My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 229 The Last Quidditch Game

Soon the time will come to the Easter holiday, but this Easter holiday is not really relaxing.

Third graders have never had so much homework.

But nobody was as busy as Hermione. Even if she stopped taking divination classes, she took more classes than anyone else. She was often the last to leave the common room at night, and the first in the library the next morning, already with shadows under her eyes like Lupine's, and she seemed ready to cry at any moment.

So, now Richard often goes to Gryffindor's lounge to accompany Hermione.

And in Gryffindor's lounge, a large number of scumbags are on the verge of rage.

Neville Longbottom seemed to be having a nervous breakdown, and he wasn't the only one.

"It's called a holiday!" Seamus Finnigan yelled in the common room one afternoon. "The exam is far away. What are they doing?"

But there is one group of people who are different, and that is the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

The Gryffindor vs. Slytherin match will be played on the first Saturday after Easter. Team Slytherin had a two-hundred-point lead in the tournament. That said, Gryffindor would have to score more than that number to win the trophy (Wood keeps reminding his players that). That said, the burden of scoring fell mostly on Harry, since catching the Snitch would give him one hundred and fifty points.

"So you have to only catch it when we're ahead by more than fifty points." Wood kept telling Harry, "Only when we're ahead by more than fifty points, Harry, or we win the game, but take Not a trophy. You've got to do it, don't you? If we've got fifty-plus points, you've got to."

"I know, Oliver!" cried Harry, who actually wanted to win the competition more than anyone else.

The animosity between him and Malfoy had reached 993 highs. Malfoy was still bitter about the sludge-throwing incident at Hogsmeade, and even more annoyed that Harry had managed to get away with it. Harry hadn't forgotten that Malfoy had managed to frame him during their match against Ravenclaw, and he was determined to beat Malfoy in front of the whole school.

After the Easter break, tensions between the two teams and the two academies have reached explosive heights. A number of small incidents in the corridors turned out to be so vicious that a Gryffindor fourth year and a Slytherin sixth year both ended up in the school hospital, both with leeks coming out of their ears.

Of course, Harry was having a particularly hard time. On his way to class, some of the Slytherins stuck out their legs and tripped him; Crabbe and Goyle would follow Harry wherever he went, looking disappointed at seeing Harry surrounded by people, listlessly go away. Wood had already given orders that Harry should be accompanied wherever he went, in case the Slytherins kept Harry from playing. The whole Gryffindor house took up the challenge with such enthusiasm that Harry was always late for class because he was always surrounded by a lot of idle people. Harry cared even more about the safety of the Firebolt than he did about himself.

So, now that the Firebolt came to Richard again, Harry was sure that even if the Slytherin people were crazy, they wouldn't dare to steal from Richard, after all, it wouldn't be worth losing their lives for a match.

Just before their match, all daily activity in the Gryffindor Court common room ceased.

Even Hermione put down her books and fled to Richard.

"I can't read, I can't concentrate," she said nervously.

This made Richard quite speechless, what about the former Hermione? Come back soon.

"By the way, where's Crookshanks? Why didn't you bring it here?" Richard asked strangely.

"I don't know, it likes to run outside recently, and it lasts for several days." Hermione complained.

Richard suddenly pointed to the grass outside the window and said, "Don't you see that is Crookshanks?"

Hearing Richard's words, Hermione hurried over.

There was an animal wandering about on the silver lawn at this time. And it seemed that Crookshanks also noticed that someone was watching it, and immediately lowered his body and sneaked towards the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

At this moment Crookshanks seemed to stop. Hermione was sure he saw something else in the shadows.

"Look quickly, see if there is anything in the Forbidden Forest." Hermione said to Richard hastily.

Sure enough, after a while, it appeared, it was a huge, rough black dog, sneaking across the lawn, and Crookshanks trotted beside it.

"A big black dog, I don't know whose pet it is." Richard saw Sirius Black for the first time, and he had to say that he was really embarrassed.

"Really? It's already so late, I have to go back." Hermione was surprised to see that the sky outside had completely darkened, she said hastily.

At the same time, in Gryffindor's lounge, Harry also saw the big black dog, and he quickly called Ronald who was already asleep.

It's so dark outside, Harry," Ronald muttered vaguely, "what are you doing?"

"Come here.

Harry hurriedly turned his head to look out the window.

