My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 271 Camp Riot

Quidditch World Cup Camp

At this time, not far from Richard and the others, a group of wizards wearing hoods and masks were tightly huddled together, and each of them pointed their wands at the sky.

Just above their heads, there were four struggling figures floating in mid-air, like marionettes, controlled by the wizard below with invisible threads emerging from their wands, and were forcibly twisted into various shapes. strange shape.

As the team marched, more wizards joined in and followed suit one after another. They pointed their wands at the four figures in midair. As the number of the team increased, they began to attack the passing tents without any scruples. Magic ignites everything that can burn.

With more and more burning things, the originally dark camp became brightly lit. Richard looked over not far away, and he recognized at a glance that one of the four figures was the camp administrator Mr. Roberts, the remaining woman should be his wife, and the two smaller figures are most likely their children.

One of the wizards in the parade even shamelessly turned Mrs. Roberts's head down one by one, so that her pajamas would hang down so that she could see her underwear, while other wizards also screamed and booed.

"Hurry up, you little wizards who haven't grown up yet, hide in the woods, Percy, you guys follow me and Sirius, let's help the "840" in the Ministry maintain order, Fred, look out Ginny. I'll go find you when the matter is settled."

After speaking, Mr. Weasley and Sirius rushed towards the oncoming parade together with the three adult Weasleys.

Originally Richard wanted to follow, but Hermione held his hand tightly all the time, so Li didn't go.

"Let's go quickly." Fred took Ginny's hand and called everyone to rush into the woods.

Richard and the others followed. When they got into the woods, they all turned their heads and looked at the back. Fortunately, the team was getting bigger and bigger, and although there were quite a few people from the Ministry of Magic, they were afraid to cast a mouse on the parade. Magic, lest it accidentally hurt the Roberts family.

At this time, the woods no longer had the colorful colors when they went to the gymnasium, only a piece of darkness, and the crowd poured in, pushing them around and fucking them, at this moment, Ronald suddenly cried out in pain up.

"What's going on?" Harry stopped in his tracks immediately, and walked towards Ronald's wailing direction in the dark, "Ronald, where are you, what's wrong with you?"

Richard and Hermione also paused, "Lumos."

Immediately, Hermione's wand was lit up, looking along the narrow beam of light, Ronald was already lying on the ground, clutching his right leg and howling dryly.

"Tree roots, I couldn't see anything just now. I tripped over a tree root." Ronald tried to stand up while moving his legs.

In just a short while, Ginny, George, and Fred had disappeared.

"Hmph, maybe you are not suitable for having legs. If you don't have legs, you won't trip." Suddenly a voice sounded from beside them.

"Malfoy!!!" Harry could tell by the voice that it was his lifelong bond——Draco Malfoy.

Richard and others turned their bodies in the direction of the sound.

I saw Draco Malfoy leaning against a big tree alone at this time, compared to other restlessness, he was very leisurely and contented.

"You guys better run, it's not safe here, or do you want the two of them to be found?"

"Hmph, so what if you find out? Do you think those rotten fish and rotten shrimps can do anything to me?" Richard's eyes sparkled in the night.

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked strangely.

"Don't you know what they're doing? Or do you think you and him are very different from those Muggles in their eyes?" Malfoy said triumphantly.

And at this moment, there was a loud noise from the camp, and a green light illuminated everything around them.

"Hermione and Richard, they're wizards," Harry growled angrily.

"Whatever you want, Potter, if you don't think they can recognize..., then just stay here."

Because of Richard's presence, Malfoy was afraid to say the word Mudblood, but they both knew what it meant.

"And you, Malfoy, what are you doing standing here?" Richard asked.

"I, I'm waiting for my parents, they haven't come over yet," Malfoy stammered.

"Then are they among those people?"

"No, no, don't talk nonsense." For some reason Malfoy always felt very nervous in front of Richard.

"Even if they were there, do you have proof?"

"Let's go, ignore this man, let's go find Ginny and the others." Hermione gave Malfoy a disgusted look, and then pulled Richard into the forest.

Originally, Malfoy wanted to say something bad, but seeing Richard's half-smile expression before he left, he suddenly didn't want to say anything.

"I bet Malfoy's parents must be among those masked guys." Ronald said angrily.

"If we're lucky, they will be caught, but what we have to consider now is where Ginny and the others have gone," Hermione said impatiently.

Seeing more and more people around, the narrow path was densely packed with people, and they were all nervously looking towards the direction of the camp.

