My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 297 Final Preparations Before The Game

Soon the time came to Tuesday, which made all Hogwarts students excited. The atmosphere of the whole school was full of tension and excitement, and the school did not force the little wizards to stay in the classroom. They knew that even if they stayed in the classroom, no one would pay attention to the class. Fortunately, all grades were suspended at noon.

Many of the suspended students gathered in the playground outside Hogwarts Castle, but the secrecy work was done very well. The whole venue was well covered, and no one could see anything from the outside, but This still couldn't dampen the enthusiasm of the little wizard, they still gathered in an endless stream.

Even the little wizard Ravenclaw, who has always been relatively stable, was slowly losing his temper. During lunch, all the Ravenclaws asked Richard about the afternoon's game, of course Richard would not say anything.

Before the lunch was over, Richard was called away by the staff of the Ministry of Magic. Because he was the security officer of the competition, Li Xian needed to go to the venue in advance.

When Richard climbed over the high fence and entered the venue for the first event of the Triwizard Tournament, he found that the dragon trainer had been waiting there early. It was still the same as last time, with seven or eight people surrounded by the fire dragon. But fortunately, all the fire dragons seemed to be sleeping, and they were extraordinarily quiet.

After determining the position of the Warriors, as well as the position of the Fire Dragon and their eggs, in line with the principle of not interfering with the Warriors' game and responding in the shortest time, Richard selected the position of his security guard, and then he Just under the leadership of the staff, I entered a tent. This tent is located near the grove where Richard came last time. It can just block the back. As long as the warriors come from the front, they will never see what they need to face behind. , Of course, now that all the warriors know the content of the first project, they don't need to read it.

When Richard walked 20 into the tent, Mr. Bagman was already inside.

"Oh, Mr. Harris, how about you coming over too, do you have any thoughts about the game?"

"It's very good and very meaningful. I have to say that the Department of Sports and Sports of the Ministry of Magic organized it very well." Thinking that four dragons will be drawn soon, Richard said sincerely.

"Haha, of course, we have a lot of experience in hosting large-scale competitions. Of course, Hogwarts has also given us a lot of help." Buggy said with a smile on his face.

"By the way, Mr. Bagman, do you want to make an offer?" Richard smiled strangely.

Hearing Richard's words, Bagman was very moved. After all, he was a little injured by Richard last time. Do you want to recover blood in the opening game? Of course, even if the game is opening, you can't play with Richard. Just when Bagman was about to make a speech, there was a loud noise outside.

"Let's talk about this later, there should be some warriors coming over."

Before Bagman finished speaking, Viktor Krum of Durmstrang opened the curtain of the tent and walked in. He looked gloomy, and it could be seen from his clenched hands that he was tension.

When Krum saw Richard and Bagman who were already in the tent, he managed to squeeze out a slightly piercing smile, and then walked into the corner silently without saying anything.

Seeing the Warriors coming in, Richard and Bagman did not continue the topic just now. After all, it is a bit immoral to discuss the fact of the opening in front of the Warriors.

Cedric from Hogwarts also walked in during the front and rear foot time. He saw Richard standing there thinking for a while, but in the end he didn't go there. After all, they belonged to Hogwarts, and Richard even led them to cheat. It must be to avoid danger, so Cedric did not go to Richard but came to a place not far from Krum, stood there for a while

Cedric felt the low pressure coming from Clement's side, and he became more and more emboldened, and then he started pacing back and forth, hoping that this would ease his nervousness a little.

Immediately afterwards, Beauxbaton's Fleur also came in, her pale face softened a little when she saw Richard, and she came to Richard and whispered.

"Richard, are you saying we really have to face the dragon alone?"

Richard ignored Bagman's staring eyes and comforted Fleur.

"This is likely to be the case, but don't worry, those dragon trainers are watching, they will not let you be eaten alive by the fire dragon, and will definitely try their best to help you before you are half dead, but This still requires you to raise the white flag and surrender first."

It’s okay if Richard didn’t say anything. After he finished his sentence, the three warriors lost their composure. Krum’s gloomy face became even uglier. fall.

Furong's face was already paler than when she first came in, and even looked a little sick.

At this time, Harry with a confused face was the last to lift the curtain and walked in from the outside. Originally, he wanted to smile at everyone, but because of muscle spasms caused by too much tension, his smile at this time was too much for everyone to see. ferocious.

Ludo Bagman, who had been idling by Richard's side all the time, was very excited when he saw Harry coming in. He walked quickly to the middle of the tent, and first said to Harry.

"Harry, it's great that you're finally here, come in, don't stay there, relax, look how nervous you are."

Seeing Harry walking to Richard's side consciously, Bagman nodded in satisfaction, and then began to happily explain the procedure of the first competition.

"Harry, now that all the warriors are here, the game will start soon, and it's time to introduce the game process to you."