Crookshanks and the dog are gone. Harry climbed onto the ledge and looked into the shadows of the castle, but they weren't there. Where did they go? At this moment the loud snoring started again, which told Harry that Ronald had fallen asleep again.

The next morning, when Richard came to the auditorium, just as Harry and the Gryffindor Quidditch team entered the auditorium, Richard quickly handed Harry's Firebolt to him.

For this, Wood's favor for Richard has greatly increased. Whether it was casting a spell on Harry's glasses before, or saving Harry, and now helping Harry keep the Firebolt, this proves that Richard must be a fan of the Gryffindor Quidditch team (He made up his own brain.)

After returning the broom to Harry, Richard refused Wood's offer to go in and enjoy the cheers, and entered the auditorium through the small door (caab). After all, being with Gryffindor was too ostentatious, not Richard's style.

Sure enough, when the Gryffindor Quidditch team entered the auditorium, the auditorium burst into applause. Whether it's Gryffindor or Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are applauding them.

"Good luck, Harry!" Cho Chang called. Harry felt himself blushing.

Only when they passed the table in the Slytherin yard did the people sitting at the table hiss loudly. Harry noticed that Malfoy was paler than usual.

Breakfast was over soon, and everyone walked towards the Quidditch pitch. After all, today's game is the last game of the whole school year, and no matter whether you like Quidditch or not, you don't want to miss this game.

There was an uproar on the pitch when Richard arrived, three-quarters of the crowd wearing scarlet roses, waving scarlet banners with Gryffindor lions on them, or waving the words "Gryffindor Succeeds !” and “The Lion Takes the Trophy!” However, behind the Slytherin goal there were two hundred men wearing green ornaments, and the Slytherin silver snakes glittered on their flags. Professor Snape sat in the front row, wearing green jewelry like everyone else, with a sinister smile on his face

"Team Gryffindor is coming!" yelled Lee Jordan, who was his usual commentator. "Potter, Bell, Johnson, Snappint, the Shusleys and Wood. It's been accepted as the best Hogwarts team in years."

Lee's comments were drowned out by a flurry of boos from the Slytherin side.

"Here comes the Slytherin team, led by Captain Flint. He has made some changes in formation and seems to be winning with size rather than skill.

The boos from the Slytherins grew louder. However, Richard felt that there was nothing wrong with the Slytherin team. After all, this was a sporting event, and there was nothing wrong with being tall.

At this moment, Mrs. Hooch's voice sounded

"Captains, shake hands!"

Flint and Wood walked towards each other and shook each other's hands hard, as if they wanted to crush each other's fingers.

"Get on the broom!" said Mrs. Hooch. "Three two one."

Fourteen broomsticks rose into the air, Hooch's whistle was drowned out by the roar of the crowd.

"The Quaffle is on Gryffindor's side now, and Gryffindor's Arya Spinnet dribbles straight into the Slytherin's goal, looking good, Arya! Ah no, the Quaffle was intercepted by Warrington, Warrington of the Slytherin team is going fast on the court, wow! Nice bludger, it's George Weasley, Warrington misses the quaffle, Johnson gets it, and the quaffle is on Gryffindor's side again Come on, come on, Angelina, make a nice turn next to Montague, go down, Angelina, the Bludger made it, she's scored! Ten to zero Gryffindor's ahead!"

The next game was under the control of Gryffindor. Although Slytherin's methods were indeed a bit dirty, compared to Richard's previous life's football games, especially Bangzi's football games, they were nothing worth mentioning.

Soon the score came to 80-20, and now as long as Harry catches the Golden Snitch, he can win the championship of the school year.

At this moment, all eyes in the auditorium were focused on Harry.

Harry could almost feel hundreds of eyes following him around the pitch, he was flying higher than anyone else now, and Malfoy sped up after him. Then he saw something that stopped his heart. Malfoy was rushing down, a triumphant look on his face, and a few feet above the lawn, there was a small golden glint. Harry flicked the Firebolt downward, but Malfoy was well ahead of him.

"Quick! Quick! Quick!" Harry urged the Firebolt. He was catching up to Malfoy, Bol hit him with a Bludger, Harry ducked on his broomstick, he was up to Malfoy's ankles, parallel to him, Harry threw himself forward with both arms All left the broomsticks. He knocked Malfoy's arm away, and he stopped his descent, hands up, and the grandstand exploded. Harry flew above the crowd with a strange ringing in his ears. He gripped the little golden ball, and it flapped its wings hopelessly between his fingers. .

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