My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 208: Attack Of The Dementors

Hogwarts, Quidditch pitch.

The auditorium, which should have been noisy, was silent at this time, and the rain curtain pouring down made the sky and the earth blurred.

The dementors who were supposed to be stationed outside Hogwarts couldn't take it anymore. The joyous emotions generated in Hogwarts every day attracted them all the time, but because of the restrictions of the Ministry of Magic, they couldn't take it anymore. into Hogwarts,

But today, because of the Quidditch match, the joy was overwhelming. Every dementor was like an addict and couldn't restrain himself. Knowing that the first dementor couldn't bear it and flew to Hogwarts.

All the other dementors followed. This will be a grand event, a grand event for the dementors.

Harry, who was flying in the sky, also noticed something strange. There was a timid silence on the stepped stands around the runway. Although the wind was still as strong as before, it forgot to roar, as if someone had turned off the wind sound, as if Harry Sudden deafness, what happened?

Then a familiar frightening cold wave hit him again, inside him, and just as he felt something move on the field below, Harry had no time to think, and looked away from the Snitch .

He was startled to see at least a hundred dementors floating in midair, their hooded faces turned towards him.

It was as if frozen water rose from his chest, cutting through his guts.

Then he heard the sound again, someone moaning, moaning inside his head, a woman "Don't touch Harry. Don't touch Harry, please don't touch Harry!" Go away, you stupid woman, go away, Now, ""Don't touch Harry, please don't, take me, kill me. "

Harry's head was numb, white fog, what was he doing? Why was he flying? He had to help her, she was dying, she was going to be murdered, he was falling, falling in that icy fog. "Don't move Harry! Please don't move, have mercy, have mercy."

A shrill voice was laughing, the woman was screaming, and Harry didn't know anything.

The little wizard in the auditorium first saw a little wizard wearing a red uniform sliding down from the sky, and then a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, and hundreds of dementors suddenly appeared in midair.

"Dementors!!!" Lee Jordan's voice was heard throughout the Quidditch pitch through the magic loudspeaker.

In an instant, all the little wizards started screaming crazily, and a large number of people rushed from the auditorium. At this moment, a figure suddenly rose from the Gryffindor auditorium and floated directly into the arena.

Richard first comforted the panicked Hermione, then pulled out his wand, floated into the mid-air, and controlled Harry, who had fallen from the sky, to fly to the rest area. At this moment, two dementors flew towards Li .

At this moment, two voices sounded from the auditorium of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff respectively.

"Calling God's Guard", "Calling God's Guard".

Immediately, a tabby cat made of silver light appeared beside Richard, making the dementors flying towards Richard away from him, while another huge toad made of silver light appeared in the midair, and The dementors confronted each other.

At this time, Professor McGonagall of Gryffindor and Professor Sprout of Hufflepuff floated beside Richard.

"Where's Dumbledore?"?" In this situation, wouldn't the headmaster show up?" Richard asked curiously.

"He's gone to the Ministry of Magic, otherwise these dementors would not dare to come in." Professor McGonagall said with an ugly face.

Richard shrugged noncommittally.

"No, neither of us is very good at the Patronus Charm, and we may not be able to suppress the dementors." Professor Trelawney suddenly pointed to the sky and said.

Sure enough, apart from being restrained by the sudden appearance of the Patronus at the beginning, the dementors in mid-air are now ready to move again, and the little wizard started to scream again from time to time gliding at low altitude.

Richard was just about to make a move, but two more patron saints appeared in the sky, one was an eagle, and the other was a doe.

Immediately, the figures of Professor Flitwick and Professor Snape floated from Hogwarts Castle to Richard's side.

"What's the matter with Minerva, I'm going to sleep for a while." Professor Flitwick asked in pajamas.

"It should be that the Quidditch match made the little wizards too excited, which made the dementors uncontrollable." Snape saw the cause of the incident at a glance.

"How is he?" Snape asked Richard when he saw Harry tense in the rest area.

"It's all right, just passed out, I'll let them take Harry to Miss Dovey.

Professor McGonagall nodded in agreement.

Richard returned to Hermione's side, and Hermione quickly grabbed Richard and asked.

"What's going on, why are there so many dementors, Professor Dumbledore?"

Seeing that Hermione was still a little panicked now, Richard hugged Hermione and gently stroked her back.

"It's okay, it's okay, Dumbledore isn't at Hogwarts right now, but don't you see all four Heads here?"

After soothing Hermione, Richard said to Ronald.

"Ronald, go find George and they can send Harry to Ms. Pomfrey. It's not okay for him to lie there all this time."

Hearing Richard's words, Ronald hurriedly ran towards the Quidditch field.

"Hermione, you go too, Ronald is too frizzy by himself, you watch them."

Hearing Richard's words, Hermione didn't leave directly, but held Richard's hand tightly.

"Let's go together, there are professors here."