"First of all, after all the spectators are here, you take out the models from this cloth bag." While speaking, Bagman raised a purple satin bag in his hand, and shook it at the others . "The models you drew from your pockets are what you need to face today. Of course, they must be different, um, different types, yes, they are types, but I will definitely not tell you now, it must be You draw it yourself, otherwise there will be a lot of surprises missing."

After finishing speaking, Bagman blinked his eyes very cutely, Richard resisted the feeling of vomiting and said.

"Mr. Bagman, you haven't told them what they need to do?"

"Oh, that's right, our security officer reminded me, and finally I want to tell you, golden eggs, that's right, the task of this competition is that you need to pass through obstacles to pick up golden eggs, and we will use you to pick up golden eggs The performance in the process will give you marks, so you must pay attention.'

After listening to Bagman's words, the faces of all the warriors turned green, and they went to steal the female dragon's eggs, which was like lighting the lamps in the toilet-looking for death.

After Bagman finished his explanation, he left the tent, leaving only Richard and the four warriors behind. Harry stood beside Richard, and wanted to say something to ease his tension, but when the words came to his lips, he He couldn't say it, because he was afraid that he would spit it out when he opened his mouth.

Seeing Harry's nervous expression, Richard patted his shoulder, and then spoke to Harry in a normal voice.

"Take it easy, Harry, when you wait for the game, if you really feel that you have no hope, then I have a trick that will definitely work."

Hearing Richard's words, not only Harry, but also Krum, Cedric, and Fleur all looked at Li Sheng immediately.

And Richard saw that everyone was looking at him, so he didn't pretend to speak directly.

"Slider! Can you slide a shovel?" Seeing Harry nod vigorously, Richard continued.

"Wait, if you really can't do it, you can slide and shovel directly at the fire dragon."

Hearing Richard's words, Harry's eyes lit up, and he asked Richard in a hoarse voice.

"Is this so that the fire dragon can't see me?"

"Of course it's impossible. The fire dragon just has bad eyesight, but it's not blind. I just simply think that if you do this, it will make it easier for the fire dragon to swallow you without biting and chewing. It's also convenient to keep a The whole body does not need to suffer too much pain."

After listening to Richard's words, the faces of the four of them darkened in an instant. Is this a human language? But this also partially relieved the nervousness of several people.

At this moment, countless footsteps, noisy conversations, and laughter came from outside the tent. It turned out that the audience had already started to enter.

The warriors, who were relieved because of Richard's cold joke just now, immediately tensed up again, and they all knew that "the game will officially start after the audience has finished entering the arena.

Just when the warriors were uneasy, the door curtain was opened once, and Bagman walked in with the purple bag, and all the warriors turned their eyes to his hands, and the time to decide the fate was coming.

But Bagman changed his normal routine, untied the rope of his pocket without any ink marks, and came to Furong.

"Ladies first, please, Mademoiselle Delacour."

Seeing the purple satin pocket in front of her, Furong took a deep breath, and put her hand in it. After a while, she took out a mini Welsh green dragon with a No. 2 hanging around its neck, made of this model Very fine and slightly warped. 350

Looking at this fire dragon model, Richard rolled his eyes. He had to say that it was really well done. Arianna would definitely like it. On the premise that Arianna was a girl, Richard, the sister-in-law madman, had already thought about it. How should I add a few collections to her toy box.

Then without any surprises, Krum drew the No. 3 Fireball Dragon, Cedric drew the No. 1 Short-Snouted Dragon, and the last Harry didn't have to draw "it must be the last Horntail.

Looking at the Horntail in his hand, which was spreading its wings and showing its tiny fangs, Harry's face turned red and then green. He didn't know what to say now, since he was the youngest one, and they were all voluntary. Only he was forced to draw the most difficult Horntail, what on earth did he do!

Just then Bagman continued speaking.

"Okay, you've all got your respective models, now it's time to tell you, yes, what you need to deal with is the fire dragon." Speaking of this, Bagman looked at several people deliberately, but none of them showed any surprise This made Bagman feel a little frustrated, but he continued to speak.

"The numbers on their necks are the order in which you appear. Mr. Diggory, you are the first to enter. When you hear the whistle, you go out with Mr. Harris. Alright, I'm going out to explain now. That's right, that's right, Harry, come out with me, I have a few words to say to you.

Hearing Bagman's words, Harry followed Bagman to the outside of the tent in a daze.

"Are you all right, Harry, how are you feeling? Do you need my help?"

"Ah? Me? Oh, thank you, but I don't need any help." Facing the sudden scene, although Harry was a little confused, he still flatly refused.

"Don't be embarrassed Harry, you should know that you are at a disadvantage among them, after all you are still too young.

"No, no need for Mr. Bagman, I already have a countermeasure."

"Don't worry, Harry, no one will know, I guarantee it."

"Really no need for Mr. Bagman....

Just when Bagman was about to continue persuading Harry, a loud whistle sounded suddenly, Bagman no longer cared about Harry, and hurriedly ran towards the venue

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