My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 219: It's Time To Chat With Hermione

Hogwarts Castle, Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office.

At this moment, Lupine looked nervously at the little wizard Richard sitting there.

"You all ask me what I think? How can I see? I'm not the headmaster of Hogwarts. Since Dumbledore asked you to teach us, he must have an idea. Does it matter what I think?" Richard said helplessly.

"Then what do you think of my teaching? Of course, the spells I teach may not be useful to you, so what do other people of your age say?"

"Do you still have to ask? You should know how popular you are when you are in class, so that's enough.

Hearing Richard's words, Lupine nodded in relief.

"Are you scared?" Lupine asked curiously.

"Afraid? Afraid of what? Afraid of you? Do you think it's possible?" Richard said bluntly.

Seeing Richard's indifferent look, Lupine didn't know what to say. Forget it, the little wizard in front of him is a pervert. He will definitely not be afraid of himself. With his strength, he may not last a few rounds in his hands. .

"Can you tell me, what else do you know? And did Snape tell you?" Lupine asked curiously.

"I know what I should know and what I shouldn't know, of course it couldn't be Snape who told me, how could Snape's dark history tell me, what are you thinking.

"Then how do you know?" Lupine was even more curious now.

"You don't need to ask about this, and I can't tell you if you ask."

"Okay, Professor Lupine, I have nothing else to do, so I'm leaving. After all, it's already so late now, and I still have to sleep."

Hearing Richard's words, although Lupine still has countless questions, it seems that Richard can't say anything, so he can only nod 247 helplessly,

A week after term started, Ravenclaw played a Quidditch match with the Slytherins. The Slytherins had won, but it was close. According to Wood, this is good news for Gryffindor because, if Gryffindor wins over Ravenclaw, it will still be in second place. So he increased his training time to five times a week.

In this way, Richard didn't have enough time at night, so Richard specially found Snape.

"Professor, I'm afraid I won't be able to visit Harry at night."

Before Snape could speak, Richard continued.

"Look, there are only seven days in a week. They have to train for 5 days now, and I have to go to Professor Lupin's place on Thursday, I have to come to learn potions on Wednesday, and I have to participate in the Transfiguration club on Tuesday. There is no time at all."

"You don't have time on Tuesday and Wednesday, do you, I get it." Snape said blankly, and then signaled Richard to go.

Seeing that Richard was gone, Snape thought for a moment, then left the office directly and walked towards the Slytherin common room.

When he came to the lounge, he saw the Quidditch team captain Marcus Flint sitting in the common room chatting happily with other players.

Hearing the sound coming from the door, Flint glanced casually, and suddenly found that the dean had walked into the lounge.

Flint stood up quickly, came to Snape's side, and asked cautiously.

"Professor, who are you looking for? I'll call it for you."

"Why are you still here, don't you need to train?" Snape said coldly.

"Training? Training for what? Quidditch?" Flint asked blankly.

"What else?" Snape also realized at this time, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening, but how could the dignified Snape admit his mistake, he continued.

"In the future, you will train five days a week, and you must go to the Quidditch field for training on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I will give you special permission to use the entire field. If you can't win the championship this year, then the Slytherin Quidditch team should have a new captain next semester. "

Snape left immediately after speaking, leaving Flint in a daze, what's wrong?

And Harry and Ronald were also full of curiosity about Hermione's whereabouts.

Every night, Hermione would inevitably appear in a corner of the common room, with various textbooks spread out on the tables in front of her: arithmetic charts, various magic dictionaries, diagrams of Muggles lifting heavy objects!, and various ranges. Extensive notes; she seldom talks to others, and if anyone disturbs her, she speaks in a foul voice.

"How did she deal with it?" Ronald muttered to Harry one night, as Harry was finishing a paper on various undetectable poisons assigned by Snape. Harry looked up, and Hermione was almost out of sight, sitting behind a pile of precarious books.

"What to deal with?"

