My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 266 Camp Camp

When Richard was able to see the surrounding environment clearly again, he realized that he was about to land, so he quickly adjusted his body, and then stood firmly on the ground. At the same time, Richard also gave Hermione a hand to prevent her from falling.

Then Richard looked around and found that they seemed to have come to a swamp covered with mist.

At the same moment, except for the three adults and Cedric who were still standing, but they also looked crooked, everyone else was lying on the ground crookedly.

"At 5:07, from Ferret Mountain." A voice suddenly sounded beside them.

Richard looked in the direction of the voice, and saw two wizards in strange costumes standing in front of them.

One was wearing a tweed suit on the upper body, but only a pair of thigh-high rubber overshoes on the lower body, and was holding a large gold watch; there was another person Richard had seen a few days ago, that was Basil from the Department of Magical Transport, the last time he The attire is still relatively normal, but this time he is wearing a pleated skirt and a South American cape, holding a parchment and quill in his hand as if recording something.

"Good morning, Basil," Mr. Weasley said to One Zero, picking up the boot, and handing it to Basil.

"Hello, Arthur, I can't believe that you are not on duty, unlike us, who are here all night, by the way, you better get out of the way as soon as possible, there will be a large group of people coming from the Black Forest soon. Wait Next, I'll show you where your camp is. Well, Weasley, Blake, your camp is about a quarter of a mile away, the first camp ahead. The groundskeeper is Mr. Roberts. As for you, Diggory, you're at The second camp, the manager is Mr Payne."

"Okay, thank you, Basil," said Mr. Weasley, beckoning everyone to follow him.

After walking for about twenty minutes, a door and a small stone house finally appeared in front of everyone.

"Richard, do you see that?" Hermione asked Richard, pointing to the hundreds of tents behind the stone house.

"Yes, I saw it, and I finally understood what it means to be good-looking tents are all similar, and ugly tents are all ugly and strange."

After Mr. Weasley and Sirius took everyone to bid farewell to Digory and his son, they went to the door of the stone house to order a doctor.

At this time, a man was standing at the door, looking at the tents. Richard's young Muggle-born wizards could immediately recognize that this person must be a real Muggle, not to mention anything else, just by looking at this person's clothes.

After a lively conversation with Mr. Weasley, with Harry's help, they finally got the tent they rented a few days ago and determined the camping area.

Of course, it would have been even better if some wizard hadn't fallen from the sky and cast an Oblivion Charm on the poor Muggle.

They entered the camp through the gate, and walked with great difficulty on the misty camp, between two long rows of tents. Most of the tents don't look special, obviously their owners took pains to make them as similar as possible to Muggle tents, but some accidentally overdid it, adding chimneys, bells, etc. Rope or weather vane, making neither fish nor fowl. However, occasionally there are a few tents that can be seen to be enchanted,

In the middle of the camp, Richard saw a very exaggerated tent. It uses a lot of striped silk so extravagantly that it looks like a small palace, with a few live peacocks tied at the entrance. A little further ahead, they saw another tent set up in the shape of a four-story building, with several turrets beside it. Further there, there is a garden in front of the tent door, which has birdbaths, sundials, fountains and so on.

Before they were exhausted, they came at last to the edge of the woods at the end of the camp, where there was a clearing with a small sign in the ground that read: WEDSLEY.

Mr. Weasley is very satisfied with this venue

"The field is just beyond the forest, and it couldn't be nearer.

After speaking, he took off the huge backpack from his shoulders.

"Well, we need to follow the rules, we can't use magic, we need to put up the tent with our own hands! And it shouldn't be too difficult, by the way, Richard, Harry and Hermione, where do you think we should start?" How about starting?"

At the beginning, Richard didn't participate, so Harry and Hermione directed the construction. Is it true that you have never eaten pork or seen a pig run? So Harry and Hermione are still okay, but the problem is Mr. Weasley, he always It is particularly easy to get excited, excited about supporting the brackets, excited about smashing rivets, and the result of the excitement is that they finally set up two crooked double tents.

So, in the end, the third tent Richard didn't let Mr. Weasley intervene, just let the twin brothers help, and soon, a standard and strong tent was set up

This dissatisfied Mr. Weasley, who was still very satisfied with the tent he had built, and clamored to build it again, but he had to give up under the persuasion of Sirius.

"Richard, these three tents are a bit small, after all we have so many people."

"It's okay, just watch."

At this moment, Mr. Weasley, got into the first tent, and it didn't take long to get out.

"It may be a bit crowded, but everyone should be able to come in, let's all come in and have a look."

Hearing Mr. Weasley's words, Hermione sneaked in suspiciously, and was immediately stunned by the facilities inside. What is this?

It seems to be a three-bedroom house, not only that, but even a bathroom and a kitchen.

"Why is this place exactly like Mrs. Figg's house?" Harry was also shocked.

Mr Weasley picked up a dusty jug from the table. "We might need some water."

"Dad, I know where it is. On the map that Muggle gave us, it marked a water tap, just on the other side of the camp."

Ronald returned.

"Okay, then you four can go get some water." Weasley handed two water and two pots to Lee, Hermione, Harry and Ronald.

"The rest of the people, go to collect some firewood or something, we are going to make a fire."

"But we have a stove," said George

"No, no, George, you must know that Muggles don't light fires in tents. They are all outdoors. I checked it out." Mr. Weasley said excitedly.

When the four of Richard walked towards the other side of the camp with the utensils, the sun had already begun to rise. "Bo Jiandi slowly dissipated under the rays of the sun.

At this time, the campers who had come earlier all woke up. Especially those families with young children, they hear the voices of parents educating their children and the voices of wizards cooking from time to time.

When they came to the water tap on the other side of the camp, a small team had already started to line up here. Richard and the others quickly lined up.

At this time, there were two men standing in front of them, and they were arguing about something.

One of them was very old, wearing a long printed pajamas.

Another wizard, apparently working for the Ministry of Magic, held up a pair of pinstriped trousers, looking a little mad with rage.

"Put on your trousers quickly, Archie. You can't dangle around in this dress, Muggles already suspect it.

"But I bought these trousers specially from Muggle shops, and I saw many Muggles wearing them."

"No, Archie, those aren't trousers, trousers have two legs, and you're skirts! Skirts! Only Muggle women wear skirts, men wear these."

"No, I don't wear them, I have to let the breeze blow my ass, it makes me healthier.

Richard, Hermione and Harry at the back couldn't stand it anymore and just wanted to laugh, but Ronald was indeed very calm.

"Isn't it funny that you're so calm?" Harry asked Ronald while covering his mouth.

"Funny? What's funny?" Ronald asked puzzled.

Well, in 1.1, Ronald, who grew up in a wizarding family, doesn't think Archie has any problems at all.

By the time they got the water and returned to the camp, the time was running out. As soon as they arrived at the camp, they heard George complaining.

"Why have you been here for so long?"

"There's only one faucet, and there are too many people waiting to get the water," Ronald said, putting the water down.

"You haven't lit the fire yet?" Harry asked strangely

"Daddy's playing with matches," said Fred.

At this moment, there was a groan from Mr. Weasley, who lit a match, then threw it away with an exclamation.

There was no way, Hermione stepped forward and showed Mr. Weasley what to do, and finally started the fire, but it wasn't until an hour later that their campfire was strong enough to cook. They were frying eggs and cooking sausages when Bill, Charlie, and Percy strode towards them from the woods.

"It seems that when we officially came, there were already delicious food." Bill said excitedly. .

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