"Hey, you go first, none of us professors seem to be very good at the Patronus Charm, maybe I'll need to help later.

With Richard repeatedly assuring that he would ensure his own safety, Hermione turned her head and walked towards Ronald.

After seeing Hermione leave, Richard didn't hurry back, but sat down, and began to watch the four heads of Hogwarts fight the dementors with great interest.

This is much more interesting than any Quidditch match. Richard applauded for them when they saw the rise.

At this moment, Richard saw the Quidditch gold medal lecturer saying that Mr. Li Qiaodan was running away with his head in his arms, and the magic loudspeaker was still alone on the podium. How could this be possible.

A particularly interesting plan appeared in Richard's mind, and he directly cast the Flying Curse and took it into his hand.

"Hey, can you hear me? Now start the sound audition, one, two, three."

"Okay, the sound audition is over, and now I, Richard Harris of Ravenclaw, will start to explain the battle between the four deans and the dementors.

Hearing Richard's voice, all the little wizards on the Quidditch pitch stopped screaming and all looked towards Richard.

And the faces of the four deans in the sky also became quite ugly.

Only Li Qiaodan expressed his admiration for Richard, "Why didn't I think of that?"

As for George and Fred who were carrying Harry, they both wanted to pay homage to Richard. Sure enough, he is the king of pranks at Hogwarts, and the two of us are just little calamits.

"Now let me introduce the two sides of the battle. On one side are a large group of dementors, on the other side are the four heads of Hogwarts, the head of Gryffindor, Professor McGonagall, and her patron saint. It is a tabby cat. Not to mention being an older cat girl, Professor McGonagall really likes cats, even the Patronus is a cat.” At this time Richard has completely let himself go, and even the cat girl said this.

"The next one is Professor Snape of Slytherin and his patron saint doe. It's hard to imagine that the patron saint of Professor Snape, who is the king of snakes, is actually a doe. I thought it should be a boa constrictor or something." Richard heard. If so, Snape's face became distorted, if it wasn't for the countless dementors in front of him, he would definitely...

Next is Professor Sprout of our Hufflepuff and her Patronus...Well, is that a big toad? It's a bit strange, how can someone's Patronus be a toad, I have to say that Hogwarts is really all-encompassing. "Professor Sprout, who was also kind and gentle at this time, looked at Professor Flitwick with a special look, meaning that you Ravenclaws are all like this?

"Finally, let me introduce the dean of Ravenclaw, Professor Flitwick, and his guardian eagle. Here I want to emphasize that Ravenclaw College advocates wisdom, justice, erudition and curiosity. The eagle soars alone in the sky. A lonely predator, in order to survive, the eagle needs to use its own wisdom to hunt; the eagle's eyes are sharp, and it curiously observes all the changes in nature, which embodies the quality of curiosity and knowledge; when the eagle flies high, the wings and the air An ingenious balance is maintained between them, like a scale, reflecting the quality of justice and fairness. Therefore, the eagle can embody the spirit of Ravenclaw College and become the spiritual symbol of the college, and Professor Flitwick is obviously the most qualified one.

Hearing Richard's words, the audience in Ravenclaw burst into applause, and in the sky, except for Professor Sprout, McGonagall and Snape all cast strange glances at Professor Flitwick.

"This kid is talking nonsense." Professor Flitwick scratched his head in embarrassment.

And under Richard's joyful explanation, a large number of young wizards suppressed their fear, and sometimes even burst into laughter from time to time.

The people below were happy, but the four deans gradually couldn't support it. First of all, the magic spell consumes a lot of magic power, and they are not very good at protecting (good Li's) magic spell, especially Richard. The explanation made the joyful mood rise again, and the dementors began to become irritable again.

"Richard, don't talk anymore, come here quickly." Finally, Professor Flitwick stopped Richard's explanation and called him over.

Hearing his dean's greeting, Richard stopped and floated to the side of the professors.

"I have asked the prefects to leave the venue with the students from the four colleges, and everyone is holding on." Professor McGonagall said,

"Richard, I remember you can also cast the Patronus Charm."

Hearing Professor McGonagall's words, Richard nodded and took out his wand.

"Call God for protection."

In an instant, a pure white Yanhuang dragon appeared in the midair. Compared with other professors' patron saints, Richard's patron saint was even bigger, and since Richard injected purification lightning into the patron saint, his patron saint became white holy.

Seeing Richard's patron saint, the four professors gave him surprised looks.

And just when Richard's patron saint appeared, the dementors retreated to higher places in the sky, obviously this patron saint made them more uncomfortable.

Richard controlled his patron saint, and rushed towards the nearest dementor. Before the dementor had time to react, it was pierced by the Yanhuang dragon, and immediately the dementor was gone. Dissipated in smoke.

"How is this possible?" McGonagall, Snape, Flitwick, and Sprout shouted in unison. .

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