My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 203 Is The Prophecy True?

At this moment, Professor McGonagall opened the door of the classroom, fortunately at this moment, otherwise God knows what else Hermione was going to say.

After coming to the classroom, Harry told Richard everything about the divination class, including what Professor Trelawney told him at that time.

After thinking for a while, Richard said to the three of them.

"Do you know Murphy's Law?"

Even Hermione, who is usually very knowledgeable, has never heard of it, let alone those two scumbags, they all looked at Richard with puzzled eyes.

"Murphy's Law is a psychological effect, proposed by an American engineer Edward Murphy in 1949. His main content is that if there are two or more ways to do something, and one of them If a choice will lead to disaster, someone must make this choice. The fundamental content is: if things have the possibility of going bad, no matter how small the possibility is, it will always happen.

After hearing Richard's explanation, Hermione showed an expression of enlightenment, while the two scumbags were still full of doubts. what do you mean.

"What Richard meant was that Trelawney has predicted misfortune for so many of us, so no matter how small the probability is, there will always be one who is right. This has nothing to do with prediction, it's a matter of probability."

At this moment, Professor McGonagall, who had been lecturing on the stage, suddenly stopped.

"Harris, Granger, Potter, Weasley, do you have any comments on the content of my lecture? You can go to the front and talk about it."

Professor McGonagall spoke to them sternly.

"Without the professor, we have no opinion at all." Harry said hastily.

"Then why do I talk about it above, and you talk about it below." Obviously, their behavior was completely seen by Professor McGonagall just now.

The four of them stopped talking now.

Fortunately, Professor McGonagall did not pursue the matter any further. He just asked them not to leave after class and wait in the classroom.

The other three were fine, mainly Harry, who was still thinking about how to talk about Hogsmeade with Professor McGonagall, but now it's even more impossible.

In Harry's panic, the get out of class bell rang, and Harry still didn't make up his mind to ask Professor McGonagall, but she brought up the topic of Hogsmeade first.

"Gryffindor, please wait!" she called. "You should give me the application form before Halloween. If you don't hand it in, you'll go to Hogsmeade. So, don't forget, all of you!"

Neville raised his hand.

"Professor, I, I think I lost my copy of the form."

"Your grandma handed me the watch straight away, Longbottom," said Professor McGonagall, "and she seemed to think it would be safer. Well, that's all. You can go."

After all the little wizards left, the four of Richard came to Professor McGonagall's desk.

"Tell me, what are you talking about in class?"

Hermione hurriedly talked about what happened before the class, and then said Richard's words.

"I remember I told you about the uncertainty of divination, why do you always pay attention to this, and you have heard Richard's point of view, can't you use your brains?"

"Actually, it's very difficult," Ji said suddenly.

Professor McGonagall and the others looked at Richard.

"Harry is the prophesied savior, isn't he?"

Hearing what Richard said, even Professor McGonagall didn't know what to say.

"And what were those things you just said?" Hermione asked suspiciously.

"There are many things in the wizarding world that science can't explain, Hermione, you should know that, and our Trelawney teacher is a special person that even wizards can't explain."

Speaking of this, Professor McGonagall was about to say something, but was stopped by Richard.

"Professor, the prophecy that Harry is the savior was made by Professor Trelawney. You won't refute this, right? Or do you think even this prophecy is false?"

Hearing Richard's words, Professor McGonagall seemed to be choking on something. He didn't know how to refute it. Should he question the entire wizarding world?

Seeing that Professor McGonagall did not speak, Richard continued.

"And we all know that Professor Trelawney's predictions are inaccurate, just like Schrödinger's cat." Only Hermione understood this sentence.

"But we can't refute that she has real prophecy ability. Under this premise, and so many little wizards are affirming the result of her prediction, Harry has no ability to question it."

Now everyone, including Professor McGonagall, didn't know what to say.

Originally, he wanted to punish them, but now Professor McGonagall has lost his mind, and waved his hand directly to let them go.

"Anyway, stop talking in class next time," at this moment, Harry raised his hand suddenly.

"Huh? Harry, do you have anything else to do?"

Harry took a deep breath.

"Professor, my aunt and uncle, oh, forgot to sign my application," he said.

Professor McGonagall watched him over her square glasses, but said nothing.

"Well, oh, do you think it's okay, I mean, can I, if I go to Hogsmeade, can I?"

Professor McGonagall looked away and started flipping through the papers on the table.

"I'm afraid I can't, Potter," she said. "You heard what I just said. Don't go without handing in your form. That's the rule."

