My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 214 Hagrid Incident

Hogwarts, inside the Great Hall

On the first day of the Christmas holiday, Richard was doing nothing after having breakfast in the auditorium.

At this time, he suddenly thought that it seemed that he hadn't visited Hagrid for a long time, and he didn't know whether he had completed the task assigned to Hagrid.

Thinking of this, Richard walked directly across the auditorium, towards Hagrid's hut, as for calling Hermione and the others?

Richard said forget it, he didn't want to be babbled on by Hermione, as if Harry would die if he left Hogwarts castle.

Richard walked slowly across the lawn, a shallow furrow in the blinding powdery snow, and the edges of his socks and cloak were soaked and frozen. The Forbidden Forest looked as though it had been enchanted, every tree was slightly tinged with silver, and Hagrid's hut looked like a sorbet.

When he came to Hagrid's door, Richard knocked on the door, but no one answered.

"Did he go out?" Richard said to himself.

At this moment, low, regular vibrating moans came from inside the cabin.

Richard suddenly shivered, and his hairs stood on end.

Forget it, let's go and leave Hagrid alone.

Thinking of this, Richard tiptoed and prepared to leave.

But I didn't expect that there were heavy footsteps in the house, and then the door creaked open.

Hagrid stood there, eyes red and swollen, tears streaming down the front of his leather vest.

Why are you still crying, is it too comfortable? Richard thought maliciously.

"You heard me!" he yelled, and then he jumped on him.

Richard wanted to dodge at first, but he didn't expect that Hagrid's huge body was so fast, he jumped 287 on Richard, and wrapped his arms around Richard's neck.

Hagrid is at least twice the size of a normal human, and that's no joke.

Richard almost collapsed under Hagrid's heavy pressure. After desperately resisting to no avail, he could only lower the power and send out a "purifying lightning", which made Hagrid wake up and let Richard go.

Hagrid let go of Richard, sat down in a chair, and flung himself on the edge of the table, sobbing uncontrollably, tears streaming down his face and falling onto his tangled beard

"Hagrid, what's the matter with you?" Li Ying asked in surprise.

Hagrid sobbed harder as he pushed a letter on the table towards Richard.

Richard picked up the letter and read it:

Dear Mr. Hagrid: We have further investigated the incident of a hippogriff attacking a student in your class, and we accept Professor Dumbledore's assurance that you are not responsible for this regrettable incident. However. We must express our concern for this problematic hippogriff. We have decided to support Mr. Lucius Malfoy's formal complaint and the matter will therefore be referred to the Hazardous Creatures Committee. A hearing will be held at the Commission's London offices on April 20, and we will ask you and your hippogriff to attend on that day. During this period, the hippogriff should be tethered and kept in isolation. Your colleagues, below is a long list of school boards.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door. Seeing that Hagrid didn't care and was still sobbing, Richard stood up and opened the door.



"Why are you here?" The two said in unison.

"We thought (cadj) hadn't seen Hagrid for a long time, so we came to see him." Harry and Ronald also appeared at the door.

"What's wrong with him now?" Ronald asked curiously.

Richard told the three of them that Hagrid had received the letter from the Ministry of Magic, and the three read the letter quickly after hearing it.

"Oh, Buckbeak isn't an evil hippogriff, Hagrid. I bet he'll be all right," Harry said to Hagrid.

"You don't know those weirdos from the Hazardous Creatures Committee!" Hagrid choked up, wiping tears on his sleeve, "They fucked these funny animals!"

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the corner of Hagrid's hut, and several people turned around quickly. Buckbeak, the hippogriff, was lying in the corner of the room, chewing something so blood was running all over the floor.

"I can't tie it in the snow with a rope!" Hagrid choked up, "Lonely, big Christmas!"

Richard and the three of them looked at each other in blank dismay.

It's true that although he also likes magical animals, he has never thought that these behemoths are interesting animals

And the other three had never seen Hagrid face-to-face with what Hagrid called an "interesting animal" and others called a "scary monster."

In fact, by Hagrid's usual standards, it's certainly endearing.

"You'll have to prepare a strong defense, Hagrid," said Hermione, sitting down and putting her hand on Hagrid's massive forearm. "I'm sure you can prove that Buckbeak can't hurt."

