My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 313: A Journey To Hogsmeade Without Richard

Without Richard, Hermione felt very tormented. She lost interest in everything she did. Even in her favorite library, Hermione would often sit there blankly for a whole day before realizing that she hadn't done any homework. Can go back to work overtime in the Gryffindor common room.

Harry and Ronald saw Hermione's state very clearly, just when they thought they had to do something, the opportunity came.

In mid-January, there was a notice on the notice board in the foyer that they could go to Hogsmeade last weekend. Harry and Ronald went to find Hermione immediately after seeing the notice.

"Hermione, you can go to Hogsmeade tomorrow, let's go together."

"No, I still have a lot of homework to do, and Harry, are you really going? You can study the golden egg carefully while there is no one around."

"Golden egg, I, I think I've worked it out." Harry lied.

Hearing Harry's words, Hermione showed a very rare smile in so many days.

"Really? That would be wonderful."

"Since Harry has already researched it, then Hermione, you can go with us." Ronald said.

"That's right, you've been too tired recently, let's relax properly." Harry followed suit.

Hermione thought for a while, and agreed.

On Saturday morning, the three of them left Hogwarts Castle together, walked through the cold and wet lawn, and came to the path to Hogsmeade village together with the flow of people.

Just when they passed the Black Lake, they saw Durmstrang's big ship. At this time, Durmstrang's warrior Viktor Krum walked from the cabin to the deck in swimming trunks and did a few After warming up, he climbed onto the side of the boat flexibly, and then jumped into the icy lake water with a plop while the master was dumbfounded.

The three of them looked at each other, and at this moment they shuddered unconsciously.

"My God, is he crazy? It's January, is he trying to freeze to death at Hogwarts?" Harry asked puzzled.

"He's probably winter swimming," Hermione, who was a little more knowledgeable, said uncertainly. "Many Muggle people swim in the sea or lake when the weather is very cold, which can strengthen their physique."

"What? Are Muggles so powerful? I've never heard of any wizard doing this." Ronald was very surprised at this moment.

Ignoring Krum, the three of them came to Hogsmeade Village. They first went to the Honeydukes Candy Store to buy some candy, and then went directly to the Three Broomsticks bar.

At this time, the bar was very crowded as usual when they came to Hogsmeade, Hermione went to the corner to find a free table, Harry and Ronald went to the bar and bought three glasses from Madam Rosemerta Butterbeer, and kicked Hermione's way.

"Look, isn't that Mr. Bagman? Why does he wear this all the time, doesn't he have to go to work at the Ministry of Magic?" Ronald looked at another table not far away.

Both Hermione and Harry looked over, at this time Ludo Bagman was sitting at a table in another corner with some goblins, he was lowering his voice, talking to the goblins, but the goblins had their arms around their shoulders , with an arrogant look. But Mr. Bagman was very nervous, and even looked a little humble in the eyes of the three of them.

At this moment, Ludo also saw Harry and the others. His eyes lit up, and he pointed at Harry and said something to the goblins. The goblins all looked at Harry, who was a little confused at this time, but soon they He turned his attention to Mr. Bagman again, and said something to Bagman in a voice that everyone could hear.

"It's better like this, otherwise, even if you are an official of the Ministry of Magic, you can't stop us~.

After finishing speaking, the goblins stood up and left the bar. Mr. Bagman sat there in a daze for a while, then stood up too, but instead of leaving the bar, he walked towards Harry and the others.

When Mr. Bagman walked to Harry's table, a familiar smile appeared on his round face.

"Harry, I really didn't expect to meet you here, how is it? How are you doing recently?"

"Ah, good, thank you." Harry replied doubtfully.

"I don't know if I can have a chat with you alone, so I can leave it for the later comparison."

The ignorant Harry thought that Mr. Bagman was going to tell him what the warriors needed to know, so he nodded in agreement and followed him back to his table.

"Harry, you did a great job last time, and I'm talking about the Horntail."

"Thank you." Harry patiently listened to Mr. Bagman's nonsense. Harry knew that this was not what he wanted to say. After all, he didn't need to hide the celebration from others, so he still looked at Mr. Bagman.

"Harry, how is your research on that golden egg going?" Bagman asked softly.

"It's okay, it's okay, the riddle should be solved soon."

