My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 293: The First Level Seen In Advance

After Richard and the others returned from Hogsmeade, it was already evening. In order to avoid starvation at night, Richard chose to have dinner even though he ate something in Hogsmeade.

In the foyer, Richard told Harry again not to forget about 12 o'clock in the evening, and then entered the auditorium alone.

After dinner, Richard first went back to the dormitory to rest for a while, and at half past eleven, he walked out of Ravenclaw's lounge and came to the foyer.

When Richard arrived, he found Cedric already waiting, and Filch and Mrs. Norris standing there.

"Filch, good evening, Mrs. Norris, and you too." While talking, Richard knelt down and took out some small dried fish prepared for Barnaby and fed them to Mrs. Norris.

Mrs. Norris first rubbed her head against Richard's palm, and then started to deal with the small dried fish in her mouth.

"I'm really sorry to trouble you, Mr. Jon."

"No, there is no trouble. It's just that a little wizard is here in the middle of the night. I don't feel at ease, so wait a minute. Since you are here, I will continue to patrol."

Filch forced a smile at Richard, and then led the reluctant Mrs. Norris up the marble staircase.

"It's unbelievable" I've never seen Filch smile at any little wizard. You're amazing!" Cedric said with a look of disbelief.

"It's nothing. Although Mr. Filch is strict with little wizards, he is absolutely loyal to Hogwarts. I have always respected him, so our relationship is not bad."

Although Richard's voice was not loud, because of the silence of the night, his voice reached Filch's ears on the second floor.

"Richard is a good man. He will definitely be a great wizard in the future, or he can become the next headmaster of Hogwarts, Mrs. Norris." Filch whispered to his cat Muttering, "Let's go, we can't be ashamed of Richard's praise [we must not let those little wizards who talk about beds break the rules of Hogwarts."

After speaking, Filch led Mrs. Norris to patrol and arrest people tirelessly.

As for Richard, after seeing Filch walk away, Harry quietly walked over from the door of the auditorium, and lifted his invisibility cloak to expose his head. Seeing the sudden appearance of a human head, Cedric was immediately frightened. Jumping, he was about to take out his wand, but he didn't react until he saw Harry's face.

"Okay, let's go too, it's getting late, Cedric, you also got into the invisibility cloak." Seeing what Cedric was going to say, Li Xian continued. "Illusions can't be hidden from a well-known wizard."

Hearing Richard's words, Cedric had no choice but to get inside the invisibility cloak. Although the invisibility cloak was not big, luckily Harry was relatively weak, so it could cover two people.

Seeing Cedric coming in, Harry was a little embarrassed. He didn't know what to say, so he could only nod to him, and Cedric responded with a smile at Harry.

When the three of them walked out of the gate, the field was pitch black. Richard took out his wand and waved it, and a white light appeared on the top of the wand. Although it was not very big, it still allowed them to see the path under their feet.

After passing the brightly lit Beauxbaton's carriage along the lawn, they came to Hagrid's hut, and Richard knocked on the door.

Hagrid stuck his head out of it immediately, and he asked in a low voice when he saw that it was Richard. "Are the two of them here?".?"

While Richard nodded, he commanded the broken teeth of the comb on Hagrid's head to fly down because of vigorous combing.

Then Hagrid came out and saw a flower stuck in the buttonhole of his clothes, which looked like a very large artichoke.

"Both of you cover up so you don't show it." Hagrid said as he walked out from the inside.

"Hagrid, I can't stay long, I have to go back early, or I will be found." Harry whispered to Hagrid in the cloak, but he didn't get any response, neither Hagrid nor Richard responded to him .

Hagrid walked towards Beauxbaton's carriage with big strides, and Richard didn't say anything but followed quietly, Cedric and Harry in the cloak had no choice but to follow quickly.

When he reached Beauxbaton's carriage, Hagrid tapped three times on the carriages with crossed golden wands.

Madame Maxim, who was also tall, seemed to have been waiting for a long time, and immediately opened the door from the inside. After seeing Hagrid, she smiled slightly.

"Ah, Hagrid, you're finally here, is it time?"

"Good evening." Hagrid said, while looking at Madam Maxim with a smile, he stretched out a hand and helped her down the steps of the carriage.

After Maxim came down, she saw Richard standing behind Hagrid, her face flushed slightly.

"Good evening, Madame Maxime, even the black night cannot conceal your elegance."

"Oh, you're so talkative Richard, unlike Hagrid, he just giggles."

"No, Ma'am Hagrid is not speechless, he is just absorbed in your graceful servant.

Looking at Hagrid who was smirking, Madame Maxime rolled her eyes at him in a rare way.

"Okay, let's go, it's worth seeing there, but, Madame Maxime, you can't tell anyone what you see later, you should know that you shouldn't know. If it wasn't for Hagrid's strong request... .”

Madam Maxim was taken aback for a moment, then nodded heartily, and then took the initiative to lift Hagrid's arm as a reward.

This made Hagrid feel a little giddy.

