My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 283 The Upcoming Triwizard Tournament

When Richard and Hermione came to the hall, Harry and the others also finished their get out of class.

At this time, Harry was walking down the marble stairs in a circle, while Ronald was a little weird, he would jump up and down every step he took.

"Harry, are you okay?" Hermione hurriedly stepped forward and asked Harry

"Me? I'm just a little dazed, but it's nothing, but you know Hermione," Harry said to Hermione with an excited look on his face.

"Professor Moody said that I will be able to resist the Dementia Curse immediately, and I am the only one in the class who did it."

"Yeah, yeah, you are the best, but I finally figured out why he was kicked out of the Ministry of Magic tomorrow. From what he said, it can be seen that he must be a paranoid." Ronald complained while dancing. Say how much you loved at first, and how much you hate now.

"And did you hear what he told Seamus? Just because a witch booed him on April Fool's Day, he...

Just as Ronald complained, several people walked towards the auditorium together.

Soon they found another large group of students crowded at the bulletin board. When they walked over, they realized that a message was posted on the bulletin board. out,

"The principals and student representatives of Beauxbaton and Durmstrang will arrive at 6:00 pm on Friday, October 30th. All classes in the afternoon will end half an hour earlier. At that time, all students, please send your schoolbags and textbooks first. Go back to the dormitory, then gather in front of the castle to meet the guests, and then attend the welcome dinner together"

"It's great, the last class on Friday is Potions class! Snape shouldn't have time to poison us!" Harry said happily.

It turned out that in the Potions class last week, Professor Snape forced them to study the antidote. He also told all the students that he would randomly select one person to poison him in class next week, so as to test whether their antidote was effective, although Snape said it was random, but Harry had no doubts, He was that random guy.

At this moment, a little wizard next to Richard suddenly started smoking.

"Time is running out, there is only one week left! I have to tell Cedric quickly, and I don't know how he is preparing."

Harry and Ronald followed the sound, and it turned out to be Hufflepuff's Ernie McMillan.

"Cedric? Who is he?" Ronald asked the three of Richard suspiciously.

"It's Cedric Diggory, Hufflepuff's Seeker. Didn't we go to the World Cup with him and his dad during the summer vacation?" Harry explained, it seemed that he was preparing to participate in the Triwizard Tournament . "

"Is that the idiot who wants to be a Hogwarts warrior?" Ronald said with a look of disdain.

"Then you are thinking wrong, Cedric is not only the captain and seeker of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, but also the prefect of Hufflepuff, he is a very good little wizard, to be honest, a little wizard over 17 years old Inside, he, Penello from Ravenclaw and Gemma Foley from Slytherin are the best. I just don’t know if Penello and Gemma Foley will participate. If they don’t, then Hogwarts The most likely warrior is Cedric~||."

Hermione glanced at Richard as she spoke.

"Ah? Really? I don't know either. Haha." Richard laughed.

Although the notice on the bulletin board made everyone focus on the Triwizard Contest, but soon the little wizards in the fourth grade were overwhelmed by the heavy schoolwork and paid no attention to him.

Compared with the first to third grades, the homework of the fourth grade is obviously much more. For this reason, facing the complaints of the students about the sudden increase in the homework of the transformation class, Professor McGonagall explained the reason

"Although your O.W.Ls exams will not be held until next year, your magic education is entering an important period! You must be more fully prepared! And you should also know that Gryffindor Academy has only Miss Granger from the beginning to the end One person can turn a hedgehog into a satisfying pincushion. Neither Slytherin nor Hufflepuff is about the same, only Ravenclaw is slightly better, but the progress of everyone other than Richard is not very good."

In addition to Transfiguration, even History of Magic's Cuthbert Binns, a ghost, had given them plenty of homework, and this week had them write ten papers on goblin rebellions in the eighteenth century.

And Professor Flitwick also changed from his former amiability and asked all the little wizards (except Richard) to read three more books in order to better learn the Flying Curse.

And what broke Harry's scumbags the most was that even Hagrid put a burden on them. All the little wizards who chose the Protection of Magical Beasts class had to go to his hut to observe and record those snails at least every other day. the behavior of.

When Malfoy said in public that he would never go, Hagrid immediately changed his expression and yelled at Malfoy angrily.

