My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 276: Another Year Begins

As the Hogwarts Express continued to travel northward, the rain in the sky became heavier and heavier, and the wind became stronger and stronger.

Finally, the train slowed down while Richard was in a daze, and gradually stopped at the dark Hogsmeade Station.

The car doors were all opened randomly, and the rumbling thunder in the sky was endless. Richard first cast a wind and rain protection spell on himself, and then cast it on Hermione, Harry and Ronald respectively.

In this way, they can move forward leisurely in the wind and rain.

"Hi, Hagrid." Harry shouted loudly to Hagrid when Richard and the others passed a huge figure.

"Hello, damn the weather, let's meet in the lobby if we don't get drowned in the rain."

After saying that, Hagrid led the first-year little wizards to the lake, while Richard followed the muddy path to the place where the carriages gathered.

Although there was no rain intrusion, they still couldn't help but let out a long breath when they boarded the carriage. After a while, as the carriage moved forward, the inside of the carriage began to bump up. Soon when the carriage passed through the gate and came to the spacious driveway, it should have stabilized, but due to the strong wind, the carriage still swayed violently. "eight three three

It wasn't until everyone got off the carriage that they breathed a sigh of relief. "I thought our carriage was going to overturn." Ronald said in a tone of survivors.

At this time, a stern voice came from the hall, "Hurry up, don't stay here, go into the auditorium, hurry up.

It turned out that Professor McGonagall had come to the foyer at some point to pick up the first-year wizards.

After Richard said goodbye to the three, he went to Ravenclaw's dining table.

When Richard came to Ravenclaw's dining table, Terry was already sitting there, seeing Richard, he hurriedly pulled Jisuo over.

"Richard, did you go to the World Cup this time?"

"I went, but I don't know if it counts." Richard fell asleep throughout the game, and he didn't know if he counted.

"That was really exciting, Krum's feint..."

Listening to Terry talking endlessly about those famous scenes in the Quidditch World Cup, Richard agreed perfunctorily.

"By the way, did you see that family of unlucky Muggles? They are really pathetic."

Little wizards of the same age as Richard basically don't pay much attention to the Dark Demon Mark. They haven't experienced that dark age, and they don't know what the Dark Demon Mark represents. Instead, they will pay more attention to the riots in the camp.

At this time, another classmate of Richard, Miles, also came over.

"What do you think we will have as a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this year?"

"That's not good. If you can be like Professor Lupine, don't look for someone like Lockhart. What do you think Richard?"

"Me? I think it's all right, even Lockhart is good, at least he doesn't care about anything." Richard said indifferently.

But at this moment, the door of the auditorium was suddenly opened, and everyone knew that Professor McGonagall must be here. Facing the most severe professor in Hogwarts, the students shut up one after another.

Immediately afterwards, Professor McGonagall walked in with a group of ignorant children. Seeing these first-year freshmen, Li Jian couldn't help feeling sorry for them.

Because they didn't seem to come by boat at all, but more like they swam from a lake. Water was dripping from everyone's clothes. These poor little wizards were trembling each and every one of them. Wizards are an exception.

Richard looked over curiously, I rubbed it, it turned out to be Adams' son, Pugsley.

Even the little bastard went to school, and Richard didn't just regret his lost youth.

At this moment, Filch came over with a triangular stool, and placed it in front of all the freshmen. Professor McGonagall also took out the old and worn-out Sorting Hat covered in pudding, and placed it on the stool superior.

Regardless of whether it is a freshman or someone else, everyone's attention is on that hat, and suddenly a crack near the brim of the hat opens like a mouth, and the Sorting Hat begins the Sorting Hat that I have been preparing for a year song of:

"That was a thousand years ago... . . .

After singing, everyone in the auditorium gave applause and encouragement.

At this time, Professor McGonagall unfolded the parchment in his hand.

"I call whoever's name, and whoever walks up, puts the hat on his head, and it tells you where to go, and then you sit at the corresponding table."

Then the sorting ceremony officially began. Following Professor McGonagall's roll call, everyone proceeded with the sorting process in an orderly manner. After each little wizard determined the college, he would receive applause from the college.

