My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 301 The End Of The First Round

Outside the Forbidden Forest, inside the first aid tent

At this moment, Hermione saw that Harry and Ronald finally reconciled, her eyes were red, and Richard was also very happy, because during the days when Harry and Ronald didn't speak, Harry would come to him for anything, which was a shame. Richard was very speechless, let these two little wizards do it together, he still wants to be a quiet and handsome man.

"Okay, Harry, you should have no problem, let's go out and check your grades together."

As he spoke, Richard pulled Hermione who had been coaxed by him, and walked out of the tent with Harry and Ronald.

Ignoring the whispers of Ronald and Harry behind, Richard led them directly to the edge of the arena instead of sitting in the auditorium, at this time the Horntail had already been taken away

The original potholes were also restored.

The five referees were sitting on elevated chairs, still whispering to each other.

"Okay, now that the last warrior has passed the game, let's take a look at his score.

"The first one, Madam Maxim, please show your score." At this time, the referee sitting on the far left, Madam Maxim, raised her magic wand into the air, and a strand of silver thread came from her The tip of the wand sprayed out, forming a big "8" in the air.

"Very good, the final score given by Madam Maxim is 8 points!"

"Second Mr. Crouch, please give yourself a score of "823", very good, wink!"

"The third principal Dumbledore, please give your score, very good, also 9 points!"

"Next, let's look at Professor Karkaroff's score. Oh, my God, is he really joking? It turned out to be 4 points! I don't want to comment on this." At this time, there were boos in the entire arena.

"The last person, that is, me, Ludo Bagman, I want to give Harry a score of 10, full score!"

"Ten? This is not a joke, I'm hurt." Seeing the score Bagman gave himself, Harry also widened his eyes.

"Okay, now all the competitions for the first event are over, first of all let us congratulate them all for completing the competition, now let me report all the scores, currently the first place is Harry from Hogwarts Potter and Durmstrang's Viktor Krum both scored 40, followed by Beauxbatons' Fleur Delacour on 38 and Hogwarts' Cedric on 36 , By the way, all warriors, please go to the tent just now in 10 minutes, and I need to inform you about the next stage of the game.

After Bagman's voice disappeared, Ronald hugged Harry excitedly and shouted loudly.

"You're number one, Harry, how nice to hear it's number one without you!" Then he complained again.

"It's all due to that Karkaroff, if it wasn't for him who only gave you 4 points, then you wouldn't be tied with Krum."

Harry has no complaints about this, even if Karkaroff gave him zero points, he wouldn't care, who cares about a Death Eater's points, besides, he has already got what he wants most, which is to be with Ronald's friendship was restored, which was more precious to him than anything, and of course, he didn't tell Ronald the thought.

Moreover, what made Harry even more happy was that not only Ronald, but also the Gryffindors, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff started to support him during the match, just like they supported Cedric.

"Okay, Harry and I are going to the warrior's tent now, are you going to wait here or go back first?"

"Of course I'm here waiting for you." Ronald had just reunited with Harry, and he didn't want to leave Harry now. If possible, he even wanted to go to the warrior's tent with Harry.

"Okay then, you guys wait here for a while, hey, isn't that Charlie? You can talk to him about the fire dragon." Richard saw from a distance that Charlie was walking this way.

After speaking, he and Harry walked out through the gap in the fence and headed towards the tent.

At this moment, Harry no longer had the feeling of just walking this path, and now he felt the breeze was so comfortable, "Even the trees on both sides of the path look so lovely.

When the two returned to the tent again, both Harry and Richard felt a burst of warmth. Harry was because he finished the competition alive, and before the competition, he even knew whether he could walk out of the competition alive.

And Richard is because he has completed the most important thing at this stage, the chance to get the fire dragon, or four fire dragons, and the rest can only be left to fate.

Not even a minute after they entered the tent, Fleur, Krum, and Cedric entered one after another, and the last Bagman even jumped in briskly, with a joyful look, as if he had just won the tent. The same as the victory of the exhibition.

"Very good, very good, you all did a great job, I would like to congratulate you for successfully completing the competition, and then, let's get down to business, the next stage, that is, the second project, will be held in February next year It will be held at 9:30 am on the 24th, before that, you have a very long time to recover your state and find clues for the second project, look at the golden egg in your hands."

Hearing Bagman's words, the four warriors all looked at the golden egg they had obtained with all their efforts. Seeing the actions of the warriors, Bagman was very satisfied, and he continued.