Next, Hagrid and Madame Maxime were in front, Richard followed, Harry and Cedric followed at the end, the group walked along the edge of the Forbidden Forest for a long time, the castle and the lake were out of sight.

At this moment, there was a man's shout and a deafening and sharp roar, which made the two warriors at the end stop at the same time. They glanced at each other, and when they were about to say something, they saw Richard There was already a little distance, and they hurriedly followed.

Soon, Hagrid, Madam Maxime and Richard stopped in their tracks, and Harry and Cedric hurried forward to stand beside them. The scene in front of them stunned the two Hogwarts warriors.

Fire dragons, that's right, fire dragons, or four fire dragons.

Four adult fire dragons that look very ferocious are currently being locked up in a field surrounded by planks. They stand on their hind legs and keep making shrill roars, and clusters of flames come from From their mouths they sprayed towards the black sky.

A silver-blue fire dragon with a pair of long, pointed horns kept roaring at the wizards on the field.

A green fire dragon with smooth scales is desperately stomping on the ground.

A red fire dragon is still continuously spraying flames into the air.

A black giant dragon, in comparison, it looks more like a dinosaur.

There are more than thirty wizards around these dragons, and for each fire dragon, seven or eight wizards are restraining them.

In their hands they held strong chains that connected to the dragon and the big thick leather straps that hung around the dragon's neck.

Then a wizard shouted loudly.

"The chain is useless! Wait until the count reaches three, and everyone casts the Stunning Charm together."

Then all the dragon tamers drew their wands.

"Stunning!" They shouted in unison, and immediately the stun spell shot at the fire dragons like a rocket. Soon the four fire dragons wobbled and fell to the ground.

Immediately the dragon tamers came forward, fastened the chains fast, fastened them firmly to the iron post, and nailed the iron post deep into the ground with their wands.

At this moment, Richard saw the red fire dragon that had been spitting fireballs at the sky just now, and its huge eyes turned. Just as Richard was about to shout, it was too late.

Richard had no choice but to quickly cast an Iron Armor Curse on the wizard closest to the dragon. Just as Richard put the Iron Armor Curse on, the red fire dragon opened its eyes and shot a fireball directly at the wizard.

In an instant, the wizard flew out, just flying to Hagrid's side.

Faced with this sudden encounter, the dragon trainers hastily drew out their wands again, and were just about to cast a stun spell on the fire dragon, but Richard, who was one step ahead, flew over with a stun spell, and the dragon trainers wanted to make up for it. One-handed, but seeing the red red dragon, it fell heavily to the ground and remained motionless.

Quick, go see how Charlie is doing?" A dragon trainer who seemed to be the leader shouted.

"I'm fine, Richard should have put the Iron Armor on me just now."

The sorcerer who flew over stood up, jumped on the spot, and found that there was nothing wrong with him, and went directly to Richard's side and hugged Richard.

"Hey Richard you saved me."

At this time, the sorcerer who had just shouted came over, and was taken aback when he saw Richard's appearance, then stretched out his left hand to him, and said.

"Thank you so much. I'm John. I'm in charge of these dragons. Was it you who cast the spell just now?"

"It's me, I'm Richard, the security officer for this Triwizard Tournament." Richard stepped forward and shook hands with John.

And only then did John discover that Richard didn't even have a wand. What kind of monster is this? Can casting spells without a wand be so powerful? John looked at the little wizard in front of him in shock.

On the other hand, Hagrid and Madame Maxime, and Cedric and Harry who were hiding in the invisibility cloak all walked over. After getting closer, Harry immediately recognized the wizard who was still holding Richard

He turned out to be Ronald's brother Charlie Weasley.

"They should be more stable now. Before coming here, we gave them sleeping pills (Li Le's), and the journey went relatively smoothly, but we were a little tired after flying all the way, so we relaxed our vigilance, but I thought they would be so irritable after waking up, it seems that they are in a bad mood."

John said while looking at the person who was dealing with the fire dragon below, "Charlie, you entertain them, I'll go first, the kid who just arrived is still a little rusty.

After finishing speaking, John nodded towards Richard and the others, and went down.

"Charlie, please introduce these dragons to us." Richard said to Charlie. Of course he recognized them, but Harry and Cedric probably couldn't tell them apart. Taking this opportunity to let Charlie introduce them would help them understand more.

"You should know this. The red one is the Chinese Fireball, the black one is the Hungarian Horntail, the green one is the Welsh Green Dragon, and the silver-blue one is the Swedish Short-Snouted Dragon."

"Then can I touch them?" Seeing the huge points at my fingertips, I can't help myself.

Charlie thought for a while and said embarrassedly.

"It's better not to, although they are already comatose now, but you also know that their sense of smell is very sensitive, and the competition is about to begin, we can't use potions on them anymore, why don't we wait, anyway, the first One project is these dragons, after the first project is finished, when we take them back, we will feed them a lot of potions, and then you can touch them however you want, is that okay?"

Richard didn't want to embarrass Charlie, and he wasn't in a hurry, so he nodded in agreement. .

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