Bagman seemed to understand Harry's lies, and continued to speak in a low voice.

"Listen Harry, I know you didn't volunteer for the Triwizard Tournament, but you, you should understand that we all want you to win.

"You?" Harry asked puzzled. "Why? Obviously I'm not the hot guy, I mean, they're all older and better than me. 11

"No, Harry, you have to understand that this is Hogwarts and Britain. We all hope that the champion of the restarted Triwizard Tournament can stay at Hogwarts." So it means a lot to us that you can win the championship. important."

Had it not been for Richard's analysis that Bagman should have opened the bet that he would win, Harry would have almost believed it.

"So, I can give you some hints if you want."

"But, shouldn't we let us solve this alone? After all, it's a job."

Hearing Harry's words, Bagman seemed a little impatient, and he raised his voice slightly.

"Don't be stupid, if you really only rely on warriors, then you won't know about the fire dragon in the first round, don't tell me you don't know."

Hearing Bagman's words, Harry didn't know how to answer for a moment, but he still insisted.

"Then these words, have you told Cedric, isn't he also a Hogwarts warrior?"

Hearing Harry's words, Bagman was at a loss for words for a moment, and his face became ugly. After Harry saw it, he quickly changed the topic.

"By the way, Mr. Bagman, what did those goblins do just now?"

Bagman immediately tensed up when he heard Harry's words.

"He, they, uh, they're looking for Barty Crouch."

"Mr. Crouch?" Harry asked strangely. "Why are you looking for him here, doesn't he work for the Ministry of Magic?"

"To be honest, we don't know where he has been. It's been almost two weeks. His assistant, that's what Percy said Crouch was sick. But it seems that he has been using the owl command , don’t tell anyone about this, okay, Harry, you may not know, that Lita Skeeter has been inquiring about Crouch, if she finds out, no one knows what she will say, but I guess there's a good chance she'll say that Crouch is as missing as Bertha Jorkins."

Hearing this name again, Harry's heart suddenly throbbed for unknown reasons.

So did you find her? Bertha Jorkins. Any news of her?"

"Unfortunately, no, I have arranged many people to search for it, but things are very strange. We only know that she must have arrived in Albania. This is what her cousin told us, and then we went to find her Aunt, her aunt told us that she hadn't been there, so she just disappeared after seeing her cousin, damn it, I don't understand, how could she disappear....Okay, Harry we Don't talk about this anymore, you are thinking about it, in fact..."

Just when he was about to say something, Fred and George who suddenly appeared interrupted what he wanted to say.

"Mr. Bagman, hello, we would like to buy you a drink, can we chat?" Fred said.

"No, no need, thank you for your kind children? I should go, after all, I have a lot to do." Bagman stood up while talking, and he said to Harry again before leaving.

"Harry, I've been at Hogwarts recently, you can come to me whenever you need, don't be shy."

Harry agreed against his will, even though he knew he would never go to Bagman.

Seeing that Harry agreed, Bagman nodded in satisfaction, and then left directly. The twins greeted Harry with a disappointed expression and left the bar.

And Harry went straight back to Hermione and the others.

"What did he tell you?" Roth asked hastily before Harry even sat down.

"He said he wanted to give me some tips, but I refused." Harry said bluntly.

"What? He wants to give you a hint? How could it be like this, he is the referee, this is cheating, and you have also researched it?" Hermione said in surprise.

"Well, yes, it's almost done." Harry said awkwardly. At this moment, Harry made up his mind and must solve it as soon as possible.

"Where are the goblins? Have you asked? Those goblins don't look very friendly.'

"I asked, and Bagman said that those goblins came to find Crouch. He never went to work at the Ministry of Magic. As for why they were looking for Crouch, Bagman didn't say anything."

"It's really strange. Why did the goblins go to Crouch? Normally, they should have more contact with the Department of Magical Beasts Control." Hermione said curiously.

"Who knows, they want to avenge that house elf." The ignorant Ronald said casually.

"Just because you listen to a little bit of class, you won't say such things. Those goblins are different from house elves. Although they look alike, they are not of the same race. House elves They don’t know how to protect their rights at all, but those goblins are different, they are very good at dealing with wizards.”

Seeing that Hermione was about to start talking about her S.P.E.W. again, Harry and Ronald couldn't help but shuddered and stopped her with one voice. .

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