My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 252: Nurmengard

Harris Farm, Surrey

Richard's summer vacation life has officially begun. He resumes getting up early to exercise every morning, and then works on the farm with Wilson when he is free at noon. After noon, he either plays with Ariana or directs Debbie Tidy up the back garden.

What makes Richard most grateful is that Laek is finally no longer talking non-stop now. It seems that the Encyclopedia Britannica is enough for her to read for a while.

One morning, when Richard was still bathing Baoli in the stable, suddenly an owl flew down from the sky and landed on Baoli who was beside Richard. Seeing this, Richard hurriedly comforted Baoli, and managed to comfort Baoli.

After calming the horse, Richard took the letter from the owl, opened it, and found that it was sent to Richard by Dumbledore, to the effect that he had already agreed with Grindelwald that he could take Richard there tomorrow and ask Richard to arrange a time .

Richard went home, wrote a reply letter, told Dumbledore that he had no problem, and sent the owl picture letter back.

Richard took some of Barnaby's dried fish, fed the owl, and let it go.

Looking at the figure of the owl going away, Richard can't help but think a lot. This time he communicated with Grindelwald, in fact, he only has one question, which is the question that the welfare master wanted to say last time. Who or what organization, of course, he is also prepared that Grindelwald will not tell him, but since Grindelwald is willing to see himself, he can talk about it.

The next morning, Dumbledore arrived at Harris Manor 20, at this time Richard had already finished his breakfast early and was waiting for Dumbledore's arrival.

"Professor, have you had breakfast? Do you want to eat some?"

"No need Richard, today's time is quite tight, let's go now.

After speaking, Dumbledore pulled Richard and directly used Apparition to leave Harris Manor. At the same time, they appeared directly next to the telephone booth at the entrance of the Ministry of Magic.

"Professor, can't we just apparate there?"

"Oh, Richard, do you have a little misconception about me? It's too far from here to Austria. If I try my best, I can still get there, but I'm not sure if I take you. You also know that if you go halfway , If any parts are missing, it will be troublesome.”

While talking, the two came to the Portkey Office in the Department of Magical Transportation on the sixth floor of the Ministry of Magic. When the two walked in, there was only a middle-aged man lying on his chair in the office, drinking a drink and Look at the Daily Prophet.

"This is the Portkey Office, did you go to the wrong place?" The middle-aged wizard said directly without raising his head. After all, this is an unpopular department or a very personal business.

"Mr. Basil, I think I've gone to the right place." Dumbledore knocked on the table, picked up a kettle on the table with interest and said.

Basil raised his head at this moment, looked towards the door, and stood up immediately when he saw Dumbledore.

"Principal Dumbledore, I didn't expect you to come here, what can I do?"

"Mr. Basil, I want to use the Portkey to Austria. This is Fudge's approval slip." Dumbledore took out a piece of parchment from his clothes and handed it over.

Basil quickly picked it up, glanced at it casually, Richard felt that he didn't see anything at all, and then went directly to the cabinet in the office.

Basil picked up a shoe from the cabinet and looked at it, "No, it's from France." Then he took out another candlestick, "No, it's from Germany." In this way, he found several After that, he finally took a copper faucet and nodded in satisfaction.

Then Basil came to Dumbledore flatteringly, "Professor, this is the Austrian Portkey."

"Thank you then," Dumbledore said, turning to Richard, "Come here Richard, put your hand on this tap."

Richard walked over obediently and put his hand on it.

"Alright Basil, go over quickly, your hot cocoa is going to be cold." Saying that, Bullido put his hand on it.

In an instant, a rotational force countless times stronger than Apparition was transmitted to Richard. There seemed to be a hook behind his navel that jerked forward with irresistible momentum, and he lifted his feet off the ground, flew up, and flew forward like a gust of wind, seeing nothing clearly. . Richard's index finger was tightly stuck to the boot, as if the boot had a magnetic force, pulling him over, pulling him over, and then he stepped heavily on the ground.

"9:05, from the British Ministry of Magic." A male voice speaking English with a strange accent sounded from one side.