"Pugsley Adams"

A little gray-haired wizard heard Professor McGonagall's voice, and immediately stood up, then ran to the front of the team, and got on top of the triangular stool. Professor McGonagall pushed the hat towards his head. As soon as it touched the Sorting Hat, the Sorting Hat immediately Loudly.


Pugsley jumped off the stool excitedly, and set his sights on Ravenclaw's dining table. He wanted to find his sister Wednesday, but he didn't expect a terrifying figure to appear in his eyes.

"Big Devil!!!" Puggs couldn't help pointing at that figure and shouted loudly.

In an instant, the entire auditorium fell silent.

Everyone looked in the direction of Pugsley's finger, and Richard's figure appeared in front of them.

In desperation, Richard could only smile awkwardly, and then secretly glanced at Wednesday.

Just this one glance gave Wednesday a sudden feeling of urgency to urinate, she rushed to the front, gave Pagsley a big fight, pulled him by the ear, and sent him to Gryffindor's desk.

At this moment, Hermione was already grinning from ear to ear, Harry and Ronald were very strange and asked quickly.

Hermione didn't hide from them, and told all the things that happened between Pugsley and Richard, which immediately made the two of them laugh.

Although there was a farce, the sorting ceremony was over soon, and Filch came over and took away the triangular stool and the sorting hat.

At this moment, the Headmaster of Hogwarts, Professor Dumbledore, stood up. He looked at all the classmates with a smile, and then said.

"Before the dinner starts, I have a few things to announce, don't worry it won't take up everyone's time. 0"

"First of all, as before, all students are not allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest on the other side of the venue, and Hogsmeade Village, all students under the third grade are not allowed to enter

After a pause, Dumbledore spoke in a louder voice.

"Also, I regret to inform you that this year Hogwarts will stop hosting the House Cup Quidditch competition.

Hearing Dumbledore's words, the whole school was boiling. Because of the World Cup just now, the enthusiasm of all wizards for Quidditch has increased a bit. Now that Dumbledore said that there will be no House Cup, how can this be accepted.

Just as the little wizards were about to knock off the roof, Dumbledore continued.

"This is because there is a big event going on at Hogwarts for the entire school year, which will take up all the professors' time, as well as the Hogwarts grounds, and, I'm sure, you'll get something out of it too. Even more fun, now I announce to you that this year, Hogwarts will host...  

Before Dumbledore could finish speaking, the door of the auditorium was knocked open with a bang, and then, an old wizard in a black cloak and on crutches appeared before everyone's eyes.

Then the wizard rushed to the professor's seat at an extremely fast speed, shook hands with Headmaster Dumbledore, and sat on an empty seat.

"Please allow me to introduce you, this is our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor—Professor Moody."

After Dumbledore's introduction, there was very little applause from the audience. It seemed that everyone was not interested in this professor with a fierce face and a prosthetic eye.

"I think, I think Lockhart is a good professor, at least he looks more comfortable." Miles whispered to Richard.

"Okay, let's continue the topic just now. In the next year, Hogwarts will hold a very wonderful event. This event has been stopped for more than a hundred years. I am very honored to tell 1.8 Everyone [Hogwarts will hold this year - the Triwizard Tournament!"

Hearing Dumbledore's words, the whole auditorium was silent at first, and then boiled immediately.

"You're kidding!" Fred yelled at Dumbledore, even jumping onto the table.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Weasley, I'm not kidding, and you better get off the table, I can't hold Professor McGonagall anymore."

When Fred heard Professor McGonagall's name, he climbed down resentfully. He didn't dare to look Professor McGonagall's eyes now.

"It turned out to be a Triwizard Tournament, so I said, why didn't they tell us." Ronald was also too excited, pulling Harry to howl.

And at this time, you can see the difference between the little wizard of muggle birth and the little wizard of wizard birth, and he is ignorant and manic at the same time.

"What is that Triwizard Tournament?" Harry asked suspiciously, why didn't they hold a Quidditch match, and they were so happy to hold this Triwizard Tournament.

Dumbledore on the stage seemed to hear Harry's doubts, cleared his throat, and began to explain.

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