My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 288 Warriors Of The Triwizard Tournament

It was 5:30 in the afternoon, Richard and the others bid farewell to Hagrid and prepared to return to the castle to attend the Halloween banquet. Of course, the most important thing was the announcement ceremony of the Triwizard Tournament.

After Hagrid heard the words of several people, he said immediately. "Wait for me for a while, I'll go with you."

After saying that, Hagrid put down the things in his hands, came to the side of the cook, found out a big bottle, and sprayed it vigorously on his body.

After a while, a strong pungent smell filled the whole house, and Richard and the others began to cough.

"Hagrid, what are you doing?" Harry asked.

"Huh? I'm wearing some cologne, don't you like it?"

"Cologne? Why does it smell like I've just shaved and put on lotion." Hermione pinched her nose and said.

"Well, that might be because I sprayed it too much, I'll wash it off." Hagrid came outside with a flushed face, directly stuck his head into the wooden bucket at the door, and started washing desperately.

"Cologne? Why would Hagrid use this!" Harry asked curiously.

Hermione said, pointing out the window. "Maybe it's because of that."

Harry and Ronald hurriedly looked out the window. It turned out that Mrs. Maxime of Beauxbatons and the students had already come out of the carriage. Just as they passed by Hagrid's cabin, Hagrid took the initiative to go up.

Although they couldn't hear what Hagrid said in the house, they were so mesmerized just watching Hagrid's expression.

Immediately afterwards, Hagrid seemed to have forgotten the people in his room, and he followed Madame Maxime without even taking a look.

"Oh my god, I thought he was waiting for us!" Harry yelled.

"He fell in love with her! I can't imagine, what if they have children in the future?

While urging a few people out, Richard said to Harry and the others.

"If it works, we should be happy for Hagrid, you know he's always been alone.

When the four of them came to the auditorium, it was already full of people, and the three of Harry could only sit tight at the end. Richard was different. Since he didn't know when, the place where he had been sitting seemed to be full of people. He has already been labeled, no matter whether he comes or not, no one sits.

Although today's dinner was worse than yesterday's, it was clear that the students were not focused on eating. Even the students of Ravenclaw, who had always been more comforted, looked at Dumbledore from time to time, just to see When can he finish eating.

Finally, under the eyes of everyone, the golden plate returned to its original spotless state, and the sound in the auditorium immediately increased several decibels. Immediately, Dumbledore stood up, and the auditorium became silent again.

"It seems that everyone has been waiting very anxiously. Well, in about a minute, the Goblet of Fire will give us the final list. Now listen to me, wait for the selected warriors, I hope they go Go to the top of the auditorium, then walk along the staff desks and into the next room where they will get their initial orientation."

At this moment, the goblet of fire on the triangular stool, which had been placed in the middle of the professor's chair, suddenly burst into dazzling light. Dumbledore took out his wand and waved it around. In an instant, except for the candle inside the pumpkin, all other All the light sources were extinguished, and everyone could immediately feel that the blue-white flame emitted by the Goblet of Fire was already a bit dazzling.

Everyone held their breath and watched the Goblet of Fire silently, not even daring to blink for fear of missing something.

At this moment, the flame in the Goblet of Fire suddenly changed from blue-white to red, and sparks sputtered out from time to time, and then, a flame stretched out from the Goblet of Fire, leaping into the air, and at the same time it brought out a piece of parchment. Then the flame color in the Goblet of Fire turned blue and white again

While everyone was watching, Dumbledore reached out to catch the parchment, and after a glance, Dumbledore gathered the parchment high above his head, and then shouted.

"Warrior of Durmstrang, Viktorkrum."

At this moment, all the students in the entire Hogwarts castle began to cheer.

And Viktor Krum didn't show much excitement when he heard his name, maybe because he still had a cold, he walked listlessly along the teacher's desk and came to the cubicle that Dumbledore mentioned at the beginning middle.

After the cheers gradually subsided, everyone's attention was once again focused on the Goblet of Fire.

A few seconds later, the same look came to the side again, the flames turned red, and the parchment was brought out, Dumbledore took a glance at it, and then showed it to the students below.

"Warrior of Beauxbatons, Fleur Delacour!"

Fleur rose gracefully from her seat, tossed her shiny silver hair, and walked lightly between the tables of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.

Unlike Krum, Krum was just chosen by default. After his name was announced, none of Durmstrang's representatives expressed surprise, and they all offered their blessings one after another.

But Beauxbaton was different. After Furong was selected, other representatives of Beauxbaton showed unwilling expressions, and two of them even burst into tears.

After Fleur Delacour also entered the next room, the auditorium fell silent instantly. After all, this is Hogwarts, and next is the Hogwarts warriors, so everyone looked nervously at the Goblet of Fire , more intently.

Without making people wait, the Goblet of Fire soon turned red again, sparks sputtered, tongues of flame shot high into the air, and Dumbledore pulled a third parchment from the tip of the flames.

"Master Hogwarts, Cedric Diggory!"

All of a sudden, this Hogwarts was like a boiling pot, completely boiling, especially the Hufflepuff table was deafening, every Hufflepuff student screamed, and even at least half of the students jumped directly onto the table .

Richard glanced at the professor's seat. At this time, Hufflepuff's dean, Professor Sprout, couldn't control himself, and lay on the body of Professor McGonagall beside him.

At this moment, Cedric Hufflepuff stood up from the desk, with a bright smile, and walked briskly towards the professor's seat. Just when he was about to turn around and walk towards the room, Professor Sprout stood up directly , crossed the table, and hugged Cedric tightly.

For years, Hufflepuff has been discriminated against by all the other Hogwarts houses as mediocre and incompetent, and now, this moment tonight "is Hufflepuff's.

Richard was also very embarrassed when he saw this scene. In fact, everyone underestimated Hufflepuff. They are kind, loyal, and hardworking. There has never been a black wizard in Hufflepuff since ancient times, and there have been many celebrities in Hufflepuff. Those who have been Minister of Magic, professors, singers, zoologists, Aurors, etc., they all have a characteristic of creating miracles for human victims.

After waiting for a long time, the sound of applause for Cedric stopped. Seeing that the auditorium was quiet again, Dumbledore said in a cheerful voice.

"`Great! It's a perfect choice. I believe that these three warriors are also what everyone hopes for, so I hope that, whether it is Hogwarts or the other students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, you can do your best. Go to support your respective warriors. You must know how much your cheering will bring us three warriors, and also bring great contributions to this event...."

Before Dumbledore could finish speaking, the color of the flame in the Goblet of Fire changed again. It was still the familiar color and the familiar steps. Dumbledore subconsciously grabbed the piece of parchment that spewed out, and he He lowered his head and glanced, and instantly showed an unbelievable look.

After about a minute of being in a daze like this, when the young wizards in the audience started to discuss, Dumbledore cleared his throat, then raised the parchment high, and shouted loudly.

"Hogwarts, Harry Potter.".

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