"It's Professor Dumbledore, hello, welcome to Austria."

"Oh, so it's you, Fitz, please excuse me."

"No, no, this is my honor. Several people wanted to come here, but I snatched it away." Fitz said respectfully.

"Okay, Fitz, we're running out of time, so let's go first, is it 4 o'clock in the afternoon?"

"Yes, professor, I'm still here at 4:00 p.m., I'll be waiting for you."

Dumbledore nodded, then took Richard's arm and Apparated away.

Nurmengard is the only prison for wizards in Europe. It is located on a small island in Austria. It was originally built by Gellert Grindelwald to detain those who opposed him. It turned out to be his own home.

As the two walked towards a high tower, Dumbledore told Li Jian about the prison for ten people.

"Nurmongard is cold, dark, and far away from human habitation, and it has the same anti-apparition spell as Hogwarts, so we can only walk in. There used to be a lot of guards here, but obviously all of them are gone now." No, since he was lonely, only I will come here, but there are still a lot of magic guards here, they don't need guards, they can also run automatically."

Soon the two of them came to the entrance of the tower, and above the tower gate were engraved with a few big words "for the greater good"

"Well, what do you think?" Dumbledore asked Richard as he pushed the door open.

"I don't have any feelings, it's just a winner and a loser."

"Oh? Why do you say that?" The two continued to chat while walking towards the top of the tower.

"The integration of the world of wizards and the world of ordinary people is a cross-age issue, and the conflict between the two worlds will definitely erupt someday in the future, and Grindelwald just happened to promote it, and now only But he failed, so he was imprisoned here, but if he succeeded at that time, he would be the promoter of history, the forerunner. But his failure is also inevitable."

"Why? Why am I doomed to fail." Suddenly a strange voice sounded above their heads.

Before they knew it, Richard and Dumbledore had already reached the top floor. The top floor was a 10-square-meter space with nothing but a hard bed.

Dumbledore first stepped forward to hug Grandwald, and then introduced to Richard.

"That's Gellert Grindelwald, Gellert, that's Richard, Richard Harris."

Richard looked towards Grindelwald. At this time, the Dark Lord of this generation was completely old, but his eyes still shone with a light that cannot be underestimated.

"You haven't told me why I must fail."

"It's very simple, because you started in the wrong direction. Wizards are not superior to others, and ordinary people are no worse than wizards. If you want wizards to rule ordinary people, this is a big mistake. Besides, you think that the International Law of Wizard Secrecy What is it doing? Protecting ordinary people? No, that's 410 protecting wizards."

Hearing Richard's words, Grindelwald didn't look very angry, he just said lightly, "Why, why do you say that."

Richard had already thought about the progress of today's conversation yesterday, and made special preparations. He calmly took out a stack of documents from the traceless expansion bag he carried with him, and handed them to Grindelwald.

"Look at these things first."

Grindelwald took the materials with great interest and looked at them carefully. Dumbledore also leaned over with great interest. After a while, both of their faces turned pale.

"Is this true?" Dumbledore returned the documents tremblingly.

After Richard took the materials, he didn't say much, but took out pictures one after another and showed them to them.

"Of course it's true, and these two are just atomic bombs. Now ordinary people have invented hydrogen bombs, which are even more powerful. Let's not talk about this, let's just talk about these two atomic bombs. Tell me, who is the wizard now?" The magic can kill 100,000 people in one go, let alone 50 years of radiation.

After a pause, Richard continued, "That's why you will definitely lose. If all the ordinary people know about the existence of wizards, they will definitely initiate a settlement against wizards. Even in the Middle Ages, wizards were not as good as ordinary people." , not to mention now, of course they may not directly burn wizards to death now, but they will definitely imprison wizards, and then study to crack the magic power. Who can stop poisoning the magic. So Grindelwald, not only is your failure inevitable, even if Dumbledore didn't stop you, you would be a sinner for the entire wizarding world."

"We can't do it, but it doesn't mean no one can." Under Richard's constant prodding, Grindelwald really said something that Richard had been looking forward to. .

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