"Did you see in the middle of the golden egg, there is a gap, along this gap you can open the golden egg, the clue to the next item is inside this golden egg, it will tell you what the second item is , What preparations do you need to make? Of course, it will definitely not be very straightforward. This requires you to use your brains to think carefully.

"Okay, that's all I want to say, you all understand, if there is no problem, I will leave."

Seeing that all the warriors shook their heads, Bagman left the tent directly.

Krum and Cedric also left. Richard glanced at Fleur, who was not looking very well, and told Harry to wait for him outside the tent, and don't leave alone.

After seeing Harry leave, Richard came to Fleur's side and asked her.

"The game is over, why do you look very unhappy."

"I don't understand why my score is not as good as theirs. Obviously my time is not long, and they are all injured. I am not injured, but my clothes are burned."

"It's nothing. In the final analysis, it's not because of you, but because of them. You have to know that Harry and Krum both got ten points in the first place, but their performance is worthy of ten points." Furong, you are not a child anymore, you should understand a problem, part of the results on the field depends on the outside of the field, but let me say, you are the best in the first round, after all, only you are the best Completely completed the whole game, and they were all alone, only thinking about getting the golden egg, not thinking about how to protect themselves after the golden egg, if there is no me as a security guard behind, I am afraid they will not be able to survive Going down is a problem."

After listening to Richard's words, Furong thought for a while, and then showed a confident and charming smile again.

Seeing that Fleur had already thought about it, Richard didn't plan to stay any longer, after all, he had just coaxed Hermione well.

After Richard and Fleur left the tent, they separated, and then Richard and Harry re-entered the field from the fence, and walked towards Hermione and the others, when they saw Hermione, Ronald and Charlie were talking to someone what..0

Harry took two quick steps, and finally saw the man's appearance clearly.

"Hey, Sirius, you're here too! Did you see my performance just now?" Harry said excitedly to Sirius.

"Of course, I see it very clearly. After seeing what that Krum did, I was worried and anxious. I have to say that the Eye Sickness Curse is not a suitable spell. Here I want to apologize to you. I didn't take your age into account, but fortunately you have a better plan, and you completed it perfectly, I'm really proud of you." Sirius said, giving Harry a firm hug.

"No, it's all them. Richard gave me the tactics. Hermione gave me special training on the Flying Curse. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to summon the Firebolt." Having said that, Harry paused and said, " And of course Ronald inspired me in a very special way."

Hearing Harry's words, Ronald's face turned red instantly.

"Oh, Harry, whatever you say, you did a great job. I must tell my mother what you did. I swear I will tell her everything. You know she is worried.

Charlie turned to look at Richard as he spoke.

"Richard, are you coming with me to see those dragons? We're going back to Romania tonight."

"Let's forget it. During today's competition, I had contact with them alone, and I think they should be willing to see me again, so I don't want to cause you any trouble."

Richard's purpose has been achieved, so he rejected Charlie decisively.

Hearing what Richard said, Charlie nodded, and then said.

"Okay, let's continue talking. I'm going to go there first. Now the fire dragons are almost awake. We need to feed them, and then give them the potion. The way back is not close."

After speaking, Charlie hugged everyone and said goodbye and left.

"Let's go and sit at Hagrid's place. There are some things I need to tell Harry." As he said that, Sirius led several people to Hagrid's hut.

After entering Hagrid's hut, Hagrid enthusiastically served tea and desserts to everyone, but no one took the initiative to take the Hagrid-style desserts, even Richard, who always liked Hagrid's taste, didn't want to try again at this time up.

"Harry, I told you before that Karkaroff is very suspicious, but after this competition, I feel that his suspicion is slightly less." Little Wolf Star speculated out of courage.

"What? Why do you say that?" Harry asked in surprise, while Hermione said thoughtfully.

"Then Ludo Bagman is more suspicious?"

Under the surprised expressions of Harry and Ronald, Sirius nodded slowly and said.

"I thought so too, otherwise it wouldn't explain why he gave Harry such a high score.'

"Wait, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Hagrid asked confusedly, confused.

Harry told Hagrid what Sirius had investigated. At this time Richard expressed a different opinion.

"Karkaroff aside, I don't think there's anything wrong with Bagman."

After hearing Richard's words, everyone was stunned, and Sirius hurriedly asked.

"Then why did he give Harry such a high score?"

"It's actually very simple, because he is very short of money. During the World Cup, he lost too much. As a result, he should be heavily in debt now, so he must want to take advantage of this Triwizard Tournament to get some money back."

After hearing what Richard said, everyone was speechless, well, what you said makes sense.

"Then who the hell, who put my name in the Goblet of Fire?" Harry scratched his head in distress.

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