hermione walked over directly after seeing it.

"How slow are you, class is about to begin, and if you're late, Professor McGonagall will definitely turn Ronald into a pocket watch."

Just as Hermione was about to say something, Professor McGonagall suddenly appeared on the podium.

"Okay, now that everyone has arrived, let's start class."

"First of all, does anyone know about Animagus?"

After speaking, Professor McGonagall will look at all the little wizards in the audience, of course Hermione is the main one. As the dean of Gryffindor, although she has always maintained the principle of fairness and justice, as the first question of the first class, she still hopes that The little wizard of his own academy will answer.

Seeing that Hermione didn't raise her hand, not only Professor McGonagall, but even Richard was surprised.

"Richard, tell me."

There is no way, since I have asked a question, I have to find someone to answer it. Richard is a member of the Transfiguration Club. If he can’t even answer this question, McGonagall will have to consider whether he is really suitable to stay in the Transfiguration Club. .

"Animagus refers to a wizard who can turn into a certain animal while retaining his own magic power." Richard answered this question neatly, and added an explanation.

"Animagus cannot transform into any animal at will, and the transformed animal is related to the personality of the wizard and the weight of 20. Generally, each person can only transform into one kind of animal. At the same time, the transformation of Animagus is usually Restricted to non-magical creatures, the transformation of magical creatures will have unpredictable consequences. Perhaps it is because of the fundamental difference in the operation of wizard magic and magic of magical creatures."

"It takes several years to become an Animagus. It takes a person to become the most suitable animal for himself, but it may fail, so transformation also requires courage. Therefore, the only registered Animagus in the 20th century is Seven, and you, Professor McGonagall, are one of them."

"The way to become an Animagus is, first... .

"Very good, Ravenclaw adds 10 points, that's enough, the rest is not the knowledge you need to master now.

Before Richard finished speaking, Professor McGonagall hastily interrupted his speech. You must know that there are half of the Gryffindor here. what behavior.

"Richard is right. Animagus is a very dangerous transfiguration. When practicing Animagus, people may go crazy and cannot return to normal humans. Therefore, the Ministry of Magic strictly enforces it. control"

Following Richard's words, Professor McGonagall continued to teach about Animagus.

She turned into a tabby cat in full view, with glasses marks around her eyes.

But the effect was mediocre, less than one-third of the people, to be precise, only the little teachers who didn't attend the first period applauded.

"Seriously, what's up with you guys today?" said Professor McGonagall, at this moment, with a slight poof.

She had changed back to her original form, and looked around at all the students in the audience.

"It doesn't matter, but it's the first time that my transformation didn't win the applause of the whole class.

All heads turned to Harry at this moment, but no one spoke, only Hermione raised her hand.

"Professor, we just had a divination class, we read tea leaves, and"

"Ah, of course," said Professor McGonagall, frowning suddenly. "There is no need to go on, Miss Granger. Tell me, which of you will die this year?"

Everyone stared at her.

"Me." Finally Harry said.

"Understood." Professor McGonagall said, staring at Harry with her small round eyes, "So, Potter, you should know that Sybill' Trelawney has predicted the death of a student every year since he came to this school. Until now, Not a single one of them is dead yet. Foreseeing the signs of death is her favorite way of welcoming a new class. If only I wasn't someone who never speaks ill of a colleague."

Professor McGonagall stopped, and they saw her nostrils come out.

She continued, more calmly, "Divination is one of the most inaccurate subjects in magic. To tell you the truth, I have the least patience for divination. There are very few people who can truly see the future, and Professor Trelawney.

She paused again, and then said, in a very matter-of-fact tone, "I see you are in excellent health, Potter, so don't blame me if I don't let you go lightly on your homework today. I promise, if you If you're dead, you don't have to hand in this assignment."

Hermione laughed. Harry felt better. Now, it seems a little harder to be intimidated by the bewildering aroma, the dim red light, and the cloud of tea leaves in Professor Trelawney's classroom.

However, not everyone is convinced by these words, just as Ronald still seems to be worried about his good friend.

After the Transfiguration class was over, Li and everyone went to the red list to have lunch in a row.