"But, professor, my aunt and uncle, you know, they are all Muggles, they don't really understand, understand the forms and personnel of Hogwarts. Harry said, Ronald nodded vigorously to encourage him . "If you say I can go. "

"But I wouldn't say that," Professor McGonagall said. She stood up and put her papers neatly in the drawer.

"The application clearly stated that the consent of the parents or guardians must be obtained." She turned to look at him with a strange expression on her face. "I'm sorry, Potter, but this is my final decision. You'd better go, or you won't be in time for lunch."

It couldn't be saved, Ronald scolded Professor McGonagall a lot of bad words which made Hermione very annoyed.

However, Hermione's expression of "it's finally settled" on her face made Ronald even angrier.

Students in the hallway were chatting happily and loudly about what they would do first once they got to Hogsmeade. In this regard, Harry could only suffer in silence.

"There's always going to be a feast," Ronald said, trying to cheer Harry up, "Halloween dinner, you know.

"Yeah," Harry said darkly, "it's great."

A Halloween feast is always great, but it would undoubtedly have been a lot better if Harry had joined the party after spending the day in Hogsmeade with everyone. No matter what anyone said, it couldn't make Harry feel better.

"Why don't you go out with us wearing an invisibility cloak?" Ronald suggested.

But Hermione took the idea head on, reminding that Dumbledore had said that Dementors could see through the Invisibility Cloak.

After arriving in the auditorium, Richard separated from them and walked to Ravenclaw's table alone.

Hermione and the others sat down, sitting on the Gryffindor seat. Percy, who was sitting next to Harry, saw Harry's sad expression, and asked him curiously what was wrong. Harry told Percy that he couldn't go to Hogsmeade. .

"They make a fuss when it comes to Hogsmeade, but I'm telling you, Harry, it's not as good as people say it is."

Percy said seriously.

"The candy store is pretty good, but Zonko's Joke Shop is a dangerous place, and yes, and the Screaming Shack is always worth a visit, but seriously, Harry, you haven't missed any of those places Something amazing."

After listening to Percy's comfort, Harry's mood became even worse.

After lunch, Hermione ignored the two little trash and went to find Richard directly. She was still a little confused about what Richard said just now, and wanted to clarify.

After hearing Hermione's doubts, Richard thought for a while, then brought Hermione to the small garden behind the auditorium, and sat down.

Hermione, what I'm going to say next, whether you understand it or not, don't tell anyone, okay?"

Seeing Richard's serious look, Hermione nodded quickly in agreement.

"Actually, what I just said was my thoughts when I first arrived at Hogwarts, but with my in-depth understanding of the wizarding world, I have some different views.

Speaking of this, Richard paused for a moment, glanced to the side as if there was nothing there, and then continued talking to Hermione.

"Is Harry really the savior? Or is Trelawney's so-called savior prophecy really accurate?"

Hearing Richard's words, Hermione showed a surprised expression.

But Richard didn't stop listening, and continued talking, as if speaking to Hermione, more like speaking to himself.

"At that time, Voldemort had almost occupied the entire wizarding world of Britain. At this time, a prophecy appeared, and Voldemort chose to believe the prophecy, and chose Harry as the son of the prophecy among Harry and Neville who were also eligible. This prophecy Effectively distracting Voldemort, he concentrated on the Potter house to save himself, which gave the forces of justice more time to fight Voldemort and the Death Eaters. Voldemort created an equally powerful The prophecy worked mainly because it would either come true and create a warrior to kill Voldemort, or the wizarding world would be outraged to discover that Voldemort had killed a defenseless child The whole wizarding world, let everyone have a sense of precarity, and are committed to uniting against Voldemort."

Hearing this, Hermione became even more puzzled, but it was obvious that Richard didn't want to continue talking about this topic. The following is who made this plan, and it must be known that this was the origin of Harry's tragic fate.

But the current Hermione is still not suitable to know these things, so Li directly changed the topic to her doubts.

"Hermione, I know you're confused about prophecies, but I can tell you that prophecies exist, but Trelawney may not be one of them."

After hearing Richard's words, Hermione finally showed a satisfied look.

"I knew that Professor Trelawney was a liar."

"Actually, you can't say that. You should know that Trelawney's grandmother, Cassandra Trelawney, is a real prophet. Who knows if Trelawney has inherited her bloodline?"

"However, even if it is inherited, it has nothing to do with you. Prophecy cannot be mastered by learning, it depends on talent and blood. Giving up this course will not do you any harm.

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