My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 258 Heading To Harry's New Home

The time of the holiday always passed quickly, and Richard had already passed half of it before he knew it. Of course, if he hadn't received Harry's letter, he would not have known that it was already halfway.

The content of Harry's letter is very simple, that is, he has been taken to his home by Black, and this Saturday is tomorrow, he wants to invite Richard, Hermione and Ronald to his new home as guests, please reply whether you agree or not.

In fact, Richard didn't really want to go, but Hermione, who was playing fingering games with Ariana, was very interested. She had never been to a wizard's house, and she was still a real pure-blood noble wizard's house, so she immediately agreed. In desperation, Richard had no choice but to go with her. Hermione didn't go home that day but stayed at Harris's house.

The next morning, when Richard and the others had just finished breakfast, they were waiting for Harry and the others in the living room, while playing with Ariana, and at this moment there was a knock on the door of Harris's house.

When Debbie opened the door, the figures of Harry, Ronald and Black appeared outside the door.

"House-elf???" The moment Blake and Ronald saw Debbie, they thought they had gone the wrong way.

"Hello, Harry, Ronald, and Blake." At this moment, Hermione hugged Ariana and greeted them.

"Hi Hermione, is this your daughter? She's already this big!" Ronald didn't know if he was awake or in a daze, but he said such shocking words, and everyone in the room burst into laughter , only Hermione blushed.

But Debbie couldn't figure out what these people were laughing at, so she hurriedly said to Ronald.

"My lord wizard, Miss Ariana is the master's sister, Lady Olivia's daughter, not Miss Hermione's daughter."

After listening to Debbie's serious introduction, everyone laughed again, and Livia even smiled and fell on Wilson's body.

After Harry and the others came, they didn't leave in a hurry, but they all went to the racetrack for a while before leaving.

However, leaving is also a troublesome thing. Harry and Ronald came together on Sirius’ flying motorcycle (Hagrid gave it back to Black), but now it is obviously not enough to have Richard and Hermione. Richard and Hermione drove over, while Black took Ronald first.

Originally, Richard and the others planned to take a taxi, but it was impossible to get a taxi at Harris Farm. In the end, Wilson sent them to No. 12 Grimmauld Place, a 20-minute walk from King's Cross Station.

Of course, if Harry hadn't been there, they wouldn't have been able to see 12 Grimmauld Place at all.

After the three of them got out of the car, under Harry's guidance, the three of them walked over to Yin's door.

Seen from the street, it was a scratched, black-painted door with a silver door handle in the shape of a coiled snake. There was no keyhole or letter box on the door. The door could only be opened by magic, but there was a doorbell, Harry rang the doorbell, and soon Ronald was inside and opened the door.

"You guys are so slow, come in''''."

"That can't be helped. You came from the sky, so there is no traffic jam."

While talking, Harry walked in with Richard Hermione.

The porch is a long hallway with peeling wallpaper, worn carpet, gas lamps and a cobweb chandelier and chandelier in the shape of a large snake [it can be seen that Blake is very bad at planning.

On the walls were portraits darkened with age, including a large one draped behind a moth-eaten and moldy curtain. But the portrait had been covered with a black cloth, Hermione asked Harry curiously.

"Why is this portrait covered?"

"In this portrait is Mrs. Walburga Black. As long as she sees someone coming, or wakes her up, she will keep screaming like hell, and she will keep swearing.

Curse others, so Sirius covered her up. 11

"Then why don't you just take it off, it's weird to cover it like this." Hermione continued to ask.

"I tried it before, but it's a pity that the portrait has a permanent sticking spell, so that's the only way to go." Blake also came here and explained to everyone.

"Okay, everyone, come in first." Black said while guiding everyone to the living room.

"Kreacher, hurry up and prepare some tea."

At this time, an old house elf appeared in front of everyone, and it was muttering while counting the number of people.

"The young master is such a nasty, ungrateful, bastard. He dared to bring so many mudbloods here. He really ruined my mistress's house."

"Okay, stop rambling there, hurry up and get ready." Sirius cursed at Kreacher.

"Blake, how can you scold it like that?" Hermione obviously didn't hear Kreacher's whisper just now, and even spoke for it.

"Hi, you are Kreacher, right? Thank you."

Kreacher glanced sideways at Hermione, ignored her completely, and said to himself.

"This filthy Mudblood actually talks to Kreacher like I know her very well and she's my friend."

After saying that, Kreacher disappeared in place, leaving Hermione with a dazed face.

Black glanced at Richard first, saw that he didn't say anything, and then said to Hermione.

"I'm so sorry Hermione, you probably don't know, Kreacher was taken by my mother.

Hermione didn't respond at all, just kept talking with her head down.

"Are you alright, Hermione, Kreacher is like this, and he scolded me when I came here, it was really ugly." Harry said to Hermione hastily.

After a while Hermione suddenly looked up and said something horrifying.

"The house elf is so pitiful. I don't really blame Kreacher. It is just forced by its master to form such an unhealthy concept. Whether it is the current Kreacher or the former Dobby, they are all influenced by their master." oppression."

Hearing Hermione's words, Richard couldn't help having a headache. He thought that Hermione would no longer have the idea of ​​liberating the house-elf after seeing Debbie's situation at Harris's house, but he didn't think that she would not escape her fate after all. dominate.

"The conditions and treatment of house elves are unfair and cruel, and it is immoral to enslave them and force them to serve humans. And then there are the wizards, the way they treat elves is cruel and heartless. I cannot Understand why elves cannot have autonomy and choice, why they are forced to do drudgery or menial work in the family. House elves should be set free and free, and families should treat them with kinder and respect. Forced elves It is an insult to their freedom and dignity that elves serve human beings, and efforts should be made to change this unfair situation.

Hearing Hermione's words, Black, Harry, and Ronald were all stunned.

Hermione is probably not as bad as you think. stammered Ronald. The family had always wanted a house-elf, but they just didn't have the money to buy one.

"Why not, Dobby, you saw it too, how pitiful it is."

"But, isn't Debbie in Richard's family very happy?" Harry also said.

"That's just a special case. Richard's family is not a pure-blood family after all, so they don't have the idea of ​​such exploitation, but this is a minority after all. I believe that most wizard families must be exploiting house-elves."

At this time Hermione seemed to think of something and said to Richard.

"By the way Richard, how much do you pay Debbie?"

"Salary? Ah, yes we pay Debbie a weekly salary, and give her one day off a week to see her mother.

Hearing Richard's words, Hermione nodded in satisfaction, but continued to speak.

"One day a week is really too little. Now we are doing five days off and two days off. Debbie should have two days off on weekends." Bar.

Richard said without hesitation. Richard is still clear about Hermione's character, and probably nothing he can say now can stop Hermione's thoughts, so let her talk to Debbie before talking about the bassoon.

"I feel like I'm going. I want to set up an organization to free the house-elves, just like freeing black slaves." Hermione said solemnly.

"You have to join in too."

"Hermione, I think you should first determine the framework of your organization, and most importantly, how do you plan to solve the livelihood problem of the liberated house elves, what do they rely on to survive, don't say let those wizards hire house elves Elf, what do those pure-blood wizards think, whether you want it or not, you haven’t even investigated it, when you have considered these issues clearly, it’s up to you to decide, and we will definitely support you when the time comes.”

Listening to Richard's words, Hermione was thoughtful, that's right, she was just impulsive just now, the problems Richard said are real, and she really needs to investigate carefully, after all, without investigation, she has no right to speak.

Both Harry and Ronald secretly gave Richard a thumbs up, and Richard nodded silently to show that he had received it.

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