"Harry," he said, in a low, serious voice, "you haven't seen a big black dog anywhere, have you?"

"No, I did," Harry said, "the night I left the Dursleys, just before Richard found me, I saw a big black dog."

"No, Harry, you didn't just see the big black dog." Richard said suddenly.

All three of Harry turned their heads to Richard, what do you mean?

"You forgot, there are three pure black dogs on my farm, haven't you seen them? And Hermione, don't you often see them too? By the way, I see them every day during the holidays, doesn't that mean Am I going to suffer too?"

Hearing Richard's words, the three of Harry felt that what he said seemed reasonable, but also seemed illogical, and they were all stunned.

"But, but Professor Trelawney said that something bad is going to happen to Harry, maybe, maybe only he meets the black dog, not everyone else?" Ronald hesitated maybe he didn't know what he said.

Hermione opened her schoolbag and took out her new Arithmancy textbook.

"I think the Divination class seems to be muddled," she said, turning the pages, "and there's a lot of guesswork, if you ask me."

"The ominousness in that teacup is clear!" Ronald suddenly said excitedly for some reason.

"Professor Trelawney says you have the wrong aura! You just don't like what you're bad at.

Hermione snapped the Arithmancy book shut, and said quickly.

"If a good grade in Divination meant that I had to pretend to see an omen of death in a lump of tea leaves, then I might as well not take this class! Compared with my Arithmancy and Divination class, this class is completely It's rubbish!"

After speaking, Hermione directly pulled Richard away and they ran towards the auditorium.

After lunch, Hermione took the initiative to find Li and pulled him away from the castle.

Yesterday's rain had stopped, the sky was clear and light gray, and the grass was soft and wet under their feet. This was their first lesson in protecting magical creatures.

Soon Harry and Ronald followed suit.

Ronald walked silently beside them as they descended the slope to Hagrid's hut at the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Hagrid was waiting for his students by the hut door. He was wearing a moleskin coat, and with the teeth of the hounds at his feet, he seemed eager to go. Come on, come on, come on!" he cried, as the students approached. "We've got a treat for you today! We're going to have a great lesson soon! Are you all here? Well, come with me !"

Hagrid led everyone along the perimeter of the Forbidden Forest for about five minutes, and then they were already outside ten paddocks. There is nothing there.

"Everyone come up to this fence!" he called 120, "That's right, stand where you can see. Now, the first thing you have to do is open your books

"How?" said Draco Malfoy in his cold, drawn voice.

Before Hagrid could speak, Richard took the initiative to stand up, after all, he was a teaching assistant in the Care of Fantastic Beasts class.

"I, Richard Harris, is Professor Hagrid's teaching assistant. If you have any questions, you can ask me. And Mr. Malfoy, if you can't speak, please shut up. If you are not honest, Believe me, you will regret it."

After finishing speaking, Richard ignored Malfoy who was already blushing, Harry and Ronald who were extremely excited, and Hagrid who was immersed in the name of Hagrid's teaching, directly tore off the tape that bound the book.

The book wanted to bite, but Richard's index finger slid up and down the spine, and the book shuddered, then opened, and lay quietly in his hand.

"Have you seen everything? That's how it was opened. Professor Hagrid, you can continue."

"Okay, okay, have you all seen Richard's action, it's very simple and you can try it." Hagrid said with a big grin.

"You open the book to page 40, and get acquainted with them first."

"Here Richard, please help me to see that they don't let them wander [I'm going to bring those little guys here." Saying this, Hagrid left the students and walked into the woods. After ten or so children, he was out of sight.

"Everyone, take a good look and discuss it properly. Don't wander around. This is the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest. Maybe some magical animal will come out of the Forbidden Forest. At that time, I can't help you."

Richard took the initiative to speak to all the little wizards.

In the same grade or in the entire Hogwarts except for some senior Slytherin Richard, the prestige is relatively high, so everyone is quite convinced by his words.

"I dare say that Hagrid's hiring you as a teaching assistant is the most correct choice he has ever made." Hermione said to Richard proudly. .

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