"She has so many classes!" Ronald said, "This morning, I heard her talking to Professor Vector, who is the witch who teaches arithmetic and divination. They were talking about yesterday's homework, but Hermione couldn't have attended yesterday. Arithmancy because she took Care of Magical Creatures with us! And Ernie MacMillan told me that Hermione never missed a Muggle Studies class, which conflicted with Divination half the time , and she has never missed a divination class!"

Harry didn't know how to explain it, indeed, since last semester, Hermione has been behaving strangely.

But what made Harry even worse was that the defense against dementors didn't go as smoothly as he'd hoped. When the boggart dementor approached him. Several times he was able to cast a vague silver shadow, but his Patronus was too weak to drive off the dementors. The shadow can only hover, like a translucent cloud. Harry was exhausted trying to keep it there. Harry was angry with himself, feeling (caei) guilty for wanting to hear his parents' voices again.

"You expect too much of yourself," said Professor Lupine sternly, when they were four weeks into the class. "Even a hazy blob of a Patronus is a huge achievement for a thirteen-year-old wizard. You're not going to pass out now, are you?"

"I think the Patronuses would, beat the dementors or" Harry said listlessly, "make them disappear, like Richard's."

"A real Patronus can do that," Lupine said, "but you've accomplished a lot in a short time. If the Dementors show up to you in your next match, you Being able to keep them out of the way buys you time to get back to the surface."

"You said they were harder to deal with if there were more of them," said Harry. "I have complete confidence in you." Lupine said with a smile. "Here, I reward you with a drink. I bought it from Three Broomsticks. I'm afraid you haven't drunk it before." He took out two bottles from his briefcase .

One cup was given to Harry, and the other cup was given to Richard, of course Richard refused without any surprise.

"Butterbeer!" Harry blurted out, "Yeah, I like that stuff!" Lupine raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, Richard and they brought me back from Hogsmeade." Harry immediately winked at Richard.

"Yes, last time we went to Hogwarts we brought Harry a special drink."

"I see," Lupine said, but he still looked a little skeptical, "Well, let's hope Gryffindor beats Lavin...  

At this time, Lupine suddenly thought that Richard was Ravenclaw's and quickly changed his words.

"Wish Gryffindor the best of luck."

Then they drank butterbeer in silence until Harry asked the question that had been on his mind for a while. "What's under the dementor's hood?" Professor Lupine put down the bottle thoughtfully.

"Well, people who really know can't tell us. You know, 'Dementors only drop their hoods when they're using their last, worst weapon.

"What's that?" Harry asked curiously.

"People call it the Dementor's Kiss," Lupine said, with a slightly mocking smile. "This is what dementors do to people they want to destroy completely. I think there is always something like a mouth under the hood, because they press their jaws on their victim's mouth, and then, suck out the soul of the victim."

Harry unconsciously spat out a bit of butterbeer. "What, they kill?"

"Oh no," said Lupine, "worse than killing. You know, as long as your brain and heart are working, you can live without a soul. But you don't feel like yourself anymore, you No memory, no, nothing. There's no chance of getting it back. You're just, you're alive. You're a walking dead. Your soul is here, forever." Lupine drank some more butterbeer and said, "This is The future fate of Sirius Black. That's what the Daily Prophet said this morning. The Ministry of Magic has promised the Dementors to do so when they capture Black."

Harry sat there dumbfounded for a while, thinking about sucking people's souls out of his mouth. But he thought of Blake. "He deserves it," he said suddenly. "Do you think so?" Lupine asked softly, "Do you really think anyone deserves this?"

"Yes," Harry said recklessly, "yes, did something."

He was going to tell Lupine about the conversation he overheard at the Three Broomsticks about Black, about Black's betrayal of his parents, but that would have exposed him for going to Hogsmeade without permission. , and he knew Lupine wouldn't necessarily care about that. So he finished his butterbeer, thanked Lupine, and left History of Magic.

Richard and Harry left Lupine's office together, and now he plans to go to Gryffindor's lounge with Harry, and he hasn't seen Hermione for several days, Richard thinks it's time to chat with Hermione, after all, how much time-turner used It's really bad for the spirit. .

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