"That's no use!" sobbed Hagrid, "Those fiends of the disposal committee, they're all in the hands of Lucius Malfoy! Afraid of him! If I lose the case in Belgium

Hagrid quickly slid his fingers across his throat, and with a groan, he fell sideways, his face buried in his arms.

"What did Dumbledore say, Hagrid?" Harry asked.

"He's done enough for me," Hagrid moaned, "just keeping those dementors out of the castle is hard enough for him, and Sirius Black hanging around."

Ronald and Hermione gave Harry a quick look, as if expecting him to scold Hagrid for not telling him the truth about Black. But Harry couldn't bring himself to do it, because he saw how miserable and terrified Hagrid was now.

"Listen, Hagrid, you can't give up. Hermione is right, you have to prepare your defense. You can call us as witnesses," Harry said.

"I must have read about a hippogriff baiting case," Hermione mused. "In that case, the hippogriff was fine. I'll help you, Hagrid, if you find it, look into it." What's going on."

Hagrid howled louder. Harry and Hermione looked at Ronald, expecting him to help.

"Oh, how about I make tea?" Ronald said.

Harry glared at him.

"That's what my mom does when someone's in a bad mood," Ronald muttered, shrugging.

Finally, after several promises to help and a cup of hot tea in front of him, Hagrid blew his nose on a handkerchief the size of a tablecloth and said, "You're right. I can't break down." .Must cheer up...”

Fang stepped timidly from under the table and rested his head on Hagrid's lap.

"I haven't been feeling right lately," said Hagrid, stroking his teeth with one hand and his face with the other, "worrying about Buckbeak and nobody liking my class.

"We love it!" Hermione immediately lied.

"Yeah, your class is awesome!" said Ronald, crossing his fingers under the desk and telling God he was lying, "Oh, 'what's up with the Flobber caterpillar?'"

"Dead," said Hagrid darkly, "too much lettuce."

"Oh no!" said Ronald, his lips quivering.

"Those dementors are driving me crazy too," said Hagrid, with a jolt, "every time I want to go drink with the Three Broomsticks I have to walk past them, it's like I'm back in Azkaban of."

Then Hagrid fell silent, gulping down his tea.

They never heard Hagrid mention his previous brief stay in Azkaban. After a short silence, Hermione asked cautiously, "Is it scary there?"


"You can't imagine," said Hagrid calmly, "it's nothing like that. I thought I was going crazy. My mind kept going through horrible things, the day I was expelled from Hogwarts, my dad died The day I had to let Norberta (Noble's name changed) go."

The thought of Norberta Hagrid brought tears to his eyes.

"After a while you don't know who you are. And you don't know what it's like to be alive. I used to wish I'd just fell asleep.. When they let me out, I felt like I was alive again, It was the best feeling in the world to remember everything. Remember, the dementors wouldn't let me go.

"But you're not guilty!" said Hermione.

Hagrid snorted angrily.

"Do you think they care about that? They don't care. They've got two hundred people with them, and they can suck the fun out of them, and they don't care who's guilty and who's not."

Hagrid was quiet for a moment, staring at his tea. Then he said calmly: "I thought about letting Buckbeak go, and wanting him to fly away, but how are you going to explain to a hippogriff that he should hide? And, and I'm afraid of breaking the law." He looked up at them, tears streaming down his face again. "I don't want to go back to Azkaban again."

Richard, who had been silent here, said suddenly.

"Hermione, you take them to the library to find out what can help Hagrid."

Hearing what Richard said, Hermione nodded, she knew that Richard must have something to say to Hagrid alone, so she dragged Harry and Ronald, who looked reluctant, out of Hagrid's hut.

"Hagrid, if you believe me, then don't do anything, and I will help you end this matter." Richard said to Hagrid seriously after seeing that the others had left.

"Yes, of course I believe you, but, that's the Ministry of Magic..." Hagrid was interrupted by Richard before he could finish speaking.

"So what if it's the Ministry of Magic, as long as no one complains?"

"What about Malfoy?"

"Don't worry about it, Hagrid, I'll help you convince Malfoy."

Seeing Richard with a confident face, Hagrid's sadness dissipated a lot. Although Richard is just a little wizard, he has a good relationship with the Foley family. Everyone knows this. If the Foley family takes action, it should be easy to solve it. . .

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