Richard thought about it, now it's safe enough here, so...

And Hermione seemed to see Richard's thoughts, she whispered to Ji Cha.

"Go what you want, there are so many people here, nothing will happen."

Hearing Hermione's words, Richard glanced at Hermione, "Don't you want me to accompany you?"

"I'm fine now."

Richard nodded, then let go of Hermione's hand and was about to turn back, Hermione pulled him lightly, be careful. "

Richard didn't speak, just nodded, and then walked back the way he came.

Hermione took a few extra glances at Richard's receding back, and then quickly caught up with Harry and Ronald.

"Huh? Where's Richard?" Harry asked curiously.

"He has something to go back."

"Go back? It's so dangerous there!" Ronald said in surprise.

"Dangerous, that's for someone else, he's Richard." Hermione held her head proudly.

And at this moment, the people on the small road looked towards them, and when they saw the three little wizards, they continued to look back in disappointment. At this moment, a little girl with thick curly hair turned around and ran to Said around them.

"Did you see Madame Maxime, we can't find her.

"Huh? What did you say?" Ronald said.

Hearing what Ronald said, the little girl ignored it, turned around and left, and said something while walking. "Hogwarts"

"Beauxbatons," Hermione whispered.

"Excuse me, what?" Harry said.

"They must have belonged to Beauxbatons," said Hermione, "it's a French magic school, I read about it.

"With such a short time and so many people, it is impossible for them to go too far."

Ronald made a rare analysis, took out his wand, "fluorescent flashes", and then squinted his eyes to find it in the crowd..0

Harry also wanted to use the Luminescence Charm, so he reached into the pocket of his coat, trying to get out his wand.

But obviously let him down, he searched all his pockets, but found nothing, no, there is still something to gain, he found his own panoramic telescope.

"Hermione, Ronald, have you seen my wand, it's gone,"

"Are you serious?" Ronald said.

"Obviously yes, I can't be joking at this moment." Harry was already a little anxious at this time, "Without his wand, it's like he has no limbs.

Seeing Harry's serious expression, Ronald and Hermione hurried over, and then gathered their wands together to make the beam of light brighter.

Harry bent down and searched carefully around, but unfortunately he couldn't find it.

"Did you miss it in the tent?" Ronald said.

"I think it's very likely that the wand fell out of your pocket when you were running just now." Hermione analyzed.

"Yeah," Harry said, "whatever you say is possible. So what now?"

"Now? We can only wait now. We will help you find it after the incident subsides." Hermione was also very helpless.

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound from the nearby bushes, and all three of them were startled.

"Who is it?" Ronald yelled in horror, "Come out, I see you."

After some shaking, a house-elf emerged from the bushes.

Her behavior was very weird, although she seemed to be running forward, but her body leaned back very unnaturally, as if someone was pulling her back.

"There are bad wizards here! They put people in the sky, they are all bad wizards, Winky must go, go quickly."

Just like that, the house-elf scrambled into another bush while screaming.

"Her name is Winky?" The three of Hermione watched the house-elf disappear in bewilderment.

At this moment, another explosion sounded, which seemed to be getting closer to them.

"Let's go, shall we?" Ronald said nervously.

So, the three of them walked along the path to the depths of the forest. Of course, they still carefully looked at the people around them to see if there was Ginny and the others.

Before they knew it, they had already walked a long way. At least the surrounding area was much quieter, and there were no wizards around.

"My God, where did they go?" Ronald felt that he couldn't walk anymore, so he sat down on the ground.

And Harry and Hermione were about the same, and sat down at the same time.

"Let's just wait here, what do you think?" Harry suggested.

As soon as his words fell, Ludo Bagman got out of nowhere.

"Why are you here?" Ludo recognized the three little wizards and asked with a pale face.

"There was a commotion in the camp, we came to hide." Ronald explained.

"What? There was a commotion in the camp? Damn it." Ludo immediately apparated away after finishing speaking, leaving the three of them staring at each other.

Harry was about to say something, but he seemed to hear something, as if someone was limping towards them, Harry glanced at the two of Hermione and saw that they heard it too.

"Who is it? I saw you, come out quickly." The same words came out of Ronald's mouth again.

But no one responded to him, just when the three of them didn't know whether they should go to have a look, suddenly a spell came from over there.

"The corpse reappears!"

Then a green beam of light shot up into the sky, directly reflected in midair, forming a huge skull, and a python emerged from the skull's mouth. .

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