"You'd better listen to me, or I don't mind turning you into a ferret, I've heard you'd go well with that.

Hearing Hagrid's words, all the little wizards except the Slytherin burst into laughter. Malfoy didn't know whether to be angry or ashamed, his whole face turned red, and he didn't dare to say a word.

Compared with the little wizards, all the Hogwarts faculty members became nervous.

The entire castle was thoroughly cleaned. Even a few dirty portraits hanging in the corners, which would never be seen by little wizards from other schools, were scrubbed spotless.

And those who have been scrubbed portraits are very dissatisfied with this. They all curled up and nestled in a corner of the photo frame, sulking, not wanting to hurt their clean little faces.

As for the armor, it had been polished to a shiny finish on the first day the notice was posted, and Richard had no doubts that Filch should have oiled it all, because the armor was so silent when it was in motion. Silently, there was no more creaking sound, said Filch, who now guards the door every day, watching every little wizard coming in from outside, making sure that the soles of their shoes are clean.

As the time drew near, not only the staff, but even the professors became nervous.

The deans of the four colleges all watched closely the young wizards of their own colleges to avoid any problems with them.

Finally, the time came on the morning of October 30th. When Richard came to the auditorium to have breakfast, he suddenly found that the entire auditorium had been newly decorated.

On the walls hang four huge silk banners, each representing a Hogwarts house: Gryffindor on red with a golden lion, Ravenclaw on blue with a bronze eagle, and a black badger on yellow The one with a green background and a silver boa constrictor is a Slytherin. And behind the top chair, hung the largest banner with the Hogwarts coat of arms: Lion, Eagle, Badger, and Snake linked together, surrounded by a large letter H.

Just as Richard was about to have breakfast after he sat down, Penello sat beside him and began to prepare Richard what he liked to eat.

`Senior sister, are you going back to participate in the Triwizard Tournament?' Although there is no Penello in the original book, Richard still asked Penello just in case.

"Triwizard Tournament? No, of course I won't go to that one. You know, I have already practiced at the Ministry of Magic in advance. Although I don't have to go every day, but after a long time, I still want to go to the Ministry of Magic to fight for hegemony." Too much time wasted."

Penello said to Richard while bringing 10,000 pumpkin porridge to Richard.

"Oh, by the way, what department are you in?" Richard asked curiously.

"I am now appointed Assistant Secretary by Secretary Fudge."

"Assistant Minister? For a wizard who has not yet graduated from Hogwarts, it is a rare and good position.

"Yes, but I also know that it should be because of you. When I first arrived at the Ministry of Magic, Minister Fudge directly asked what was the relationship with you, and when he learned that our relationship was good, he immediately said Appointed me as Assistant Minister."

"Senior sister, what is our relationship? Why do we have a good relationship?" Richard leaned into Penello's ear and asked softly.

Penello glared at Richard coquettishly.

After breakfast, the entire Hogwarts was filled with a joyous atmosphere called anticipation.

In class, everyone could not listen to the class with peace of mind. Everyone was thinking about the fact that two wizards from foreign schools would come over in the evening. And the professors are also difficult, right? Li Hao) blamed them, even Professor Snape, who always hated Gryffindor, was very difficult in the Potions class and didn't deduct points from any of the little wizards of Gryffindor. He even stared at the little wizards of Slytherin throughout the class and kept making various demands on them, and even asked Goyle and Crabbe not to laugh at night because the two of them laughed like Be as silly as a troll.

After the class bell rang half an hour earlier, the whole of Hogwarts became a mess. All the little wizards rushed to their dormitories, and put down their schoolbags and textbooks as required by the notice. , changed clothes, put on the cloak, rushed to the hall and stood there.

And the deans of each college came there early, lined up for the little wizards of their respective colleges, and checked the outfits of the little wizards one by one.

It was late autumn now, so the air in the evening was a bit chilly. Fortunately, everyone put on cloaks. Night is falling, and ten rounds of pure white, translucent moons have hung over Forbidden Forest Zhengchen.

All the little wizards looked excitedly at the darkened venue, which meant that the people from the two colleges should be coming soon.

And at this moment, Headmaster Dumbledore standing in the front suddenly shouted.

"If I'm not mistaken, Beauxbaton's people are coming!".

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